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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
I Know What You Did Last Summer

I Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I Know What You Did Last Summer
Review: It was even scarier than Scream. I loved the movie and the acting was realy good.
If you see this movie you are going love it...and you will never want to drive again...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsomly thrilling
Review: I love this movie to DEATH. This is the best horror movie ever. It gory, but not to gory. It's scary. There is languge though, they have G-D in it 2, They have the F- word in it about 20 times, give or take a thew. The cast rock's. The cast is an inportant part of the movie, with an awful cast it ruin's the movie. But this movie seem's flawless. There is no sexual content in it, wich rock's for us younger viewers. Nudity, there is none. They had 2 oppertunitys for nudity, but they didn't take them, wich I think they have class for not doing it. All in all it rock's. But don't watch it on t.v. , it butcher's it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Favorite Movie
Review: This is the best horror movie you could see, If you love horror movies with scary dialouge, great actor's, dead bodies and gore then you'll love this movie as much as I do. I first saw this movie when I was getting ready to go to a party, I started watching it after it had been on for the first 10 minutes and didn't see the opening where they hit the man, and left when helen was at her show, I was mad that I had missed so much and that I had to leave, but when I got home and turned on my t.v., low and behold it was on again, but I still missed the begining, Then a few day's later, lucky me, my dad rented me the movie, (he didn't read the back) I wasn't allowed to see rated R movies then, and my mom couldn't read that it was rated R and didn't ask, the next day she found out and said I couldn't watch it again, AND IT WAS MY FAVORITE MOVIE! But now that I'm turning 14 I'm going to buy it! You should 2! There's are alot of profanitys and violence and gore. THIS MOVIE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 1 stars

"I can't wait for the next horror movie with Ja Rule!"

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: one of my favorites
Review: I Know What You Did Last Summer is a (loose) adaptation of the childrens book, by Lois Duncan. It focuses primarily on the four main characters... intelligent, level headed, heroin Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt), her well intentioned, typical nice guy boyfriend Ray Bronson (Freddie Prinze Jr), her best friend the rich and popular beauty queen Helen Shivers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), and Helens rich, macho, handsome football star boyfriend Barry Cox (Ryan Phillippe) The four teens have just graduated high school and are prepared to spend a summer of "immature adolescent decadance" as said by Barry. Things didnt go as planned
On July 4th Helen appeats in the Miss Croaker beauty contest and is crowned queen, much to the excitement of her friends and especially Barry. The four kids decide to celebrate by heading down to a secluded beach for a night of scary stories, drinking and sex, your typical teenage summer night. In what is to be their last decent decision of the movie, they agree Ray is to drive drunken Barrys BMW home that night. Barry stands up through the sunroof, spills alcohol and distracts Ray long enough to hit a crossing man head on. At first they disagree on what to do, call the police, or dump the body. Barry argues that if they come clean theyre dreams will be ruined. His as a football star, Helens as a famous actress, Rays as a writer, and Julie's as a lawyer. Much to Julie's dismay, they agree to dispose of the body in the ocean. They vow never to speak of the incident again.
One year later everythings changed. Julie comes home for the summer (after practically failing out of college in Boston) and recieves an anonymous note from someone claiming they know what happened the previous summer. Panicked, Julie turns to her former best friend Helen for help. Helen immediately wonders how now ex boyfriend Barry will react. Barry is skeptical, sure its someone messing around. After hes nearly run down with his own car by a man in an impossibly creepy fishing slicker, his attitude changes. The estranged foursome is forced to come back together to fight for their lives. From then on, the movie is a series of scares and edge of your seat suspense. Especially the famous Helen chase.
All and all great movie with respectable acting. Jennifer Love Hewitt was actually tolerarble in a sense other than being easy on the eyes. Freddie Prinze was sincere and adorable. However the always beautiful Sarah and the absolutely hunky Ryan stole the show. Both were believable and managed to make their stereotypicaLly vapid characters dimmensional. It hit me how well the acting was done when Helen watched Barry get hooked and I actually cared, felt bad for them. Rent this one for fun, but not in search of meaningful messages. Dont watch it alone ;)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Still watchable
Review: I finally got my hands on another copy of this, after my last disc decided to go walkabout from the case. I'm still none the wiser as to what happened to it, despite going through all my other DVDs, of which every one was still in its correct place. I'm currently waiting for it to turn up, now I have another copy.

Rewatching these movies is kinda hard, as they're very basic now. They don't have the magic (or extras) of the Scream trilogy. They're OK to watch once. With a cast of 20-somethings playing horny teenagers - Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ryan Phillippe & Freddie Prinz Jnr - there's a bit of eye candy for both sexes to drool over, although Jennifer running about in little more than a tight little vest top and not much else does nothing for me!

Basically, all these slasher movies have been remade over & over again, and there's nothing new to them anymore. They're full of hunky guys, and girls doing a lot of running and not having the sense to bind their chests, or wear some scaffolding for a bra.

With the Scream trilogy DVD set having a bunch of extras, it's disappointing with this DVD, and for the sequel too, having virtually no extras. Or a music video on the sequel. There's also no third in the set to this movie, despite both movies having a cliffhanger ending - was it real, was it a dream?

What I'd like is a slasher movie with a twist. Gimme one.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not As Good As Scream, But Decent
Review: [3.5 Stars If Possible]

A year after writing Scream, Kevin Williamson is back with a screenplay interpretation of the Lois Duncan novel 'I Know What You Did Last Summer.' It's kind of ironic because IKWYDLS contains a lot of the clichés that Scream parodies. Out of the two, I prefer Scream.

The movie has many plot holes, but makes up for it with a good core cast of Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe and Freddie Prinze, Jr. (playing Julie James, Helen Shivers, Barry William Cox, and Ray Bronson, respectively). Anything with JLH and SMG is just an erection waiting to happen. The characters may be unoriginal, but at least they are developed.

The plot of the movie is pretty simple. Four teens accidentally hit a man with their car on the night of July 4th. They dump him into the ocean as to not get caught, even though it was an accident. They vow to take it to their graves and never mention it again. They live their lives as normal as possible. That is, until one year later when Julie receives a letter that says "I know what you did last summer."

The original four get back together and all recieve indicators that someone knows what they did. They try to find out who knows and, as they do, a body count begins. This continues until a confrentation with the murderous madman at the climax of the movie. The ending sets up for a sequel, which would end up coming out a year later in 1998.

Plot twists are thrown in and there is a sense of mystery pertaining to the killer's identity. This adds to the entertainment of the movie. While not as gorey or violent as Scream, it still has some good kills. The fisherman's weapon of choice, afterall, is a fishhook.

The DVD is quite a letdown. Scream has a lot of cool bonus features, so I thought this might have some good things (not just because of the fact that they had the same writer, but moreso because they were the two biggest horror movies at the time). All it has is a theatrical trailer and production notes, which was disappointing.

IKWYDLS is just another movie trying to make some money off of the teen horror phenomenon in the 90's started by Scream, but falls short. It's not a bad movie, but it's not a great movie either. It's just.. mediocre.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 3.0 Stars!
Review: Pretty good film, but not as good as Scream! The beginning scene where the kids are driving on the winding road is shot very effectively. There's no huge scares, but it is definitely worth a viewing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Scream" without the style.
Review: One of the first of many slasher-style, teens-in-peril movies that were reawakened in popularity following the release of the stylish 1996 movie "Scream". It's not too bad, basically a simple moralistic tale, executed in a very basic slash'n'stalk way. Highlights include the cameo appearance of Anne Heche; the edge-of-the-seat chase scene in which Sarah Michelle Gellar's character is hunted down towards the end; and the very trendy soundtrack, which includes the popular song "Hush" - a song which has practically become this movie's theme.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Run Hellen run! hehehehe
Review: IKWYDLS was so funny with my Sarah Michelle Gellar :D hehehe She runs rampid in hell with hidious Jeniffer Love Hewit, all SMG fans must have been screaming wen poor hellen (smg) croaked in hell. :( I cried so much.... Although if you love horror movies and the sexy and sly Sarah Michelle Gellar you will die to to see this. :) Sarah even fights in this...kinda, she kicks the cop cars window and crawles out and runs to her sisters store (Shivers) and runs rampid in there and punches the killer and jumps out a window and keeps on running! I loved it, and the rest of the movie was good too, there was lots of jumpy senses and bloody goodnes.... ~*Buffy~*

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