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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
I Know What You Did Last Summer

I Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent!
Review: I loved this movie so much. These young actors all did a fantastic job in their roles. My favorite scene was when they were in the middle of the road trying to figure out what to do about a man they had just hit. It makes everyone wonder what they would do in a similar situation. I could watch that scene over and over. This is excellent from beginning to end.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: This movie is not a thriller nor a horror.It's okay but anyone who says this film is scary doesn't know the meaning of the word horror.On the hole it's an okay movie and it might keep you watching it to the end as long as there isn't something brilliant on.It takes ages for the first murder {not including the part where they run down the guy in their car}It's a pretty slow moving movie and might have you yawning a bit.So if your lookng for a movie that wil keep you on the edge of your seat this isn't the movie for you.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Textbook style horror movie benefits from good cast.
Review: I was surprised when I saw this blazing terd fly across the screen... how could a director waste such a good cast making this complete by-the-book waste of celluloid? The story is mundane and predictable... the non-existant special effects are poorly executed... and the blatant 'there's a sequel coming' ending just left me begging for the credits... If you're a Jennifer Love Hewitt fanatic you'll love this film... if you're not...avoid it. I'd rather watch Urban Legend (and that's not saying much).

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: i don't care what you did last summer
Review: I will start by taking away the one star i gave this movie. This movie is a disgrace to horror flicks. "I know what you did last summer" is a product of an alarming number of "designer horror movies" being produced in Hollywood. If your going to make a horror movie, make a horror movie! Go all the way! None of this cop out editing and close-ups on an axe dripping blood. we want to SEE the axe going into Jennifer Love Hewitt's head, we want to SEE the giant hook gouge out Brandy's eyes (in I still know....). The director of this movie was obviously more concerned about worrying if Sarah Michelle Gellar's pants were on tight enough. The only massacre going on in "I know what you did last summer" was the actors reading the script. I'll bet i know what they're doing this summer..................................... Making another terrible "I know what you did last summer" sequel!!!!!!! Bllllllllllllgh! Gag me with a hook.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wow.
Review: Jennifer Love Hewitt was in it. Enough said

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A fantastic gore fest
Review: It isn't the best horror movie that iv'e seen but as it has Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jenifer Love Hewitt in it I think it's fantastic. Make a third one!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Me, As The BIGGEST HORROR FAN alive, say it's great!
Review: Why do so many people say this movie is horrible? Whats wrong with it. It had a good plot. A great score. Wonderful Acting and not to mention a terrifying stalker. The problem with scream is that the plots already taken. Dont me wrong scream is great but the plot... Alone in the house... the phone rings.... OH NO!!!! That was already taken. See the movie and Judge for yourself!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: It's Not What I Would Call A Thriller!
Review: The movie "I Know What You Did Last Summer" grabs you off of your feet for a couple of minutes in the beginning, and about 10 minutes in the middle. The ending only has one scene that gets you, so this movie wasn't well done. I am only being honest. It is not as suspenseful as the movies Scream, Scream 2, any Alfred Hitchcock movies, or its sequel. I also believe that the language and sexual content in this movie is also inapropriate for the young viewers who enjoy these movies. Many of my friends and I enjoy the Alfred Hitchcock movies, which display no bad language, and nothing but maybe a kiss. I also believe that it is more fun to be involved in movies, like Alfred Hitchcock's movies "Rear Window" or "North by Northwest" in which you get to try to solve the mysteries along with the characters. If you really want to view a modern scary movie, then I would recomend "Scream 2" or "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer". This movie is not a good choice.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Can't Wait To See The Sequel!
Review: This movie rocks and anyone who doesn't think so needs to watch it again, or maybe they are not as big of a horror fan as they thought that they were! All I have to say is if you buy it, it's well-worth the money!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very cool.
Review: After last summer Julie James (Jennifer Love Hewitt : I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, Can't Hardly Wait), Helen (Sarah Michelle Gellar : Scream 2, Cruel Intentions), Barry (Ryan Phillipe : 54, Cruel Intentions) and Ray (Freddie Prinze Jr. : I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, She's All That) have never been the same. With their ordeal of running over a man by accident on the magical night of high schools end they won't believe the horrific scarer to come up a year later.....

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