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Halloween II

Halloween II

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: ALMOST as good
Review: This takes place immediately after H1 with Michael stalking his sister in the hospital. Again, Donald Pleasence is great in this movie, but the series starts its downfall after this movie

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite..
Review: I know this HAS to sound incredibly weird....as most people really dislike this movie as compared to the original. But in my opinion, it's the best in the series. Why? Well..read on:

1. INCREDIBLE stalk scenes. Adrenaline-pounding, tension filled chase scenes best describe the movie.

2. Jamie Lee Curtis. Why? Well, in the original (made in 1978), Curtis was 19, and played the role of Laurie, whom was 17. Add the fact that Halloween 2 was 3 years later but supposedly on the same night, and we have a 22-year old Jamie Lee Curtis playing someone who is 17. _5_ years, and she pulls it off.

3. Donald Pleasence. Great Actor. 'Nuff said.

So is Halloween 2 _REALLY_ better than the original? Well, probably not, but in my opinion, YES.


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Very Good Follow Up To A Classic!
Review: Halloween 2, was a very good follow up to Halloween. The terror was there and so was the action! Of course, not every sequel can surpass the original. I believe some have, and Halloween 2 comes close. Halloween 2 takes us back to the same night that took place in Halloween. Laurie has been taken to the Haddonfield hospital. Loomis is still looking for Michael, who happens to be at the hospital looking for Laurie! It all takes shape! There were a lot of great surprises in this movie! Jamie Lee Curtis is a wonderful actress. I recommend getting this movie. Maybe this DVD will include the rearly seen alternate ending. This is a really good movie! Turn off the lights, and get ready for Halloween 2!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The original was better!
Review: The movie starts right after the original ended, with the killer, Michael Myers, on his way to Haddonfield Memorial hospital to kill the surviving female from the last film.

I was disappointed at this film; it was no where near as scary and creepy as the original. The killer no longer hides in the shadows, and the killings are not as creative as the first film. The only thing that are present in this flick from the original is the score by John Carpenter. There is one portion of the movie that didn't make sense; Laurie Strode's reason for leaving her bed wasn't explained in the movie.

The first "Halloween" was a classic; "Halloween II" is average.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Bargain !!!
Review: This is a real bargain-buy! Halloween II is a rather rare movie,and for less than ten bucks you get a quite good dvd version of it. Letterboxed and with good sound and picture quality. Many people here complain about the lack of extras, but does all movies have to come in a 2-disc limited edition set? Others compare it to the original, and of course this movie is not that sort of all-time classic. Anyway, I think Halloween II is one of the best horror-sequels ever. It holds more than enough scares to keep you on the edge of your seat for 90 minutes. Buy it !

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The sorriest movie ever made!
Review: I think the movie was very boring and I don't like it because it's stupid and noone can make any sense out of it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Best sequel in series, but needs a directors cut
Review: Well the only Halloween movies that were really any good in my book were the three starring Jamie Lee Curtis (although Halloween 4 wasn't too bad either). This one like the first one, is also a John Carpenter film (he co-produced this time), so it maintains the creepy "we're all being stalked and don't know it" atmosphere and absolute desperation that its predecessor had. Halloween was released as a "Limited Edition" (special edition) DVD complete with new scenes that were shot for the televised broadcast (they were also shot in widescreen to match the rest of the film...a very smart move). Hopefully someday Halloween II will be given the same treatment, as there were several scenes cut from this film as well(about 30 mintues!!). There are three in particular that stand out. Remember how brightly lit the hospital was in the beginning of the film, only to have it change to being very dark halfway through? Well, there is a deleted scene were Michael Myers cuts the power at the hospital (accounting for the emergency power going on). Another one is a flashback scene of Laurie as a little girl actually talking to Michael in the asylum. Also, at the very end of the movie, when Laurie is in the ambulance, Jimmy, covered with a white sheet, sits up in the gurney and pulls the sheet down, scaring the living ........ out of Laurie just before the "Mr. Sandman" song starts and the credits roll. I have only viewed these scenes, along with other minor ones that were reinserted, in a few of the televised versions. I think that Good Times Video owns the rights to this sequel, so hopefully they will do something about a special edition DVD someday. (HINT, HINT!)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not bad for something that wasn't supposed to be.
Review: Let me first state that you cannot go to see a sequel, and think it is going to live up to be as good, or even better than the original. If you do that, then you are in for a lifetime of dissapointment. With that said, Halloween 2 does not come close to being the classic the first is, but it is a rather good sequel.

The story takes place just hours after where the first one left off. The plot is this. Laurie Strode(Curtis) is taken away to the Haddonfield Hospital. Micaheal Myers follows her, where , in a game of cat-and-mouse, kills, about more than half the hospital staff, as a means to get to Laurie. That's it. The BIG plot. The only twist this story has, is that you find out why Michael is so determined to get his hands on Laurie. I won't spoil that for you, just check it out.

Now, the DVD it'self. Get ready for ton's of bonuses and extra's, uh, wait, sorry, this DVD has about none of those that I just mentioned. I will say, that I have 2 VHS copies of "H2", and I must say, the DVD picture quality is pretty good. All in all, I would recomend this DVD to anyone who is questioning whether or not, to buy it. For the small price, it is worth it. John Carpenter and Debra Hill, were sort of "forced" to write Halloween 2, even though Carpenter will tell you, that 80% of him does not like doing sequels. Instead of relying on characterzation, suspence, and the errie atmosphere of the first one, Halloween 2 relies on "let's think of a dozen way's to kill a dozen people" type of shock.

Final words- For a movie that was not supposed to be, Halloween 2 is a pretty good follow-up. I give it 3 stars, only because of the film it'self...the DVD features are really weak. Hopefully, maybe down the road, another DVD company will pick up the title, and give us some extra feature's.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: very disapointing sequal
Review: i know whoever is reading this review right now is probably saying that i am nuts but i tell it the way it is and the way i feel. halloween 2 ,after an awesome 1st 1, was very boring if i may say so. michael myers followed loari strode to the hospital to try to kill her and kills many more along the way. this movie may have some story line goin for it but not an entertaining film at all. its a continuation of part 1 and picks up right where the 1st 1 left off. mike got shot by dr.loomis and got up and walked away and halloween 2 started. this movie had the stupidest ending and michael's weapon of choice was a little scalple. come on now..mike, you can do better then that. from the kills to the setting to the crappy score(corney music) in part 2 this movie was all around pathetic. as much as most say this is a great movie , i say it isnt i think it is a big fat borefest..thats my story and i'm stickin to it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good Enough For Halloween Fans
Review: Many sequels do not live up to their original. In this case, Halloween 2 (The Nightmare Isn't Over), is quite respectable. Though it's not quite as shocking as Halloween (1978) was, it still delivers what fans want. You have to like the fact that Jamie Lee Curtis returns, and Donald Pleasance, but the movie mostly takes place in a dark hospital, and most of the suspense has been lost. This film will be dumb for non-Halloween fans, but for Halloween fans, it's watchable.

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