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Things That Go Bump
Halloween II

Halloween II

List Price: $9.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The series should have ended with this film
Review: If you're familiar with this sequel (the best of the series), then you know Michael Myers dies in the end. As far as I'm concerned, he should have STAYED DEAD instead of having the scriptwriters "bring him back from the grave" for the later sequels.

To me, this is the final chapter of John Carpenter's horror series. Dino DeLaurentiis works his magic (as he did with DUNE) in this, the best horror sequel ever. What Carpenter started, DeLaurentiis finished. Never mind the fact that this is just another slasher film. This is one horror film that will leave you on the edge of your seats to the very end. I'd like to think of "Halloween II" as the last of a two-part miniseries.

For maximum effect, please watch both Halloween movies on Halloween, October 31 and time it so "Halloween II" ends exactly at midnight, the morning of November 1.

Rest in pieces, Michael!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Much better than the Original !!!
Review: Halloween 2 is a great movie, which expands on the original's story but lacks the atmosphere or terror and replaces it with blood and gore. Picking up precisely where "Halloween" left off, Laurie Strode is taken to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital after being attacked by Michael Myers. This movie had way more blood than the Original HALLOWEEN did! Thats 1 reason why Halloween 2 is better than "HALLOWEEN". 1 thing I hated so so much about the original was that.... it was so dark in every single scene.
Halloween 2 was very colorful and well lighted !!! Also Halloween 2 had better actors than those teens in
The first "HALLOWEEN". one thing that I hated about this movie was that The MASK was so so.....HORIBAL LOOKING ! it made me want to cry everytime i saw the mask =(
If you never saw this movie. SEE IT! BUY IT! RENT IT!
get your copy while you still can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Halloween II is GREAT HORROR!!!
Review: Halloween II-Is just as good as the first one [absolutely]!!!If you dont agree you [...] BIG ONES!!Disc is OK.I cant wait for the new DVD to come out!Go buy this DVD now!And get scared [to death]!Michael Myers LIVES!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better Than The First
Review: When I first heard they were making a sequel to John Carpenter's classic I Thought oh great another sequel. But when I first saw it It was even better than the first more blood and gore and the body count is bigger. I Recommend this highly great sequel to any fan of Halloween

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Good"
Review: This movien was good and very unusual because it pivks off right where the first one left off. It is a very good sequel. I reccomend it.

A good alsher film is good.

I RECCOMMEND!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The First Was Historic, The Second Was Fun.
Review: "Halloween 2" has something that is very rare in sequels: it picks up the exact second that the last one left off. The only other sequels I know that did this were Back to the Future parts 2 & 3.

Disagree with me if you like, but "Halloween 2" digs far deeper than it's predecessor. Some things you find out about in this film will make you look at the original in a far different way. Of course, I won't dare give away anything crucial. Also, in this sequel, some rules have been bent. Michael Meyers is back and bigger than ever. He's now invincible, can walk through plate glass doors, and can walk away from explosions, thirteen bullets (two of which go directly into his eyes!), and slamming elevator doors.

This time, we start off seeing the ending of the original, where Dr. Loomis (Pleasence) saves our heroine Strode (Curtis) from Michael with six bullets. Michael dissapears, and Pleasence has a really good line right before Carpenter's da-doo-doo-da-doo-doo plays in full, with a new funky 80's sound to it. After that and the credits, Curtis is rushed to a hospital, where Michael tracks her down and starts picking off nurses one by one. Sounds cheesy? It is. But it's really entertaining.

In a vain effort by director Rosenthal to make the audiences squirm and see it again, he uses very unique ways to do away with the nurses. Including, but not limited to, disfiguring them in hot tubs, draining their blood out, and taking hypodermic needles to their eyes. Some of this is really sick... but all in good fun.

One of the few things that is wrong about H2 is that it tries to up Michael's IQ along with his invulnerability. Early in the film, Michael writes the word "SAMHAIN" on the wall of an elementary school. To know the origin of this word, and to be able to connect it to the date of October 31, requires more IQ than a braindead maniac who's been staring at a wall for half his life. Oh well. It's an intresting approach to show off Michael's bigger and better powers. Also makes you wonder: how did Michael become invulnerable after they have heavily spoken on how human he is. Almost like he sold his soul to the devil or something in between 1 & 2.

Oh, well. It's still a lot of fun.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This film may have been necessary...but was the gore?!
Review: HALLOWEEN 2 is a unique film in many ways, because it picks up the chain of events of the original HALLOWEEN basically right at the end of that film and continues them. Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasance are back, with the masked figure known as Michael Myers still stalking the streets of Haddonfield. This time, much of the murderous mayhem is centered around the local clinic where Curtis has been hospitalized...and here it is revealed exactly why the madman is targeting her.

Because Michael Myers couldn't even be stopped by Pleasance's gun at the end of HALLOWEEN 1, this sequel may actually have been necessary. And certainly for the most part, director Rick Rosenthal, helped by ace cinematographer Dean Cundey (who later shot JURASSIC PARK and APOLLO 13), keeps his focus on suspense, in the tradition of the original.

But something sure went wrong when it was finished. Reportedly, feeling that this suspenseful emphasis might make HALLOWEEN 2 look old-fashioned in light of such HALLOWEEN-inspired imitators such as FRIDAY THE 13TH, Carpenter (who was only co-producer/co-writer this time, along with Debra Hill) went back in (without Rosenthal's knowledge) and shot some graphically gory murder inserts. This is really a shame! The sequel may have been necessary, but the explicit violence and gore weren't!

This makes HALLOWEEN 2, for me, a curiously disappointing film. Had Carpenter not tinkered with Rosenthal's methods by trying to liven up things with a bunch of unnecessarily gory murders, this could have equalled the original. Instead, it's not much better than HALLOWEEN's many imitators.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Okay Movie
Review: I didn't think that this was one of the better Halloween movies. It mostly took place in the hospital, and there wasn't much gore or murders. I think that the Halloween movies following this one were much more interesting.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Worse than original but good enough for me
Review: I remember watching a marathon of Halloween's on TV one night as a kid. The first scared the ... out of me and I refused to watch the second. Years later when I began finding joy in getting scared to death I decided to get both of them at my local video store and watch them both. This movie was good and used much of the originals ideas to make it a success but there were noticeable differences that I couldn't quite pin down. Then I watched the special edition of Halloween and saw a the documentary they had on the movies after it. I found out some interesting info that made sense.

In the first movie they had an actor play the role of Michael Myers(all the parts excepts when he took the mask off at least). This man was as part of the success of the movie as anything in my mind. In the second movie they use a stunt devil to play Myers. He doesn't come close to portraying Myers the way the first one did. Goes to show you not anyone can play a killer with a mask. Another thing the Halloween movies are known for is the music. While the sequel's music is better than many horror movies it only uses the scary theme from the original once. Carpenter created the theme from the first one and must have thought himself a musical genius or got someone else to do it because it was a bit overdone.

Lastly to put it simply it's not as scary. The first one has more building up before Michael goes on a rampage while this one starts directly after the first. He's killing within a couple minutes. No eerie guy driving by or dark figure looking at you behind the bushes. There is less psychological terror and more "lets push up the bodycount". Honestly I think he kills about three times as many or more. I wouldn't have had a problem with that had some of the kill scenes been better.

So while it is a good movie it doesn't come close to the original but instead of giving it three stars as I wanted to I'll give it four for the effort and the first being so ... good.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Worse than original but good enough for me
Review: I remember watching a marathon of Halloween's on TV one night as a kid. The first scared me and I refused to watch the second. Years later when I began finding joy in getting scared to death I decided to get both of them at my local video store and watch them both. This movie was good and used much of the originals ideas to make it a success but there were noticeable differences that I couldn't quite pin down. Then I watched the special edition of Halloween and saw a the documentary they had on the movies after it. I found out some interesting info that made sense.

In the first movie they had an actor play the role of Michael Myers(all the parts excepts when he took the mask off at least). This man was as part of the success of the movie as anything in my mind. In the second movie they use a stunt devil to play Myers. He doesn't come close to portraying Myers the way the first one did. Goes to show you not anyone can play a killer with a mask. Another thing the Halloween movies are known for is the music. While the sequel's music is better than many horror movies it doesn't have that scary theme from the original. Carpenter created the theme from the first one and must have thought himself a musical genius or got someone else to do it because it wasn't as good.

Lastly to put it simply it's not as scary. The first one has more building up before Michael goes on a rampage while this one starts directly after the first. He's killing within a couple minutes. No eerie guy driving by or looking at you behind the bushes. There is less psychological terror and more "lets push up the bodycount". Honestly I think he kills about three times as many or more. I wouldn't have had a problem with that had some of the kill scenes been better.

So while it is a good movie it doesn't come close to the original but instead of giving it three stars as I wanted to I'll give it four for the effort and the first being so damn good.

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