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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
Jeepers Creepers

Jeepers Creepers

List Price: $14.95
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Oh, Please!
Review: This movie blows. I could go on and on about what I didn't like about this movie, but it is easier to explain what I did like-
which is nothing.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good Flick; Excellent Rave
Review: Ok, some of you stated that our two friends should have hit the pavement as fast as possible, but I'd like to remind everyone of the "car wreck" theory, if you see a car wreck what do you do? Slow down and watch every minute, even if you know you shouldn't. Come on we are all guilty of watching someone elses pain and get some sort of pleasure from it.

Problem w/ other reviews that I've seen, and this is probably the main point. It seems that the majority are upset that the movie doesn't explain the Why JC is out there killing people, where did JC come from, etc...

Do we NEED an explanation? That is one of the things I liked about this movie. Come on people, didn't you love Hellraiser when you didn't know where PinHead originated from? Jason from Friday 13th, isn't better to know that he isn't a superior human w/ the ability to heal his body rapidly?

To me, almost every horror film the first episode starts out wonderful but then sequel tries to "explain" the origins and it turns out to be worse and make the film 100% unbeleiveable. Remember Highlander? Wasn't it great NOT knowing where they originated from and that the Highlanders have been here amongst us fighting their war? Then we are told they are space aliens sent to Earth for protection? Really, did I NEED to know that?

Why must we know everything? So what if we don't know much about JC. That is the wonderful part of this movie, it leads one to want more, to sit through and wait for the next bit. I do not need someone making up a past, feeding me a history, I don't care for that, if I want that, I'll watch a soap opera...


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the film was definitely a nice change
Review: If you're looking for a movie that will make you wonder and make you think "Jeepers Creepers" is one of the first really good attempts at a full fledge horror movie for the new millennium please take your mind away from normal everyday Hollywood cliché and try this one Sure there were some questions left in the viewers mind at the end, but think about it....don't all movies leave unanswered questions?
I think that this movie deserves a lot more credit than it has been receiving

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Strike one, strike two...
Review: It's a nineties horror movie, strike one.
It's called Jeepers Creepers, strike two.

Surprisingly, the the actual movie only fouls on the third pitch, and makes it worth spending a couple of bucks.

I was pleasantly surprised by the first half of the film, in which we get glances and hints of a scarecrow-like murderous monster with a highly tricked out truck. There are great thrills and scares through about half the movie and then it descends into Jurassic Park 3 type suspense and action. The monster is scarier when you don't see him. The acting is right on, not only with the protagnosits, but as well by Patricia Belcher as psychic Jezelle and Eileen Brennan as the Cat Lady. If you're looking for some contemporary horror that escapes a lot of the cliches of 90s slasher flicks, check this out.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Surprisingly good, given negative press.
Review: Jeepers Creepers (Victor Salva, 2001)

I think that, with the arguable exception of Battlefield Earth, I haven't heard so much negative press about a movie in the past decade as I did about this one. No idea why. This is one of the better horror movies to come out of Hollywood in quite a while, and Victor Salva has finally lived up to the promise that's kept Hollywood allowing him to make bad movies on a fairly regular basis for the past decade and a half.

The story opens with a brother and sister team, Derry (Justin Long, from the TV series Ed) and Trish (Gina Phillips, who recently had a turn on Boston Public and shows up next year in The Anarchist's Cookbook), driving across the state on their way home from college for spring break. On a secluded stretch of highway, a strange truck menaces them before roaring past. A few miles down the road, they see the truck's driver dumping something that looks suspiciously like a body wrapped in a sheet down a large pipe, and after he drives away they stop to investigate. Complications ensue.

The movie's probably not going to win any awards for its acting, writing, or cinematography, all of which fall into the slightly-above-average category. But then, this isn't a movie with Oscar aspirations anyway. It's supposed to be a fast-paced slick little horror film, and that's what it is. Salva achieves the right balance between showing the nastiness and cutting away to let suggestion do the work, and also uses the suggestion technique with his bad guy most of the time (something that hasn't been seen too much in films for a while). Add in a Miss Cleo-esque psychic (Patricia Belcher), a few hick cops who actually break stereotype a few times, and a fun bad guy (Jonathan Breck, from the painfully bad film Spiders), and you've got a fine little flick. *** ½

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great Idea!!! - Weak Ending!!!
Review: This movie started out great. It was edge of your seat scary with this nameless, faceless person terroizing these kids and no one is around to help them. It even keeps up the fear level when they confront this person.... And then it falls apart! The end, when this person is revealed, is such a let down that you just kind of say,"Well that was stupid". Even my ten year old who was experiencing her first scary movie thought it was dumb. If they could have thought of a more original ending instead of the cookie cutter it was, it would have been worthy of 5 stars. So rent it don't buy it and enjoy the first two thirds.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the Scariest Movies I Have Seen!!
Review: This is not another teen movie knock-off. This movie drew me in and scared me to no end. It reminded me alot of Texas Chainsaw Massarce and that was a scary movie. The acting was really good, especially the boy. Loved his facial expressions of terror. Really good movie. Very scary.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Rather watch grass grow
Review: This is the worst movie I have ever seen. Most people watch movies twice because they are good, I watched it twice because I couldn't believe it was that bad. Why this movie was a success in the box office is beyond me. Why is it bad, let me explain.

The basic premise of the movie is: brother and sister coming home from college, they almost get run off the road by what turns out to be the title character. After investigating the supposed lair of this creature, they go from the hunting to the hunted. Now that the backdrop is out of the way let me tell you why I hated this film. The first half-hour of the movie is real dry, you'll be scratching your head asking yourself,"this is the suspense they were talking about on the back of the box?" I don't call almost getting run down suspenseful. I don't ask for characters in horror movies to be smart. I know they have to be somewhat retarded to make the story work but this is going far and beyond the call of duty with these two.

My main gripe with the film is that it doesn't explain anything. I don't even think the film's makers predicted it would be successful and spawn a sequel ... I think the film makers realized that people wanted a good monster flick, so they threw this together just to cash in. You never find out what the creature is, where it came from, why it does the thing that it does, why this woman has the psychic ability to know what it is about to do. There are plenty of questions you can think of during the course of this movie. Besides the lack of character development, this movie isn't really scary at all. They try to force scenes in there to make you jump, it's to predictable though. I thought this would be a movie that would get my wife jumping, instead she got bored to death and went to play Boggle. I will give JC this though, the ending rather surprised me, if only the rest of the movie was thought out like the ending.

Look, I'm pretty picky. Some people need nor plot or character development to enjoy a movie. Hey it is a horror movie, its only supposed to scare you and make you jump(even though it didn't). Give it a try if you have a rent one get one free card, but I would suggest renting a good thriller such as SE7EN and calling it a day.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: are we ready for original horror
Review: I think enough people already gave a movie premise (brother and sister drive home from college and sees a demon).

This movie does the job, it scares the hell out of you but i couldn't give it 5 stars because of the small holes.

I know the writer/director wanted to stick to the basics but we as an audience have grown use to origins of the killer. Why does he kill? Where did he come from? How can you kill him? This movie doesn't say at all.

But the most damaging parts in the movie was the dumb mistakes that the 2 main characters made. People in the theater literally couldn't take it anymore and started to leave. Me, i stayed because the monster in the movie is the coolest i've seen since Freddy Krueger. Not to spoil the movie but, one of the dumb mistakes was: the brother and sister are riding in the car as a police officer escorts them out of town, the "Creeper" lands on top of the police car and slices his head off. When the 2 main characters see the severed head they stop and check to see if the officer is alive. At this point i'm like "DRIVE AWAY IDIOT" then the "Creeper gets out of the car, grabs the severed head and eats the tongue. While all of this is going on, THEY STILL STAND THERE?!!!?

Love the fact that it's brother and sister instead of boyfriend, girlfriend. Also i love that the female character is the strong one while the male lead is the sensitive one. How original.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not Bad...But Please, No Creepers 2
Review: 'Jeepers Creepers' starts out as a pretty good teenage horror movie and works some of the time. A brother and sister are driving home from college when they encounter a truck that nearly runs them off the road. Curiosity leads the two (Doesn't it always?) into trouble as they try to unravel the mystery of the man in the truck.

I was really impressed with the two lead actors and the production values of the film. The film also has some pretty good scares and a creepy scene or two. But, the movie is not consistent and plot holes abound. The ending is a real cop-out, way too silly a payoff for what has gone before. All in all, however, not bad, especially if your choices are 'Scream XIV,' 'I Could Care Less What You Did Last Summer,' or this movie.

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