Rating:  Summary: Scream is a parody! Scary Movie is Trash! Review: This movie is a parody. It was never ment to be scary. It is much more tasteful and watchable than "Scary Movie". The nocks at the slasher movies of the 1980's are priceless. This is more sophisticated and intelligent than Scary Movie. Scary Movie was written and filmed for uncultured dullards!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing! Review: I watched Scream for the first time today and I was really disappointed! I can honestly say that not once during the film did I scream, jump,get scared...... well you get my point: Scream isnt a scary film and theres no suspense. I know the whole idea of the film is the scream mask and it wouldnt have worked without it, but I thought it took away anything potentially scary because it was so silly looking! Also there was hardly any suspense at all, the killer just came running at the victims! The first horror I ever watched was I still Know what you did last summer which I didnt find at all scary but since then all the horrors I've seen have made me look at i still know, differently because it at least has a bit of suspense and you're on the edge of your seat at times!
Rating:  Summary: LASTLY, THE IRONY (Finalmente, l¿ironia). Review: The plot is so simple that becomes complex. The rhythm very good, the beginning really involving.The movie could be the usual hotchpotch like thousand other, set between the young people of a college, so busy to butcher each other, while the adults seem live at the borders of world. But here there is something more and better, further the good technical level: here we have IRONY, in the ancient sense of word. The movie sees itself, like genre, like anthropology of fans, like communication, and does it with a playful disposition that exceeds the bloody situations time by time in scene. When the masked killer attacks, always he receives very hard knocks by his victims and he rolls and jumps like a puppet: maybe are they afraid of this just, the characters in the movie and the spectators in the reality? That the killer can be a bit ridiculous? Every banalities of the genre thriller-horror is proposed again, but always upon an explicit declaration. In conclusion, this movie is an amusing and functional game. La storia è talmente semplice da diventare complicata. Il ritmo piuttosto buono, l'inizio coinvolgente. Potrebbe essere il solito polpettone come mille altri ambientato tra i ragazzi di un college, impegnatissimi a massacrarsi, e dove gli adulti sembrano vivere ai margini della realtà. Ma c'è qualcosa di più di meglio, oltre al buon livello tecnico: ironia, nel senso più antico del termine. Qui il film vede se stesso, come genere, come antropologia degli appassionati, come comunicazione, e lo fa con uno spirito giocoso che va al di là delle sanguinolente situazioni di volta in volta messe in scena. Tutte le volte che attacca, il killer mascherato subisce dei durissimi colpi dalle sue vittime, e rotola e salta come un pupazzo: è di questo che le vittime - nel film e nella realtà, cioè noi spettatori - hanno veramente paura? Che il killer sia un po' ridicolo? Ogni luogo comune del genere thriller-horror viene spudoratamente riproposto, ma sempre previa una esplicita dichiarazione di intenti. Insomma, il film è un gioco divertente che funziona bene.
Rating:  Summary: So Great! Review: Considering I'm a total wuss when it comes to scary movies, it really is true when I say this is a great movie. It has laughter, sadness, and many moments of utter terror (for me!). I don't recommend the others in the trilogy, but the first is a really excellent movie.
Rating:  Summary: The teenager ghetto Review: This first film under this title by Wes Craven is a remarkable jigsaw puzzle mixing allusions to three major horror films (Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, Halloween) and a fair sense of suspense among teenagers. The suspense alone justifies the interest we can find in this film. It is built with great art and we discover that everything is constructed to let us know the criminal or criminals from the very start, provided we can read images properly. But the second interest is the intricacy of the plot that shows a great capability at mixing references, interlacing lines, interweaving crimes and events, keeping us alert and awake from beginning to end. But the essential interest of the film is that it is an absolutely realistic mirror image of teenagers. They are unconscious of what life is, though they cannot imagine death and are afraid of it more than any other generation before this one. They are cruel among themselves and totally closed to adults, unable to build or just accept a normal and equal relation to grownups. And that is their main, not shortcoming or drawback, but characteristic. Their world is entirely closed to the adult world around them, and they cannot have relations among themselves if adults are present. They can only live in the backs of adults, in a world, a culture, a lifestyle that is absolutely cut-off from adult society. In many ways they mimick their parents or their parents' generation. But they think, feel and consider they live a real life. They feel, think and consider they are totally independant, though they have no financial, no professional, no social autonomy. This fake independance on a background of radical dependance makes them play a dance that looks like that of a dog running after its wagging tail, or is it that of a tail running after a wagging dog. In such a world, a culture, a set of inter-individual relations it is fairly easy for some, who do not find the place or space they would like to have, or simply the ego-flattering that they need in order to exist, to become marginal (and their margin is the center of their world), or even criminal (and their crimes become the acme of an adventuristic life). Wes Craven does a marvelous job at depicting this youth at the end of the twentieth century. It is true to the very heart of its plot and story. The whole generation is « corrugated », and the few who are slight misfits in this corrugated world become paranoid, schizophrenic or anything else you want, and life is at stake, and the world is their target. Let them draw the knives then. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Paris Universities II and IX.
Rating:  Summary: Don't answer the phone and don't trust anyone... Review: This movie is one of the best modern horror movies I've ever seen, the post modern features this film presents is very clever. The movie is about a young girl, who's mother has been killed in the past and now the killer is back to find her and get his revenge for her being the daughter of the victim who caused an emotional crime against his will. The film is packed with action, very vivid violence, profane language, and all other things that make a teenage movie lover's delight! A very fresh young cast, mysterious plot, very scary and a perfect movie to show friends in a dark room. Just make sure no one is drnking, has had sex or said, "I'll be right back!"
Rating:  Summary: The Best Horror Movie Ever!! Review: I first saw this movie after it came out on video. I remember seeing it advertised but i was only 16 when it came out and it looked real scary. so I waited for the video. when i first saw Drew Barrymore in the begging i was a little surprised, this was after all, a horror film and Drew was a big star. The first 15 minuttes were probably the scariest ive ever seen(so far) in a horror film. I was quite shocked that Drew got it and SO violently! it was terrifying. they Writter (Brillant Kevin Williamson) really wanted a good and smart film. i really liked the poking fun at horror movies. excellent writting and acting. good story, nice cameos(Linda Blair, Wes Craven and Fonzy!!) and super suprise ending! i loved the sick touches and horror refrences. the stabing sceen was kind of disrturbing but it was well worth it. There has been so many copys and immitations of this film since its release but it brought back the horror genre in a big way. My praise to Wes Craven and his brillant team and my hats off to the cast(Especially Neve, Courtney, Matheww, David and of course Skeet!! very scary!!) There will probalby never be another horror movie like this one ever again!! Wes Craven Master piece. I hope number 4 comes out!!
Rating:  Summary: Wait for the uncut version. Review: I do not actually own this dvd, but reading the special features I notice that it contains none of the numerous shots that were cut to ensure a box-office friendly 'R' rating. For those who are not aware, about 10 cuts were made (most obivously in the 'disembowelment' scene) to ensure an 'R' rating, now if you found Scream disturbing enough in the cut form, this looks like a decent-enough DVD, but personally I'm waiting for Miramax to release the *whole* movie.
Rating:  Summary: SCARIEST HORROR FILM IN MANY YEARS Review: Every now and again a genuinley frightening horror film hits the big screens. This is most defintley one of those films!! The opening sequence with Drew Barrymore is bound to keep you on the edge of your seat through what seems an excruiating wait. The film holds many shocking and jumpy moments but some sequences fall flat with it coming across more like a comic horror film rather than being played for thrills. The scripts career along at a hectic and melodramatic pace and the cast are all quite capable although the so called teenage actors look like a lot older than what they were intended to be in the film. On the whole its a very good, dark and often frightening horror film. Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: The usual recipe that has nothing interesting... Review: Scream is just another slasher...but this time, there are known actors, and it is directed by the not-excellent Wes Craven. This is another proof that marketting for a movie makes the whole difference...if I say Scream, people will know what I'm talking about, but if I say The Clown at Midnight or Bloody Murder, they won't. The directing has nothing special, the acting is very bad in some cases (Rose McGowan, Neve Campbell, etc) and the scenario is always the same...someone kills beautiful teenagers and we have to figure out who's the killer...deja-vu all over again. I have to admit that they were inventive in this case about the killer's identity...but, it's so easy to find. If this kind of film scares, you, it's because you don't know the definition of the word scary...this film isn't scary at all...first, they translate horror by BLOOD, SUSPENSE, SEX...that's not horror...watch The Shining by Stanley Kubrick if you want to be scared for real...Scream is boring, stupid, and not scary at all...4/10