Rating:  Summary: JASON!! Review: Don't know why these films are getting bashed so much by critics. They loved it when it first came out, now it's like they despise it somehow. Give these movies a break, you don't hear people complaining when a Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street sequel comes out, so leave this film alone! Yes it is scary, yes most viewers try not ot take it seriously, but that is the only way to get scared in it. See this, it's not a Halloween rip-off. Halloween is better and scarier, but Friday the 13th is more fun.
Rating:  Summary: a classic but.... Review: This movie is a classis but.. i like jason better than his mom. Best of the series besides Jason X it is better than this one. This movie is not scary at all. But it is still good.
Rating:  Summary: Horror Classic? Eeeegh . . . There Are Redeeming Qualities Review: I had always heard and thuoght Friday the 13th was one of the definite horror movies of the 80s, much like Nightmare on Elm Street and the such. After finally seeing it, I only half agree with that statement. I did not enjoy F13 like I thought I would. Perhaps it has something to do with me seeing all of the sequels (minus part 2) before actually seeing where they stemmed from. The sequels all set up plenty of gore and hokey suspense while F13 wasn't all about the chase scenes and surplus gore. I'm guessing it went more the way that Halloween did with the subtle horror and murderer's POV shots. There are qualities that I did like about Friday the 13th. To begin with, it drew the backstory of the whole series, and is a serious horror movie (Unlike most of the sequels). The acting is average, and the characters are well developed before we see them (or don't see) killed. Kudos to Adrienne King and the shortly seen yet very effective performance of Betsy Palmer. Sean Cunningham's use of POV shots were great and helped set up plenty of tension and suspense in the film. The use of rain and the dark was good, and gave the film that really good "camp" feel. Tom Savini's makeup effects are put to good use, but it's a shame we're always only briefly shown what he has done. What's a big shame is Paramount is so noncaring to its consumers that it only provides us with the trailer for the film. I don't mean to be so demanding, but there's so much stuff they could add to the Friday the 13th DVDs, and they don't bother to. Paramount, you need to listen to fans. Friday the 13th fairs well as a horror movie, in my opinion. It was breakthrough in its time, and has gone down as a classic. Over millions of fans can't be wrong.
Rating:  Summary: Come on people this is a great SCARY movie! Review: I first watched this movie by myself with the lights off not expecting anything much, and boy was I in for it. This was very scary and unsettling if you watch it like that, so don't watch it to make fun of it! Yes some characters were annoying, but they were killed! Then I showed this to my friends, and they usually don't get scared, and they were really messed up at the end of this movie... Take it seriously. Watch it alone in the dark!
Rating:  Summary: What a stinker; this doesn't hold up at all Review: I caught this on cable last night. My intro to the series was Part 3, which I saw when I was 12 (in 1983). I of course loved that one back then (haven't seen it since). I saw part of the first one many years ago, but wasn't paying much attention. But seeing it as an adult--boy, is it bad! It's FAR from being suspenseful, let alone scary. It is completely devoid of suspense or creativity. And when we finally do see who the killer is, it becomes downright hilarious! Come on, are we to be scared to watch a contemporary 50-something woman in a nice sweater and makeup (and hairspray) chasing around the final girl (who we of course knew, a la "Halloween", would survive). Their catfights are the stuff of comedy, not horror. I mean this woman looks like your best friend's mother (or grandmother), all dolled up to go out and have a special dinner at the local Wag's cafeteria. And to make things worse, they do a reversal of "Psycho" by having the mother emulate the dead son! It's hilarious ("kill her, mommy!", she says repeatedly in a high voice). And what was that last girl thinking as she piled up all that junk against the door? It obviously didn't matter because there were two big windows right next to it! How awful. I'm shocked by reviews here from people that were actually scared by this! Now THAT is scary! What an awful film. I can't believe people got rich off of this one. It's not even worth the celluloid it was filmed on.
Rating:  Summary: Sean S. Cunningham's Friday the 13th Review: In the late 1970's and early 80's, the Horror genre rocked the world with movies like Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th. It is about camp counselers deciede to open a camp up after 22 years. The year before, a boy named Jason Voorhees drowned in the camp's lake. Then, someone starts commiting murder again and again. The killer begins to go after counselers like Alice(Adrienne King), Bill(Harry Crosby), and Jack(a young Kevin Bacon). Could it be Jason back from his watery grave?! I thought that this was a great example of a Horror, although I think that the amount of gore should have been cut and although I think that Halloween series is better than the Friday the 13th series, I still think that this movie is pretty good. Don't watch, especially, Parts 5 and 8! The only parts that I do recommend are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6!
Rating:  Summary: What's with the bad reviews. Review: This movie was great! It was scary, it was funny. The only thing I can find wrong with it is the fact that Kevin Bacon is wearing a speedo in it. That was a sight that was truely terrifying, and I've had nightmares for weeks about that! See it! It's scary!
Rating:  Summary: The Best! Review: This is the only good one of this series, the rest [...] Ignore the negative reviews, they think this is ripping off Halloween, and it isn't. Yes Halloween is better, but this is still scary. If you see one of the sequels, you've ruined it and don't even bother looking at it. I HATE SEQUELS!!!
Rating:  Summary: OOOOHHHH NICE! Review: now this, this, THIS IS! the epitimy of slasher movie this is a classic i rented at halloween party i wrote down some suggestions from my frends. out of the 80 people thier 70 people wanted this 10 wanted NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET this is sooooo kool this movie i highly recommended it. now i know soem guyz parents wont let ya for reasons such as it was anned in england it was soo scary BUT EVERY THING IS BANNED IN ENGLAND! dont worry its not that scary but its pretty gory for instence a girl gets cut in the face with an axe a guy gets pinned to the world with arrows a guy and gal at cut to bits while doing....IT a girl was stabbed in the throat in a rather grotty way and s stabbing fest occures BEST FTT13 PART EVER !!! OH YEAH ..... 2 [was not good] but ya better c it ne way
Rating:  Summary: The first is the best... Review: Let's face it, even though others came before him, Jason movies created the term Slasher movies. Even though Jason's mom is doing all the killing in this one...it's still awesome. I enjoyed it and think it's the best in the series.