Rating:  Summary: A VERY BAD MOVIE Review: Well, this is the one of the worst high budget movie I've ever seen in my life. The ILM digital effects are the only aspect of the movie that is not totaly wrong ... (Bad Acting, Bad script, ...)
Rating:  Summary: WAAAAY BETTER THAN I EXPECTED Review: I figured this would be just one of those horror movies where the plot takes a back seat to special effects. That's not true. This isn't one of those explosion packed, gory bloody movies. I loved the beginning when they actually explain the story of the high priest and the pharoah's mistress and stuff instad of bringing it up 45 minutes into the movie. I hate movies like that when I sit wondering what the heck they're doing for the first 45 minutes or so. Since other people have said what it's about, I won't waste computer screen space. All I have to say is this is a great movie and I really enjoyed it. I do like action films and have seen quite a few and this one is great as far as they go. I'm not a fan of horror but this film really changed my mind about horror flicks. It mixes action with a comedy which makes it even more enjoyable and a little more lighthearted. The DVD is also great. The sound and picture is sharp and I would be able to tell the difference between VHS and DVD, something that I usually can't decipher. See this movie, you won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Should this Mummy stay wrapped.......? Review: This movie treads that ever so warn road of the evil mummy, and how warn it is too. A subject that is simply an old richual for its leaders is as ever manipulated into Hollywood using an evil mummy to exploit that ever mythical idea that mummies are nasty things that walk with out-stretched arms.To be fair this is a good adaptation of the whole Egypt subject, yet while it is extremely pleasing on the eye, it is very difficult to follow this as it seems to rely on coincidence far more than just the odd scene. The effects are big budget and fantastic, and to go with it the acting is, in the main, brilliant. British stars who are more known in their native England for TV roles - John Hannah and Rachel Weisz - are as ever good performers, though the lead from Brendan Fraser is at times wooden. The script is basic, and very predictable, if you can't guess what is gonna happen most the way through - then it will be a surprise. In the nick of time lives are saved, sure death situations find Fraser escaping, and rather cheesily the bad mummy is defeated and the guy gets the girl at the end. No surprises there then. The movie is by no means all bad - it has a quirky script, and original character settings and the it generally ties together well as a plot, despite being far-fetched this is just for a bit of fun, for we all know mummies will not just appear. The kind of holes in this though are clear, and a good example is when the town is bombed and you see buildings destroyed - yet at the end, they are magically all pristine again - could this be the ever present magic of the mummy, or something we are supposed to miss as they create the typical idyllic ending for the relationship ending. Basicallyt his is a no surprises film, which is easily predictable and rather cheesy in the route it takes. It is a subject matter that is interpreted in a manipulated way to create a good versus bad situation as realism goes out the wondow. To be fair, if you select this kind of topic realism is never going to be key. For all its low points on the topic and plot, it does hang well together, and the acting is in the main good, and the story is not laboured and despite sitting there crossing off every cheesy manoeuver and coincidence, this is at least pleasing to watch in general, and the subject matter of Egypt is interesting. Not something to expect much from, and not really something to get excited about, but if you like a run of the mill big budget movie you'll at least enjoy the movie - although you will spot all through the formula that is used far too often in recent years......!
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable!!! Review: I watched this movie about five times before I bought it and yet still it is a interesting as the first day I saw it. The special effects are amazing and the behind the additional features on the DVD are wonderful. This movie is a must for DVD fans.
Rating:  Summary: Hahahahahahahahahaha Review: I loved this movie and this keyboard I'm typing on is kind of whacky so any mistakes are probably not my fault. Back to the movie: it was a lot of fun. Brendan Fraser kept me laughing. The characters were pretty well drawn. And all the expendables were somehow still endearing. John Hannah was standout. Very funny guy. "Bad luck, old mum," and "Im-ho-tep," were probably the funniest lines in the whole movie. The special effects were stunning and the action was pulse pounding. A couple of quibbles with minor spoilers: if the beetles ate Imhotep, "very slowly," in the words of the female lead, then how come they devoured that poor guy in the passageway in like .5 seconds? And how come the Imhotep took the eyes of Burns, who wore glasses? I expected to see the mummy staggering around like Burns did when his glasses wer knocked off. Any way very good. Little language and the violence isn't bloody or too gruesome with the possible exception of the burrowing bugs.
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly Entertaining Trash Review: You don't watch this film expecting art - or great acting - or good dialogue - or even to be scared. You simply watch it because it is fast-paced Hollywood eye-candy. And this time it works. Magnificently. Chock full of special effects, this film keeps a rapid pace for its full two hours with nary a dull moment to be found. The characters are one-dimensional, sure. Stereotypes, yes. But what else do you want from this film? Like (dare I say it?) RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (also rife with racial steretypes and one-dimensional characters), you watch solely for the sense of adventure. If you had any other goal in mind you would have never even considered a film starring Brendan Fraser (who is just wonderful as the lead hero). The good guys are good, the bad guys are bad and there's never any question as to which side any character is on. Yes, the jokes are stupid and the one-liners almost always fall flat, but before you can cringe something else happens and you forget all about the hokey moment just seconds before. Much like the marvelous BLADE, this is a film where you have to set aside any serious criticism of cinema and simply abandon all reason (e.g., "Where did all of those camels come from? How did they survive the plane crash riding on the wing?") and enjoy the spectacle.
Rating:  Summary: Abbott and Costello meet the Mummy, Fraser and Indiana Jones Review: Good acting and terrific special effects make this film worth watching. There is a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor and lots of action. If you know anything about Egyptian history (I learned a lot in my art history classes), you may have to roll your eyes through some of the plot, but you will still find this entertaining. Startling in several scenes and just a good action film. New special effects and techniques were created for this film that never existed before... it's worth watching just for that alone. This is really a 3.5 star movie, but I rounded it up. This is highly entertaining, but way too intense for little kids. I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure if I could watch it over and over again due to the fact you really do have to put your brain and common sense on hold in a number of scenes. The DVD delivers great sound and never-before-seen footage, so this will be a great addtion to the DVD library of a sci-fi nut.
Rating:  Summary: Limited film for slower people Review: Ok the SFX are great the story is simple and fun and overall its just an adventure film. It is nowhere near as good as Indiana Jones so make sure you get them before purchasing this film(if yuor looking for adventure/comedy stuff). This film is too cliche and the acting is weak and empty although there are talents ie:John Hannah.I think this film is targeted for younger kids, if yourlooking for deep meaningful films look else where, it is fun at some moments but rather limited and really over done... lets just say cheasy. ILM did a great job on the digital effects but that is th only reason why I gave it 3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: "The Mummy" by Marion Review: I was a big fan of the orginal "Mummy" and was anxious to see the remake. The first time I did I laughed! I thought it was so stupid I'd never care to see it again BUT BOY WAS I WRONG. The next day I wanted to see it again, and then again. I ended up seeing it about 7 times in 3 days, I was that hooked. And the music is so fantastic I rushed to get the CD. Plus I got the book! This is one of the BEST movies I have ever seen; and it's a unique combination of horror and comedy. But one question: If Imhotep was all wrapped in linen, HOW did he scratch "Death is only the beginning" inside his sarcophagus? And where did he get that massive hole in his head? These and other questions are worth overlooking. Watch this movie!
Rating:  Summary: very indiana jones-esque but with Brenden Fraser :) Review: Yet another one of those with amazing effects. The scenes involving the millions of scarabs will blow you away (as well as the behind the scenes of how they actually did it). Very impressive, I loved the Indiana JOnes movies, and this one fits in perfectly. If only Harrison Ford was younger, this would have been his movie.