Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: What a great movie. from the beginning until the end it was always tense and thrilled. One of the best action adventure movie, must have the DVD too. Quality Audio and Visual it's amazing!!
Rating:  Summary: A good fantasy Review: This movie reminded me of Raiders of The Lost Ark. It was way farfetched, alot of movie cliche's (which they talk about during the audio commentary, and actually point out and make fun of, which I thought was cool of them), alot of violence, but no blood or gore. A good movie for young kids. I haven't seen the first one and was still able to enjoy this one.
Rating:  Summary: Awful Movie Review: Now let me tell you, I LOVED the first Mummy. I saw it 22 times and have it on VHS and DVD and I have 2 copies of the soundtrack. As one can imagine, I was eagerly awaiting the release of MummyII. My whole family and I rushed to the theatre to see MummyII and were all extremely disappointed. There was no plot, no good acting skills (with the exception of Jonathan's being very very upset when he thought Evie would die), and no good effects. The animated scorpion king at the end would have been animated better in the 80's then it was in the film, it was very fake looking. The movie twists and turns and makes no sense and leaves you with a bunch of over done and crazy, superfluous, non-sensical effects. I guess they figure, hey the movie has NOTHING going for it, why not just fill it with a huge stunt every other minute so that no one will notice what the film is lacking. I've seen lots of movies and I usually enjoy them. But this movie was an utter disappointment. I don't know what some people like about it.
Rating:  Summary: A TRUE ROLLER COASTER, ACTION NON STOP Review: This is I think the only movie you can call a Roller Coaster, the action never stops, and when it slows down, all that wonderful cast makes it funny, at lest the comic characters. So, the cast, this is Brendan Fraser at his best, funny, not dumb like in the bomb George of the Jungle, plus a good action hero, he kind of reminds me of Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones sometimes, as the whole movie does. Rachel Weisz is both beautiful and a great actress, plus a very enjoyable character, an in this Mummy she had her kicks, plus looked more beautiful. Arnold Vooslo is a great bad guy, because he is a bad guy in love, a thing that had not been done for a long time. John Hannah is very funny, although he is a very stereotypic character, he is still fun to watch, is not his fault that the character has been played so many times, he tries to keep it fresh. Oded Fehr is good, not a sidekick, another important character played nicely. Freddie Boath was a surprise, at the beginning he gives the impression of a truly lame character and performance, but the movie continues and he evolves into a very funny and not lame and corky like most child characters are always, here is something George Lucas should learn when putting a kid in his movies, specially if that kid will be Darth Vader, Freddie would have done a much better job in playing Anakin. Patricia Velasquez is not as great as the other, but still, she is a newcomer and she is going on the right track. And the Rock, well, he looks like he is the master of the ring, but not the master in front of the camera, thank God he has a very, very, very short part, he only appears in the beginning, at the end his face appears, but as an animatronic, not his real face. Let's hope he took acting lessons before doing The Scorpion King, the upcoming prequel to The Mummy, which trailer is included in the DVD, which is very good, the menu has a very smart animation, plus the special features are nice as well, with good sound and picture, The Mummy Returns DVD is a very complete edition, and is not even a special edition, here is for Paramount to learn how to make a DVD, kudos Universal for bringing out a good edition for this movie, although, I did not like that you have to watch both the trailer for The Scorpion King and the Universal movies in DVD trailer when you want to se the movie, same thing for The Mummy Ultimate Edition, they should make in the future a trailer for the special features and leave the movie alone. But still, that is not a huge problem, the movie is very good, very fun to watch, not a movie for people who like to think too much, no, a movie for normal people who sometimes just want a good old adventure film like Indiana Jones, Stephen Sommers is a good director, because although this might not be the smartest movie, it sore was something connecting the two Mummies like he did in this one. Watch both and see my point.
Rating:  Summary: The Mummy Returns Pulling All Stops Review: This flick is pure popcorn. It is superior to the first one. It has everything you could want in mindless summer fare. An easy plot to follow, cool leading characters, great special effects, and did I mention a Crouching Tiger like chick fight mid-way through the film. My only problem with the film was it kind of ripped off other films. The pygmie scene was a direct rip of "Jurassic Park" minus the Velociraptors. And the marketing of the film bamboozled all of us into thinking The Rock was a major character when he only says one line in the movie "Haku Macente" he yells and we wonder why is he on the poster? If you want to escape from your demanding job, nagging wife, or obnoxious kids watch this movie. Take it for what it is pure escapism.
Rating:  Summary: This Ain't Your Daddy's Mummy Review: The Mummy Returns is the first Earplug Movie of the official summer season. You've been warned. Roaring armies of the undead, clanging sword blades, chitter-clicking hordes of scorpions, thundering waves of water'it's enough to make you bleed from both sides of your head. This is the kind of Dolby movie where evil-hearted theater projectionists will, in the words of This is Spinal Tap, turn the volume up to 11. Buried among all that noise and visual confusion is some good old-fashioned matinee serial entertainment, the kind of fun Indiana Jones brought back to the marquee for a while. This sequel to the smash-and-clash summer blockbuster of two years ago delivers exactly what you'd expect when you fork over your money at the box office. If you're looking for a cerebral, thought-provoking two hours, then Memento is two doors down in Theater No. 6. But if it's a white-knuckled, computer-generated adventure you're seeking, you've come to the right place. There's nothing new here'unless, that is, you haven't been the movies in the last four years and seen what computers have done to the medium. The Mummy Returns is predictable, dependable and, if you put yourself in the right frame of mind, enjoyable. These new millennium Mummies, both directed by Stephen Sommers, bear no resemblance to the classic Universal picture of 1932 starring Boris Karloff. Not even a passing resemblance. The other night, I happened to catch a few minutes of the Karloff classic. There's a scene early in the picture where the wrapped and age-caked mummy is unwittingly brought to life by the over-excited archeologist who's reading ancient Egyptian texts aloud. Cut to the mummy in the background. Close-up on his bandaged hands. Slowly, ever'so'slowly, a finger moves. Then, ever'so'slowly, one eye cracks open. Believe it or not, it's the most frightening moment of the movie. The Mummy Returns has its share of frights (parents, be warned'this is not one to take nightmare-prone children to), but it aims to thrill more than it does chill. It doesn't have time to waste on slow-motion, creaking-finger horror. Karloff shuffles, but these undead dudes gallop (and leap and scamper across the sheer walls of buildings). Slow motion is for sissies. But one wishes that Sommers and company would slow the pace every so often so we could catch our breath. After all, there's only so many swordfights, attacking waves of scorpions and double-decker bus chase scenes that one can take in one sitting. The Mummy Returns is on full throttle from the first scene onward'that's when we meet the Scorpion King (played with Oscar-caliber emotional depth by that great, great thespian The Rock). Courtesy of a tedious narrator, we learn how the Scorpion King makes a deal with the evil god Anubis: if he, the Scorpion King, agrees to quit the WWF and devote his life to working in a Meals-on-Wheels program, then Anubis will grant him all-consuming power. Or something like that. For some reason, after the Scorpion King seals his Faustian deal with Anubis, he sinks into the sand. There, he must wait another 5,000 years until matinee idol Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser) finishes making lame-o movies like Dudley Do-Right, Bedazzled and Monkeybone before he can come back from the dead to torment humanity. Or something like that. O'Connell and the lovely, bookish Evie (Rachel Weisz) return from the previous movie, still comically bickering like a modern Tracy and Hepburn. But this time, they're married and they've got a precocious nine-year-old son (Freddie Boath), an utterly charming kid who steals the show right out from under them. And that's hard to do, since both Fraser and Weisz are in fine form, loosening up and having more fun with their characters this time around, even if they have to deliver recycled dialogue like: 'This is bad, Evie.' 'We've had bad before.' 'This is worse.' The plot rollicks along as an ancient bracelet is stolen, a mummy is reincarnated and two ladies duke it out with swords and kung-fu. The story jumps from Egypt to London and back to Egypt again as Rick and Evie (otherwise known as Indiana Jones and the Librarian) race against time to stop both the recently-revived Scorpion King and Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) from conquering the world. They're joined on their quest by Evie's comic-relief brother (John Hannah) and the mysterious-and-smoldering Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr). However, the real stars of the flick (at least in the minds of the producers and director) are the teams of CGI artists who worked overtime creating layers upon layers of cyber-drawn landscapes and armies. Forget Cecile B. DeMille's 'cast of thousands''this is a cast of millions. Hordes of Anubis warriors'creatures which look like a cross between a Doberman and Charles Atlas'swarm across the sand dunes, swinging computer-generated swords and roaring with Dolby fury. A lot of money was poured into creating all this eye candy and, truth be told, you can see every penny on the screen. After watching The Mummy Returns, the Screen Actors Guild should have no reason to be worried that its members will someday be replaced by computer actors. If the painstakingly fake figures on display here are any indication, I'll take flesh-and-blood Pacinos and Streeps any day. Watch closely during the battle scenes and you might even notice evidence of sloppy CGI: in a crowded battleground scene, while humans are clashing with CGI characters, I saw at least one Anubis warrior swinging at nothing but air. I guess the filmmakers figured we'd be so distracted by the blur of action we wouldn't notice that one lonely little computer guy. And that's the biggest problem with The Mummy Returns: there's such a non-stop assault on all your senses that you feel you're somehow being cheated. It's like when a magician distracts you from his sleight-of-hand with non-stop patter and chatter. Instead of producing magic, however, the movie leaves you feeling slightly drained (if not bleeding from the ears). It strains to entertain and nearly gets a hernia in the process. In the end, you'll probably walk out of the theater wobbly-legged and buzz-headed, as if you just got off a two-hour rollercoaster ride. 'Well, that was fun,' you'll say, 'but I wouldn't want to do it again.'
Rating:  Summary: 2001. Results. The worst silly blockbuster of the year!!! Review: Yeah! The year is almost over. And it's a time to tell a few words about its results. We're talking, about cinema, you understand. Of course, I haven't seen all 2001's movies. Partly because I'm too far from USA. But I can say with confidence, that the worst movie I've seen this year was Mummy Returns. I liked the first "Mummy". It wasn't very intellectual or original, but it was pretty funny, pretty good in different ways. It had good Indiana Jones-like action. But second part was really bad. I have to say, that during first, somethin' about, 30 minutes I even liked it in some way. Visual effects were so extremely great! But then... It's too hard to count all bad sides of this film. Some of them are: bad performances by main actors, dull and boring screenplay, unfunny jokes, a lot of actual mistakes, for example we don't know phonetics of the Ancient Egyptian's language, we can read their books, but we can't pronounce their words etc. etc. etc. It was really boring, I wanted to sleep, but I know, that I'll go to watch the third part, because I want to know one thing. Will it be worse or better than this piece of... you know what? 2 stars.. Not 1 star only because of the first half an hour and some pretty interesting moments. But there were not enough of them. It's a pity. It could be a pretty cool movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Sequel to The Mummy Review: This is a great movie. It has good special effects as well as some very funny parts. I enjoyed Evie's visions as well as the cleverness of their son. A good movie that you will enjoy
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie with Great Family Values Review: My kids don't get tired of watching this movie, over, and over again. I love it too. It has good family values, humor, and action. A great movie!
Rating:  Summary: Mummy-Pygmies... Review: Once again Fraser and Weisz return to the screen, this time they are married and have a very very very annoying son Alex(Boath). The plot is very confused and very full of holes and only seem half finished, you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Well the lacking plot is something about the scorpion king in another lost city, and the return(again) of Imothep(Vosloo). Alex for some reason decides to put on a bracelet that is essential to finding this lost city, and thus find himself abducted by cultists. Our heroes along with Weisz brother(John Hannah) follow the cultists in close pursuit, but it is all very confused. At one time they also encounter mummy-pygmies...I will let that speak for itself. The Return of the Mummy try to outdo the original in regard to special effects, but they seem very uneven, and not always very impressive, but they do take your concentration of the (nonexistant) plot. Through the whole movie you wonder what the idea is to have Weisz and Fraser running around and almost getting themself killed since their son Alex obviously would be able to handle matters on his own. From the very start of the movie I found myself hoping for the brats demise