Rating:  Summary: Friday the 13th, Halloween, American Nightmare Review: Reviewing a movie is always a fun task, don't start thinking I'm a professional. I'm not, just look at my grammar. But I enjoy reviewing movies as an avid movie fan, so that other fans like me get the "real scoop" on a movie not the scoop Pepsi wants you to know. So with that said and you have an idea of where I am coming from...So I watched American Nightmare after a friend told me to check it out. At first the acting was a little cheesy (first impression) Good use of lighting, it was actually creepy the way the director chose to use the lights, they fit right into the genre of movie. So even though the acting and the lines were somewhat cheesy at first I continued and oddly enough the lines and the acting fit into the theme and I couldn't stop watching. I felt myself understanding the characters more as if they were my friends, cause those cheesy lines...that's the same sh*& we say. I never really realized that movies portray to many punks, losers, hippies, surfers, jocks and cookie cutter geeks to the extreme form. My circle of friends consists of at least one or two of each of those and we all sound and talk "pretty much" the same, using the same words and phrases used in American Nightmare. So it wasn't really cheesy lines, it was an unexpected realism in a movie (imagine that!). The killing scenes were realistic but not ultra-blood, ultra cheese. As a matter of fact I was surprised at the lack of gore in the the movie. If your expecting a gore flick, then change your expectations and watch it anyway. This is a movie that was made to send shivers down your spine and make you want to sleep with the lights on. So you ask, then why the title of this review. I went back and rented the original Friday the 13th, Halloween, Phsycho and a couple other classics and guess what...very similiar. Maybe a little more gore in a couple of those however, they were made by production companies. The were all similiar in the way that they don't attempt to scare you with the villian so much as to you weren't sure what the villian was going to do next, maybe come after you not with showing what the villian could do to you with special effects. So here is the guts of my review. It's realistic, great lighting and sound and does a good job of making you think "what's going to happen next, do I need to turn on some lights". I have and will reccomend it to my friends, family and coworkers.
Rating:  Summary: Friday the 13th, Halloween, American Nightmare Review: Reviewing a movie is always a fun task, don't start thinking I'm a professional. I'm not, just look at my grammar. But I enjoy reviewing movies as an avid movie fan, so that other fans like me get the "real scoop" on a movie not the scoop Pepsi wants you to know. So with that said and you have an idea of where I am coming from... So I watched American Nightmare after a friend told me to check it out. At first the acting was a little cheesy (first impression) Good use of lighting, it was actually creepy the way the director chose to use the lights, they fit right into the genre of movie. So even though the acting and the lines were somewhat cheesy at first I continued and oddly enough the lines and the acting fit into the theme and I couldn't stop watching. I felt myself understanding the characters more as if they were my friends, cause those cheesy lines...that's the same sh*& we say. I never really realized that movies portray to many punks, losers, hippies, surfers, jocks and cookie cutter geeks to the extreme form. My circle of friends consists of at least one or two of each of those and we all sound and talk "pretty much" the same, using the same words and phrases used in American Nightmare. So it wasn't really cheesy lines, it was an unexpected realism in a movie (imagine that!). The killing scenes were realistic but not ultra-blood, ultra cheese. As a matter of fact I was surprised at the lack of gore in the the movie. If your expecting a gore flick, then change your expectations and watch it anyway. This is a movie that was made to send shivers down your spine and make you want to sleep with the lights on. So you ask, then why the title of this review. I went back and rented the original Friday the 13th, Halloween, Phsycho and a couple other classics and guess what...very similiar. Maybe a little more gore in a couple of those however, they were made by production companies. The were all similiar in the way that they don't attempt to scare you with the villian so much as to you weren't sure what the villian was going to do next, maybe come after you not with showing what the villian could do to you with special effects. So here is the guts of my review. It's realistic, great lighting and sound and does a good job of making you think "what's going to happen next, do I need to turn on some lights". I have and will reccomend it to my friends, family and coworkers.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: This movie is one of those love-it-or-hate-it films. Yes, the film seems to copy a lot of elements of Halloween. But so what? Yes, certain scenes seem familiar, but the plot on the whole is pretty original and well done. I especially give kudos since the director of this movie didn't go to film school and just kind of did things his own way. That's something you've got to respect. Also, Debbie Rochon is wonderful as always; she's one of the best actresses out there today. Too bad mainstream Hollywood hasn't really used her to her full potential yet. Check this one out! :)
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: This movie is one of those love-it-or-hate-it films. Yes, the film seems to copy a lot of elements of Halloween. But so what? Yes, certain scenes seem familiar, but the plot on the whole is pretty original and well done. I especially give kudos since the director of this movie didn't go to film school and just kind of did things his own way. That's something you've got to respect. Also, Debbie Rochon is wonderful as always; she's one of the best actresses out there today. Too bad mainstream Hollywood hasn't really used her to her full potential yet. Check this one out! :)
Rating:  Summary: Truly Thrilling Review: When I purchased this I had no idea of what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. Really cool film. Some great scary but not over the top seequences. Lighting was done really well. Acting was well above average for a low-budget film. Rochon is simply terrifying. Would have liked to have seen a bit more of Brinke Stevens but you can't have everything. Maybe we'll see that in the sequel.