Rating:  Summary: Not a very scary halloween night Review: In my opinion this flick was a total letdown considering that the movie stars one the greatest killers of all time and also one of the hottest babes of all time but neither of them deliver the merchandise.It's still a pretty good flick with some good scenes but it could have been so much better.
Rating:  Summary: Halloween, At Its Finest Review: It's been twenty years since that terrible Halloween night but yet Laurie Strode can't forget it. It's embedded deep her mind and she can't seem to let it go despite all the changes in her life since then. Laurie faked her death and changed her name to Keri Tate. She's now the headmistress of a school in Summers Glen, California. She has a son as well. Everything seems to be going fine even though she can't let go of her terrible past. Soon, things go downhill fast. Michael Myers isn't dead. He's still very much alive, and he wants his revenge against Laurie. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. Halloween H2O is filled with terror and suspense. The acting is very well done. Jamie Lee Curtis reprises her role as Laurie Strode/Keri Tate. Now Laurie must face Michael one final time. Who will survive? Laurie or Michael? This is, without a doubt, the best Halloween sequel in the series.
Rating:  Summary: A good horror movie Halloween H20 Review: This is a good horror movie. The gore is fantastic and the actors are incredibly into their parts! Read my other reviews Jaws 3 Jaws The Revenge Halloween Halloween II Halloween 4 Halloween 5 Halloween and The Curse of Michael Myers and Jaws 2 Thanks
Rating:  Summary: Halloween H20 Saves The Franchise Review: Nothing can come close to outdoing John Carpenter's Halloween, and H20 doesn't come close. Still, it is one hell of a "Halloween" film. This is the one that everyone has been waiting for. Michael Myers discovers sister Laurie Strode has faked her death, changed her name, and is now the Head Mistress of a private school in Southern California. Her 17 year old son John also lives with her there. Michael decides for a holiday family reunion. Jamie Lee Curtis is phenomenal. No longer is she young, innocent Laurie Strode. She is now a much more stronger person who wants to end her demons once and for all. Some fans weren't as pleased with this colder, harder Laurie. I was for it all the way. I mean, it's been 20 years. She went thru a lot and has lived with it. People change. Things will change them. She couldn't be the same Laurie we all know and love. I thought it was a great character dynamic. Jamie Lee blows her previous two performances to hell with this one, as well as pretty much every other scream queen performance. The remaining cast:Adam Arkin, Michelle Williams, LL Cool J, Janet Leigh, really have nothing to do. That's a horrible shame. Halloween gets an A list cast but doesn't take advantage of it. Arkin is exceptionally likeable and watchable. He should've been given a lot more to do. The film could've done without all the "fake scares", but it is still a suspenseful film. Nurse Marion being back was a nice touch, as was the use of a Loomis photo and the old "Mister Sandman" song from Halloween II. The ending was very strong and effective. Michael reaching for Laurie's hand was, dare I say it?, touching. It was a truly superb and extraordinary end for the movie and the series. There has never been a Laurie/Michael moment like that before in the series. It was a very strong scene that will no doubt be a pivotal moment in the series. Many people whined because it ignored previous storylines. That was a good thing. The previous storyline was so hampered down by inane junk that it was the problem the series started to really stink. Ignoring it was a good thing to do. It turned the series into something else. Something it doesn't, and shouldn't, need to be. I do wish, however, that the events of Part 4 were looked back on. I don't like the ignoring of the 'Jamie' character. It would of been nice to of mentioned her. This is the first film without Dr. Loomis. It is a sad thing to think about. He WAS the star of these movies. He made them. His presence was definitley missed. How nice it would of been for him and Laurie to be together in this. Chris Durand is an adequate Michael. The mask was pretty good, and he had the walk down. He was a little too thin and puney tho. The score, by John Ottman, is nice. It sounds good, but he mixes with the theme and eases the tension off of it. It sounded good, but was not right. All in all, they tried hard to return Michael to his old self. They succeeded. There wasn't much blood or any kind of gore(like the original), and the body count was down from previous installments. It was time they turned Michael back into 'Michael' instead of turning him into a ridiculous, over the top slasher like Jason. Why so many fans hated this is beyond me. All I know is that this is the first sequel since the original that was made like it was done with love and respect for the series and it's fans. The series will, and has, go on. What H20 tried to do will of been for nothing at all. That's a shame. They did such a good job. Let's hope future sequels, if there are any, will try as hard as the makers of this one to make a Halloween film that looks and feels like a Halloween movie, and that it is done with the same kind of love and admiration as this one. Nothing is going to be as good as the first one. People going in to see a new sequel should not even begin to think that. H20 is a great treat for fans. The real fans.
Rating:  Summary: Halloween: H20- The BEST sequel Review: Halloween H20 is easily the best of the Halloween sequels. It starts off very well (and scary)with Nancy Stephens reprising her role as nurse Marion Chambers (from the first two films)From there the movie just keeps on getting better up until the excellent (and jaw droping) finale. Jamie Lee Curtis does a wounderful job of reprising her role as Laurie Strode. She shows us why shes the great actress that she is. Also Josh Hartnet(now of Pearl Harbor fame)did a great job as Lauries son. This was the movie that really put him on the map and he does a wounderful job. The best thing about H20 is that it totally ignores the past few sequels, which for the most part were nothing special. It acts as if 1 and 2 were the only other films which I think is a great idea. But there were just a few things that bothered me. One being that at times the movie seemed to focus on too many "false alarms" rather than real terror. That really bothered me. You think that something really freaky is gonna happen, but then it turns out to be just a false alarm. The other being the short length. Running in at only 86min it just seems like it goes by really fast and i would have liked to see alot more. Most people think that Halloween 2 is the better sequel of the two. While I can see why some people would think this, to me it is no different than parts 4,5, or 6 simply because it is an all-out slasher film. I mean michael just kills everyone in his path while in the original and H20 he hunts for just Laurie and a few other kids.But dont get me wrong I still think it is an enjoyable film for what it is. To me H20 is the Ultimate Halloween sequel,and the ending I think is one of the best ive seen for the type of movie that it is and with Jamie Lee back you cant go wrong. Highly recommended!! I must say that the DvD is kind of dissapointing featurewise as it does not contain the commentary track that is shown on the back. But at least the Picture and sound are good. It doesnt even have the trailer!
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Ending!!!!!!!!! Review: H20 was a perfect ending to the whole "Halloween" series because it finally ended with Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee) facing off with a nightmare that has haunted her for years. I loved it when Laurie called out Micheal, and then it was on. Laurie had to finally face her monster, and put an end to his reign of terror.
Rating:  Summary: the sequel to Halloween 2 Review: This movie was great but I would have liked it better if John (Josh Hartnet I RECCOMEND him in The Faculty) played Laurie Strode's grandson (Jamie's son) and if Laurie would have told him he had a sister. Other than that It was great! You will see LL Cool J in this (In Too Deep) Jodi Lyn O' keef (The Crow:Salvation, Whatever It Takes, She's All That. Michelle Pheiffer (TV's Dawson's Creek RECOMMENDED)
Rating:  Summary: H20: The True Sequel!! Review: The "Halloween" saga has always been a favorite of horror film fans. It began with a ground-breaking, terrifying original, and moved onto "Halloween II" which continued the story on the same night as the original, making it the perfect companion piece. While not as relentlessly terrifying as the original, it is a scary movie. Then came "Halloween 3" which had nothing to do with the rest of the series. It could have been an all right movie if they had left off the "Halloween" title. But it raised so many fan expectations that it fell very short. "Halloween 4" brought Michael Myers back, and returned to the suspense of the first two films, heralding the 10-year-old original. "Halloween 5" was a step down in quality, with a good first 20 minutes, and suspenseful second half to make up for the "stupid teenagers and sex" sub-plot. "Halloween 6" was on the same level as the fifth one--entertaining in parts, but it was so choppy, you could hardly tell what was going on a lot of the time. Then it came full-circle. 20 years after the original film came "Halloween: H20--Twenty Years Later", bringing everybody's favorite horror heroine, Laurie Strode--played by Jamie Lee Curtis--back to the screen. It bypasses films 3-6, and becomes a direct sequel to the first two. It is an excellent film, very scary and suspenseful, while not falling too much into the trappings of "Scream" rip-offs. With Jamie Lee Curtis and Michael Myers going face-to-face 20 years later, it brings a successful resolution to the saga. "Halloween: The Homecoming" is supposed to be coming out soon, and I'll probably see it, just because it too has JLC and Michael Myers. But I have a feeling that it is going to be about as good as "Halloweens 3, 5, and 6", which is not very good. "Homecoming" will negate the whole effect of H20's brilliant climax in which Michael finally meets with his death, and I think it should stay unreleased. If you want to experience the true story of Halloween, watch "Halloween", "Halloween II", and "Halloween H20". This trilogy of Michael Myers and Jamie Lee Curtis is super-scary and brings the terrifying story to a satisfying resolution. It begins 20 years after the first two films, and Nurse Marion from the first two finds her house broken into, with files on Laurie Strode missing, before Michael Myers kills her. Then Michael heads out to California, where Laurie is living under a different name, with her teenage son John, and running a prep school. But as Halloween draws closer, Laurie must finally face her demons, and goes head-to-head with her masked brother for a final showdown that has an unexpected, yet completely satisfying conclusion--bringing the story of Michael and Laurie to a close. The acting is excellent for a horror film, and it is a beautifully made film. The music, which hints at John Carpenter's original themes, is very creepy. The direction is quite good as well. It is certainly the best of the "Halloween" sequels, follwed closely by "II". The DVD is an awesome widescreen version. But there is no commentary as mentioned on the box, and no theatrical trailers. But there is a neat documentary on the making of the film. And the picture and sound quality is excellent. Buy H20 now, before it's too late! You won't regret it. Now you can see how the horror saga really ends.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: This was a great movie, although it didn't remind me of any of the other Halloween movies. It really seemed much more teen oriented. But it was still a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Slasher Film I have ever seen. Review: BETTER THAN FREDDY!!.... MICHAEL MYERS RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!