Rating:  Summary: Jamie Lee Curtis Deserved Better Than This Review: I must say there were some things I liked about H20, but overall I think it was lacking. The problem is this movie feels more like Scream than it does Halloween. It also takes place in a Santa Fe looking school which isn't anywhere near as creepy as the scenery in Haddonfield was. Michael Myers' mask was also really bad, and you could actually see eyes through the mask! Now let's backtrack here..... this movie was promoted as the sequel that pretends parts 3-6 never happened. So that means part 2 did happen, and Michael had his eyes shot out in that movie, so why here does he have eyes clean enough to be in a Visine commercial? The music is also a joke because everytime you hear any of the creepy score from the first movie, you then hear bands like Creed play and you lose all hope for this movie to be scary. The characters are all pretty bad.....and who would buy into the idea that really attractive dark-haired girl would be dating such a geeky guy? They need to end this series now because it's clear nobody can make a scary movie in Hollywood anymore.
Rating:  Summary: How Much ??? Review: Just look at the box cover art ... or watch the film ... Don't you get the sad / sinking feeling that you've seen this before ??? ... Well, chances are you have ... or at least the same movie with different actors ... The is nothing scary or memorable, and Halloween H2O is forced and painfully generic: Jamie Lee Curtis walks through this one as if it were a wireless commercial .... She bad-mouthed the entire horror genre back when it wasn't chic to make horror films, but I suppose with the influx of bad late 90's "horror", the makers of this forgetable film were able to throw enough money at her so that she changed her tune ... and it shows .... This film looks, ends, sounds, behaves, and plays-out just like every other watered-down horror film of the era .... Why am I reviewing it ??? ... I'm not sure ... I wasted enough time watching it, so maybe I'll just end the review here ... My suggestions ??? Buy TOURIST TRAP, ALICE SWEET ALICE and BLACK CHRISTMAS : all similar, all scarier, and all much more personal ....
Rating:  Summary: This Halloween Rocks! Review: I am a big fan of the Halloween film series. I thought that the series had run it's course with the Jamie Lloyd storyline and all, but when they brought back Laurie Strode in H20, it was like a breath of fresh air. Laure is back and fed up with hiding and running from her maniac brother. This movie is not about blood and gore. It has suspense and a great story line. Michael Myers is so cool in this movie. I really liked how they brought back the nurse Mary Wittingham. That was a nice touch. I also liked the homage paid to Phsyco with Janet Leigh. The movie was solid and exciting, I could watch it every week! If Halloween 8 is as well put together as this one, we are in for a great ride!
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Good Sequel to The Classic Review: As Chucky (& his love) finally revived his power with the third sequel, so this famous John Carpenter classic film got a modest, well-deserved treatment with this fairly good installment. And looking back from now, it is a miracle that stars like Josh Hartnett ("Pearl Harbor" and "Black Hawk Down") and Michelle Williams ("Dick") have been brought in here (Well, but once Renee Zelweger was in a 1995 sequel of "Texas Chainsaw Massacare" so ... remember that?). Well, this is what we call muscle of now influential studios Miramax and Dimention Films.The story is very simple. Just forget the other sequels, and consider yourself transported to 20 years later. Now Mike Meyers's sister (Jamie Lee Curtis returning to her "Screaming Queen" role with very apt opening entrance with her BIG scream), still afraid of the terrible events years ago, is found in a posh private high school, where she is now principle. She is living with her son (Hartnett), who thinks, quite understandably, his mother is over-protective. But why, he does not know Mike brandishing a knife, and this Mike is supposed to be burnt to death ... until now. With a well-crafted, complicated opening scenes which show clearly the touch of acclaimed writer Kevin Williamson (co-producer here), "Halloween H20" starts promisingly, gradually setting the background of each possible victims. The film, though never overcoming the handicaps of being a sequel, which naturally has to preserve the rules the original made, fares pretty well, always keeping a good pace. Steve Miner (known with Lake Placid" and many others) knows how to engage our interests even though not his skills are not on par with that of Wes Craven, whose "Scream" series have something in common with this film: funny in-jokes about horror film genre, and a bit predictable, but still well-executed set-pieces. Probably, those who have seen the original "Holloween" and many other older films (like "Psycho") can get more joy from this sequel. If you haven't seen them, I suggest strongly see them before watching this. You may miss many things, without which, you can still enjoy yourself, though, and the ending of the film (which reminds us of that of another famous horror film) is not a little surprsing, considering the fact that this franchize is still going on. But OK, forget it. The best thing of this film is, in my book, the welcome re-entrance of Jamie Lee Curtis (whose mother Janet Leigh, in ... what else, "Psycho," can be seen as a cameo). LL Cool J also appears as a guard. Overall, satisfactory, if not perfect, this is a unexpected revival of the series that seem once dead already. My verdict about the work per se is actually 3 stars, but with its good, tongue-in-cheek reference to the genre, one star up.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Can't Wait Until The Homecoming Review: This movie was off the hook! I loved how they would get you ready for something, and then you find out it doesnt happen (E.X. When that Guy sticks his hand in the garbage disposl for the cork opener, and you THINK Michael is going to turn the dispoasl on but he doesnt) also i liked there selection of characters, Michelle Williams Hott has ever in this movie, Josh Hartnet the best movie he's been in thus far LL Cool J great in this movie but should have been shown more thenthere is that Leigh girl she was great to. I loved this movieso much, this was a real thrill ride right down to the whole part in the bathroom with the mother and the little girl "SPIDERS!" this was a really great movie. I loved the part where Michael is flipping over tables and Jamie is crawling under them. the end however blew me away, at first i was like but hows there gonna be an eigth one? well im gonna spoil it here so if you dont wanna know click out of here, its the best how Michael is supposedly dead, but once one cop leaves Michael kills the last cop takes off the cops clothes and puts those on, then puts the cop in the jumpsuit and mask. Once the second cop comes back he sees somebody leaving with the cop outfit on, but he pays no attention to it thinking its the real cop, he gets the people to come in and they put "Michael" in the van, hes put into a body bag and taken away but Jamie pulls a gun and takes the van, with cops on her tail and "Michael" popping out of the body bag Jamie drives right off the egde of the road sending "Michael" out the window. Jamie gets out and sees "Michael" caught between the tree and the van, she grabs his hand and holds it then lets go, swings the axe and in one swift blow takes off THE COPS HEAD! NOT MICHAELS! that is how The Homecoming is made which by the way i read the script and the homecomin seems very good i like the fact that they travel back to the Myers hom, but it [stunks] that Michelle Williams and Josh Hartnett arent in it, if theres another they should be in that one.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie (SPOILERS FOR HALLOWEEN RESURRECTION!) Review: I thought this movie was great. Jamie Lee Curtis is back to get Michael. And it also has a crew of tasteful young actors! Great movie. ***SPOILERS*** People are wondering how Michael can be brought back, well in Halloween Resurrection it shows that after Laurie stabbed Michael and he landed on the floor at the end and she was about to stab him, the police officer or guard stopped her and when the coroner was about to pack him up in that black bag Michael flees and puts the mask on the guy, and sticks the mask on so the man can't talk. And no one has seen his face except Jamie Lloyd but she's dead and Laurie. This means Laurie killed an innocent person. Can't wait till HALLOWEEN:RESURRECTION. I liked The Homecoming better though.
Rating:  Summary: First Rate Fun Review: Halloween: H20 is a fun movie, chase scenes with Michael Myers put you at the edge of your seat. The plot itself is a little weak, however, because honestly how would a mad man like Myers with nothing but killing on his mind survive for 20 years out of a nut house "I guess he survived by eating rats or something." Jamie Lee Curtis is back and in top form as Michael's sister from the first 2. Josh Hartnett (Black Hawke Down) is good as well as her son. All in all, H20 is good but only because of the good cast and the non stop fun, not because of the unbelievable plot.
Rating:  Summary: possibly the best of the sequels Review: Halloween's Michael Myers was the first, and possibly, the best of the masked serial killers which proliferated after it's success. Imitators included notoriety Friday the 13's Jason. The Halloween franchise seemed to have exhausted itself after the dire Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995), but one of the rules of the slasher movies is that the killer is never really dead and can be revived. After the success of Scream (1996) and films like it the time seemed right to bring Michael Myers back. Also it was the twentieth anniversary of the first. Also this film had both money thrown at it. The previous six films had grossed over $200 million for a budget of $20 million and some of those were truly dire (step forward parts three and six). This film has similar feel to Halloween (1978) in that the director crafted this film with love and Michael skulks around in the shadows in mark contrast to the high power lighting in Halloween II (1981). The murders in this movie however do owe more to such films as Friday the 13th (1980) and Halloween II (1981) instead of the first with there being lashes of blood and one scene which made everyone in the cinema which I was in wince. The nurse in part one and two Marion Chambers (Nancy Stephens) comes home to find that her home has been broken in to and the file on Laurie Strode (the victim in parts one and two) has been taken. The burglar turns out to Michael Myers (Chris Durand) who is back to his old ways. Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) after the events of Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981) has changed her name (to Keri Tate) and is a border line alcoholic. She has a son John (Josh Harnett), but there is conflict between them over her fears over Michael Myers. The plot (which these movies are notoriety thin) has the majority of the pupils at the bordering school go camping apart from Josh, his girlfriend Molly (Michelle Williams), her friend Sarah (Jodi Lyn O'Keefe) and her boyfriend Charlie (Adam Hann-Byrd). They stay behind to indulge in the kind of halloween fun which always seem to rile marauding psychopaths who populate this movies. It can safely (fingers crossed) that this will be the last one in the series. The reason being the ending although this is no guarantee. For an example of that look no further than Friday the 13th The Final Chapter (1984) which was promptly followed by five more sequels! Steve Miner (who directed Friday the 13th part two and Friday the 13th part three in 1982 and 1983 respectively) has more of a feel for these type of movies than others in the series and it works. It has it's fair share of scares and is a more worthy sequel than others in the series. The writers has wisely jettisoned parts three to six and have concentrated on the ones starring Jamie Lee Curtis. The music is also noteworthy. The only gripe with the movie is that it lacks Donald Pleasance, but since he died three years before it was a bit hard even for horror movies which are notorious for bringing the dead back to live. The idea to have Donald Pleasance's voice over the credits at the beginning is a good one. It establishes a link with the first two and wisely by-passes parts 4 to six. It has the references which all films post-Scream (1996) have to have with an example of this being the theme song Mr Sandman from Halloween II (1981) making appearances periodically normally on the radio. It is Halloween updated for the post-Scream Dawson Creek generation and is all the better for it.
Rating:  Summary: last i think Review: I dont know if this is the last film in the series or not. im pretty sure another one may come out. Anyways, this movie really wasn't scary if you know what I mean. It was gory. If you think blood, gore, and people being crushed is "scary" this movie is for you. It didn't scare me at all. Maybe because it had such good effects that it just wasn't scary. It was good though. Janet Leigh and Jamie Lee Curtis (janet's daughter) star in this film. It's a whole new creation :)