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April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day

List Price: $14.99
Your Price: $13.49
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Somewhat atypical 1980's horror movie.
Review: Muffy St. John (Deborah Foreman) is a well-off college kid who invites her friends to spend the weekend at her parents' island home. Amidst the barrage of gags, the guests soon start turning up dead and it is left to two of them to try to escape with their wits intact.

Playful twist on the standard slasher movie (produced by Frank Mancuso, Jr., who was involved with several of the "Friday the 13th" sequels) with a disarming sense of humor. Many viewers may know what they're in for judging by the title alone, and be able to appreciate it knowing that it's not taking itself seriously.

That said, though, there are scenes of genuine suspense, light-hearted performances (the whole pictures's all in fun), and a noticeable de-emphasis on graphic gore.

Not a truly great picture but enjoyable just the same.

Just another bare-bones DVD from Paramount, however, with not even a theatrical trailer.


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: April Fool's Day
Review: April Fool's Day [ Horror ]

7/10 Movie: April Fool's Day (1986)

An above average horror movie.This was definetly a better horror movie in the 80's.I would reccomend this movie to anyone.The ending is great!If for nothing else go to see the ending.It's really a who-dun-it film that doen't really much on gore which is good for some of you quesy people out there.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love this film.
Review: What can I say? It's not the best film ever made, but it is a lot of fun. It starts out as your basic slasher film; good looking young people on an isolated island get killed one by one. Then you get to the ending, which breaks out of the formula. A delightful movie. I just wish the DVD edition had some extras.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: April Fool's Day (1986)
Review: A suprise delight of a horror/mystery film, "April Fool's Day" is an enjoyable slasher romp that has some suspenseful scenes and a good cast. Muffy St. John (played by Deborah Foreman) invites a large group of college students to her mansion for a weekend party. Many of the students are surprised and suspicious about the invitation, for they do not like Muffy and do not understand such a selfless deed. Fun and games (which mainly consists of reading poetry and playing practical jokes) turns to terror when a killer prowls the mansion and starts knocking off the teens one by one.

Director Fred Walton uses a funny, yet haunting script to create a slasher film with a twist. Nothing too special, for it stills holds very true with the genre, "April Fool's Day" will greatly satisfy fans of a film that combines humor and violence, while others purely dedicated to the slice-and-dice theme might be turned off. All in all, this is a film for those who enjoy horror sprinkled with laughs.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Watch it. You Know You've Been Wanting To
Review: I'm willing to bet you've put this film off for years. I'm sure you've seen it at the video store numerous times throughout the years, and you may have been intrigued by the cover with the chick holding the knife behind her back with her hair in a noose. Well, it may not be worth all those years of putting it off, but you'd might as well take that plunge now that the film is out on dvd. Ya know, this movie is actually pretty good considering it's a slasher flick. Slasher flicks aren't exactly the mark of quality, but this one has some decent performances and a good script that actually conjures up a few scares. Don't get me wrong, this movie isn't gonna keep you up all night or anything, but with a formulatic genre like this, April Fool's Day manages to be kinda spooky. And it's actually funny too! Alot of slasher flicks can't quite pull off the humor thing, but this movie actually manages to be laugh out loud funny. The humor and scares can be put down to some very good performances by the young cast. Most slasher flicks have acting that leaves much to be desired, but I'd have to say this movie has the best acting of any slasher flick I've seen(and I've seen many). The ending of this film gets mixed opinions. Some people see it as a letdown, while others find it quite original. I'm in the latter category, but it's one of those endings that's only gonna work once. Similar to Primal Fear or The Sixth Sense, the twist is good for the first viewing only, but that doesn't mean you won't enjoy watching it again. Just make sure you watch it with someone who hasn't seen it before.

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