Rating:  Summary: so bad its good.... Review: 1 Ok so I hated the first one because it had a cliche predictable plot except for an end that was something I never would have expected. 2 Not a horrible sequel. Maybe you can consider this an improvement over the first but it is still rather boring and uncreative. 3 This is my favorite one of the series. It is actually pretty funny. The same killer, Angela, attacks people for no apparent reason with a log. It is so bad its good.
Rating:  Summary: Never Trust A Sequal Review: After watching Sleep Away Camp 1 I was totally obessed with the movie. I watched it over and over to find out more information on the plot and the excellent story line. I searched everywere for the the two sequals. I then came across the this box set and bought them right away. WHAT a dispointment. The next two had no story line at all, u didn't have to think at all and it was the same thing over and over. I recomend that u rent the first movie and if u REALLY like it to see the sequals before buying them. I will watch SLEEP AWAY CAMP 1 over and over again but the sequals are never going to be seen again.
Rating:  Summary: box set is best to get all 3 movies Review: alot of video stores carried the vhs tapes of sleepaway camp vol 2 and 3.i have 3 places i rent my movies at.both volumes had been stold at each video store.the first and 2nd volume was the best.the 3rd one was gory.but seemed to unreal.i would recomened getting it.
Rating:  Summary: Sleepaway Camp... You won't be coming home! Review: Angela is back with a lot of extras including new commentaries, deleted scenes, excluded gore material. Sleepaway Camp Trilogy has been one of the funniest productions in my life. It has a lot of humor, fun and imagination (great make-up effects) that cannot be found in another camp slashers. With this price, this trilogy is a must for all campers. Don't forget, when you go camping, just take the essentials...
Rating:  Summary: A standout in the 80s slasher phenomenon... Review: Every entry in to the Sleepaway Camp series is entertaining, campy, and bloody. What more could you ask for? Angela Baker, the male/female killer has some pretty imaginative tricks up her sleeves when it comes to slaughtering kids who come anywhere near Camp Arowak. And behind most of the killings is some sort of message (reminds me of South Park in a way); do not smoke marijuana, or Angela will soak you in gasoline and light you with your joint; do not have sex at camp, or you will be beaten with whatever Angela can find ie. a big stick. With a lot of the slasher movies of the 1980s we were treated to some very trite acting and poor plots. And with Sleepaway Camp, we get the same treatment, only with more gore and gratuitous nudity than most others in the genre (Slumber Party Massacre trilogy aside). Sleepaway Camp is obviously in the vain of the Friday the 13th franchise, which is not a bad thing. When all you want is to watch some decent kills, not have think too hard about what is going on, or maybe you are just tired of seeing a masked killer with not much screen time, well throw on Sleepaway Camp and just veg to classic 80s mayhem. It's too bad that Best Buy had the best deal for this box set which isn't as widely available anymore as it was ($29.99 plus free shipping with the scrapped Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor included as a bonus 4th disc). But don't worry, you didn't miss much if your box set doesn't have the fourth SC entry, the original three are where the fun is.
Also, keep an eye out for the new Sleepaway Camp due sometime in the near future featuring music by CKY (Camp Kill Yourself. Ha...ha)
Rating:  Summary: Cult classics of the '80's Review: First of all, let me qualify my 4-star review of this set by stating that there is no way any of these three movies rate 4 stars. Even in their day, the "Sleepaway Camp" movies were seen as basically routine slasher flicks. But there's a definite entertainment value to these ultra-low budget efforts that always proved endearing. They are bad as movies, certainly, but great for knowing exactly that and having fun with the freedom that low expectations allows. Just listen to the commentary on these discs (especially part 3)--their lack of pretension and sense of ridiculous fun proves that. "Sleepaway Camp" (1983) is the cult classic original. I don't know what to say about this. It does kind of clumsily fall all over itself as it appears (at least to me) that the filmmakers were actually attempting a fairly straightforward slasher film. There's little actual gore, as these were the days before CGI and would have probably been too expensive to use if it was there. But it's still a good watch. More or less now the appeal of this film besides it's legendary shock ending is the nostalgia factor. "Sleepaway Camp" screams 1983, and it's very quaintness and hamfisted awkwardness is very charming today. "Sleepaway Camp 2" is actually a technically better movie. More jokes and nudity, and a tad bit more gore. Taking the series into a different direction, the film is not bad at all, and many of the same nostalgia qualities that made the first likable also applies here. There is a nice Easter egg on this disc. "Sleepaway Camp 3" is oddly not as good. There's a very real sense of "lets get this over with" going on here, and this is pretty much confirmed in the commentary. It's the last time we've seen Angela (to date, anyway) although it has no valedictory feel. Also an egg. "Sleepaway Camp 4", for those of you with the 4 disc set, doesn't really exist. 30 minutes of production footage and nothing more. There is, curiously, a "trailer" to this never made film. They intersperse illogical production footage with unrelated scenes from the films of the trilogy. But Carrie Chambers does look great. Apparently Angela was to be in this film but Carrie is playing someone else...who knows what was planned. So, Anchor Bay has done right by these cult classics, dressing the discs up, and making them affordable. They did a great remastering job as well. If you like '80's slasher fare, you'll definitely enjoy this set. If you're into cult cinema, this is a must own as well. If you're into neither, these silly little footnotes most likely will not appeal to you.
Rating:  Summary: Don't read the back of the box!!! Review: For goodness sake, don't read the back of the box when you get this... it gives away the big secret of the first movie. I have no idea why they would do this. There ARE people who are interested in this, but never saw it, ya know?? I heard so many good things about this movie, especially about how there was a surprise ending, so I got the box set. Well, the first thing I did was read the back of the box... you wouldn't think they would give away the MAIN secret on the back of the freaking box, but they did. This was a really good, cheesy, 80's slasher film... with a surprise twist at the end... oh, did I mention though, that it is ruined by reading the back of the box??? I still really enjoyed the movie, even with the end being ruined for me, by the damn box it comes in. Soooo... take it from me... DO NOT read the back of this box before you watch the first movie. REALLY!!! It ruined what could have been such a freaking cool ending. In fact, during the whole movie, I felt I knew what was going on, but I thought, naaaa... surely that can't be it... they wouldn't say it on the back of the box... but yep... they sure did!! DON'T READ THE BACK OF THE BOX BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!! I really can't stress that enough.
Rating:  Summary: Cult Horror at its best!!! Review: I just wanted to say i am a long time horror movie fan, and cult horror fan. I have always liked the Sleepaway camp movies, but this box set is definately the best thing to happen to this series. Pamela Springsteen is great! Don't forget Felissa Roses' Performance in Sleepaway#1. Great buy, and great fun.
Rating:  Summary: Sleepaway Camp Series Review! Review: I make it the point in my DVD reviews to make the review more about what the DVD offers than what it is to review the movie. When I shop for DVD's, I often already own the VHS and am looking for lots of extra features.In the case of this latest box set from Anchor Bay, you really can't ask for more. All three movies with bonus commentary and tons of added features not to mention a "survival guide" and bonus DVD in a deluxe package edition. How can you ask for more? To be honest, I had only seen bits & pieces of the first "Sleepaway" when I purchased this boxed set but when I was done watching all three, I felt more than pleased with my purchase. All three movies are cheesy B-horror flicks similiar to that of FRIDAY THE 13TH. Admittingly, I was more partial to the two sequels with Pam Springsteen but the ending of the first film was just crazy. If you are a cult horror fan, this set is easily worth adding to your DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Must have for fans Review: I must say, you MUST be a fan of these films in order to REALLY enjoy them, a casual viewer will pass this off as a rip off of other slasher films, however it ISN't!!! It has a VERY original ending for the first film, and they set you up well because some of the acting is so quirky you wonder if some of them are REALLY acting??? the two sequels are more comedy than anything else, but expect nothing more than satisfaction for those of you who remember these films, those "Casual" viewers looking for something new? this isn't for you, this was made for fans, with fans in mind! and as a Fan I can say its a GREAT box set! however Best Buy has the bonus disc with the scenes of part 4, honestly, its not that great so buy it here, the 4th disc isnt anything great unless these are your Favorite films..