Rating:  Summary: love in its rawest form Review: this movie is..... its an amazing view on the love so strong that many dont find in their lifetime and if they do they turn their back on it. Tori is so easy to hate in this movie and in alot of cases that is the way it is. I mean im sure shes not a bad person but she just kinda drove Paulie to the last lazy rock on the cliff and left her there alone to stuggle back on as she galavants around town with some guy she says shes in love with and rubs it in Paulies face, therefore its not hard at all to hate her but if you go beyond that it is a beautiful story of love between two people that is worth fighting for. Its about the beauty of the human spirit and how it cant be caged because some peoples feathers are too bright to live in a box... Piper Perabo makes another great job in her starring role in this film just as she did in Coyote Ugly which is alot happier and funnier than this movie *laughs* so you might wanna rent that one too to hype you up after this one has you blank faced and crying...hahaha
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful film Review: it's too bad most gay themed movies have to be tragic ones, but this one stands out as a beautifully directed gem. If not for Perabo's performance, this movie could have been a dullard but she really pours her soul into this piece. The music chosen for this film was mesmerizing especially "Beautiful" by M'shelle Ndegeocello (sp?). I bought her CD Bitter because of this movie! It (this movie) may not be worth buying, but definitely worth renting...
Rating:  Summary: . Review: This is a great movie! The ending was a little bit over the top for me and sad but overall this movie rings true. When it comes to first love espically between two young women. You can almost feel the characters pain. Once you watch it you'll want to watch it again and again. Not only for one of the steamiest lesbian love making scenes but for the story that unfolds as their love for eachother is found out.
Rating:  Summary: STU-PID! Review: this movie s[disappointed]. gratuitous sex scenes. voiceovers--horrendous! piper perabo's acting & monotonous voice--horrible! but i still watched the whole thing so i guess it wasn't the worst movie ever made. but i could tell it came from canada.
Rating:  Summary: Everything is great in this movie Review: This movie brings drama and romance to a whole new level. This movie makes you feel for the people and makes you hope that things will work out for the better. Piper does a great performance and I recomend everybody to watch it.
Rating:  Summary: This movie deserves no less than 5 stars Review: I can't believe how many negative reviews there are about this movie. I do admit the movie has very little to do with the book. Actually both are extremely different. So if you have read The Wives of Bath and expect the movie to reflect the book, you will be disappointed. However this is by far the BEST movie I have ever seen. It is one of those movies that stays with you, it can consume you if you allow it to. There are so more many themes represented in this movie than the obivoius, a girl in love with a girl. The most overlooked theme is the main theme: how a mother's unconditional love affects a daughter. Other themes include: passion, fear, obsession, stereotypes, finding identity, defiance, loyalty, rejection, and vunerability. Its about how far a human will go for love. If you like drama and are a fan of shakespearian movies, then you will love this movie. The acting was the most incredible I've ever seen. Piper Perablo is awesome. She can go from a quite soft whisper to a bold loud character on the brink of sanity with minitues in this movie. The ending is predictable, and movie wouldn't have been half as good without it. Although it is sad, it is the only way the movie could have ended. Paulie had to break the mold, you see, she couldn't become Miss Vaughn. Miss Vaughn (the headmistress) represents Paulie's fate, and Paulie just can't except that. Paulie doesn't go insane at the end, she just goes to far in love, and that is what this movie is about: love, passion, and going to far in love and how it can affect two lovers. This movie touched me on so many emotional levels. Anyone who loves a woman should see this movie. The movies takes away the "girl/girl relationship taboo." It is def. not a lesbian flick, it's a movie about love, and supports the notion that it doesn't matter what the gender is of the person you love...be who you are, and never compromise that, even if it takes everything away from you. It is a movie for those that can appreciate a good independent film, not those who are into the run of the mill mainstream movies. Lost and Delirious creates its own category, and it truly sets itself apart. I absolutely recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: the mouse roard Review: this film is about mary bradford(mischa barton)called mouse, who is sent to a boarding school by her father and step-mother 3 years after the death of her mother. the head mistress of the school, miss fay vaughn, played wonderfully by jackie burroughs, puts her in a room with 2 girls, victoria,tory,(jessica pare) and pauline (piper perabo), victoria's lover.the 2 girls befriend mary and call her mary b.,short for mary brave, while the carry on their love affair under her nose, pretending she doesn't notice. the small world of these 3 girls comes crashing down when victoria's younger sister come barging in one morning and finds victoria and pauline in bed together. victoria fears her sister will tell their parents and she will be disowned, so she breaks up with pauline and starts dating a friend of her brother, to prove she isn't gay. this is where both girls count on mary friendship, victoria needs her to help pauline through the breakup and pauline needs mary as an anchor while she spins out of her control trying to get back her love. mary proves to be a great friend, but doesn't have the ability to help pauline, while thoughs who do don't act on her behavior. all while pauline is losing her self, mary is finding an inner strength she never knew she had. grahm green is also good as joe menzies, the gardner who mary befriends. this isn't so much a comming of age movie as it is a comming to self movie.
Rating:  Summary: Achingly Awful Review: Lost and Delirious is truly a horrid movie. The premise seemed interesting enough and since most of the reviews I read were positive, it seemed to be another must-see, gay-themed Indie drama along the lines of Boys Don't Cry. I didn't like this movie at all. It was poor in virtually every category. Cinematography, pacing, script, and especially acting. The acting in this film is a joke. Piper Perabo's characterization of the lovelorn Paulie is earnest enough, but she lacks nuance and any sign of understanding for what Paulie is all about. Additionally, I felt that director Lea Pool exploits lesbianism for the sexual aspect- and then exploits the isolation and torment for the tragic value. It's a pretty bad movie message wise for this reason. The plot is about two girls in love, Tori (Jessica Pare) and Paulie (Piper Perabo) at Boarding School. One day, their love affair is exposed and their lives are sent into a whirwind. Tori breaks it off and starting having sex with guys against trees while Paulie goes insane, literally. Befriending falcons, challenging duels, being rude and inappropriate to teachers...It's all because of her torment over Tori. I know it sounds like good juicy material but it doesn't even rise to the level of enjoyable melodrama. It's self-serious, artsy fartsy, and the performances and direction are nails-on-a-chalkboard irritating. I really didn't like this film at all.
Rating:  Summary: Worthy Attempt, But Falls Short of Charm of "Show Me Love" Review: This is a film with a lofty aim, and its cause is worth as that of "Boy's Don't Cry." And things that would make a good film are certainly there. But for all those facts, I cannot help feeling that this is a missed opportunity, and the following is the reason. "Lost and Delirious" concerns a girl Pauline in a boarding school falling in love with her roommate Victoria, and newly arrived roommate Mary aka "Mouse" who becomes a mutual friend of them. Pauline and Victoria keeps on the relations until one morning Victoria's sister finds them naked in bed. Vitoria, afraid of losing the esteem of her parents, leaves Paulie to her utter dismay. Enraged, passionate, Pauline still clings to her lost love, and comes an inevitable ending. The film cleverly avoids the stereotyped images of conservative teachers who do not approve of lesbiamism. In fact, they are always understanding, and the headmaster really cares the students. So, when Pauline sneaks a bottle of gin, and plays a song of rock'n'roll loudly on the cassette deck, the teachers don't get upset; they too enjoy the good time, dancing to the tune. Interestingly, however, though the story is set in today, it sometimes looks as if not, maybe because of the good production design of the old-fashioned boarding school, and well-written characters. So far, the film is very good and unique, and this may reflect the expreiences of the director Lea Pool, who was once a teacher herself. This film is said to be based on a novel which I haven't read, and it is palpable that the material itself has considerable potential. But the film fails to transfer the power to the screen even though the cast, especially Piper Perabo, does her best. Perhaps, it is the director that didn't know what to do with the topic, which could have been done better. But what is wrong? Perabo does a good job, but sometimes her acting as a troubled girl seems (just seems) overacting. Let me hurriedly add that to what extent she is responsible, I don't know. I can say that though "Coyote Ugly" was not a big hit, and critically bashed, in that she is very natural, and I loved that. Here, she is not. Think of the scene when Pauline kneels down before now estranged Victoria in a library, and quotes lines of Shakespeare (with unnecessary sound effect of a squealing hawk). Or, see how angry and lonely Paulie starts to rave in a cafeteria, when the camera pulls back in a flash, and suddenly moves in slow motion, showing MTV like techiniques. Everytime this heavy-handed direction appears on the screen, her natural charm vanishes, and the film gives away that she is acting, which itself, however, is all right. And ... casting, which should be considered more carefully. About Piper Perabo, she was from the first in a disadvantageous position because "Coyote Ugly" is a story about a bar, where, of course, no minor can be admitted, and then, she appears in this film about a boarding school for teenage girls. Moreover, at the time of shooting the film, she was 23 years old -- that is not a big problem if you didn't know co-starring Mischa Barton as Mouse was only 14. (You may remember that Barton was in "The Sixth Sense" as a little girl under the table with a video casette.) I don't care their ages; I just want to say that their previous career can sometimes affect our viewing, and they should take care of the importance of casting more. But perhaps if I didn't like the final result of the film, it is because of the director's way of putting too allegorical factors into the film. There is one about a wounded hawk; there's one about fencing; there's also about Shakespeare, but frankly, I don't think the film need them all. And Barton, who usually gives acting full of nuance, only stares and narrates the events around her, which is very disappointing, and pointless, considering why in the world she "Mouse" is here. About Jessica Pare the same thing can be said; why Paulie is so atracted to her, is not, I am afraid, fully materialized on the screen. This Canadian film received good reviews at Sundance Film Festival, and I can understand that. I don't say it is bad; however, we have seen much better films like "Show Me Love." Or in the vein of comedy, how about "But I'm a Cheerleader"? If I may be allowed to extend the topic from lesbianism to honosexuality, we get also delightful "Get Real" and many others. "Lost and Delirious" deserves much mention and audience, but what it needs is another skillful hand to direct it.