Rating:  Summary: Awesome! Review: But I'm a Cheerleader is basically a parody/comedy/satire, cleverly written and directed. I've now seen it 3 times, due to the amusing plot, the interesting characters and (cough, cough) a slight crush on Clea DuVall, who plays the object of affection. It was clever, hilarious and interesting, and the romance actually added in more of the humor, given that Megan started out thinking she was straight and ends up, because she is /told/ that she's not, falling in love with a girl. Natasha Lyonne doesn't do as well as she could have, but the rest of the acting is AWESOME and more than makes up for the slightly questionable casting of the lead. See this if you can, it's great!
Rating:  Summary: Cute, Funny Review: Everyone else gave this an awful review. I saw it in the theaters, it's a cute flick. I don't know what the straight folks would think of it, it portrays them mostly as bigots. Still, I think it's beautifully done.
Rating:  Summary: Parody or Romantic Comedy - Couldn't Decide! Review: The film centers on Natasha Lyon, a young gay cheerleader whose parents decide that her lesbian tendencies are worrisome. So they ship her off to a homosexual re-programming intsitution, where she can become "straight" again. The movie starts out good, lot of humor, good visuals, nice color schemes. It starts out like any good parody should, showing the obvious moronic behavior of the mass society. Until, the young girl played by Natasha Lyon falls in love with one of the other girls at the institution played by Clea Duvall. Then it goes bad, it turns into a romantic comedy, the serious music starts to play and the director loses sight of their original intentions. I think it is possible to make a parody with some elements of a romantic comedy in it, but this film fails at it. There are mildly amusing gags but the film in the end falls flat and strays from it's cool indie origins to have a very Hollywood type ending. It is rated R, but shouldn't be. There is very little language, not much sexual content, and no violence. The best thing this film does is show how homophobic Hollywood still is, by slapping an R rating on a film just because it is about gays and lesbians. It is ironic that the messages that the film attempts to display are so poorly executed, but the response to the film shows how much farther our culuture still has to go in it's acceptance of gays and lesbians. So I guess the film did some good, but hey, it just didn't do it for me.
Rating:  Summary: but im a cheerleader Review: this was a fantastic movie! It is a great coming of age/ coming out story about meghan, whos family sends her to a homosexual rehabilitaion camp, despite her claims to the contrary. it was great, and the music was awsome
Rating:  Summary: Strait is great! Review: A twisted black comedy about a young cheerleader who is forced into a Homosexual Rehab center by her friends and family. And what better a place to have a love story. If you like odd indie films this one is for you. It has a John Waters-ish feel and I'm sure it will make you laugh to the point of soiling yourself.... well, maybe not that much. Either way it's a great movie and I think everyone will enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Can't wait to buy this on Video! Review: Of course the movie hasn't even been released to theaters yet but I saw it at Sundance-twice-and LOVED it! This is a seemingly John Waters-inspired, hilarious movie about a teenage girl (Natasha Lyonne) who is sent to a "homo-rehab" camp because her parents think she's a lesbian. At first she isn't, but inevitably at camp she falls in love with the rebelious yet vulnerable Graham (Clea DuVall). RuPaul is almost unrecognizable (and SO GOOD) in his role as one of the camp leaders. He first appears wearing a shirt that says "Straight is Great" and from that scene on I knew I'd be rolling with laughter. And I was! Don't miss this one.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining but fell short Review: But I'm a Cheerleader, was entertaining however it had a low buget feel and fell short of it's comedic ability. The story had a lot going for it and the talent was there to be had. Ritchard Mull, who played Bull in the T.V. sitcom Night court, plays a militant gay who is trying to undo the damage this True Directions facility is doing. Clea DuVall did a great job as a angry lesbian and the rest of the cast did a good job. I noticed many chances to get a comic jab but they passed without a laugh. I feel this is good enough to add to a Gay themed collection but not a top ten pick. I had high hopes but felt a bit let down. Rent it if you can and make your own call if you want to buy or buy a used copy.
Rating:  Summary: I give it 4 cheers... Review: It's one of the funnier and more clever gay/lesbian flicks to have come out in recent years. It is the story of Megan (Natasha Lyonne), a prissy high school cheerleader who is disgusted w/ kissing her jock boyfriend and likes to fantasize about her cheerleader gal pals. Her family and friends suspect lesbianism is the culprit. And while Megan never really shows any major "lesbian tendencies", her parents list a few wacked stereotypes of what they feel is lesbian behavior. They are afraid that if they don't act fast, she'll be lost forever. They send her to the True Directions Rehabilitation Camp for Homosexuals - or like her mother calls it, "Homosexuals Annonymous". The camp is run by Mary, (Cathy Moriarty) who founded the camp, probably to make up for failed attempts to convert her son Rock (Eddie Cibrian). Ru Paul (out of drag) plays a camp counselor and is an ex-(but obviously still gay)-gay man, who is secretly attracted to Rock. But he'd never admit to it.Megan herself doesn't feel that she is a homosexual and she comes to the realization in an interesting manner, yet she feels it will be easy to be "fixed" so she could go home. Once in the process of becoming an ex-gay, Megan actually develops lesbian desires - or at least comes completely out of the closet to herself and falls for her roommate, Graham, an outsider rich girl with an attitude. And they clash in the typical 'good girl meets bad bo--oops I mean girl' -- story and they fall in love. But True Directions will have none of that! And make every ridiculous attempt at making them "normal" fun-loving heterosexuals. Not so much serious as it is funny, But I'm A Cheerleader throws out some of my favorite lines like Clea DuVall's "I'm Graham, and I like girls. A lot! (smile)" Or "Get caught in the throws of sodomy, and it's 'au revoir'". And NaTasha's off the wall "Underground homo railroad" comment that had me rollin'. It makes fun of gay sterotypes and homosexual conversion camps that obviously don't work. A little over the top and goofy at times, which is why I liked it. Good for some laughs...
Rating:  Summary: Good times for everyone Review: This movie is one of the best gay movies I've seen in the last few years. Yep, it includes just about every gay sterotype there is (the softball player, the goth girl, the boarding school girl, the social outcast, the actor/dance/singer, the retail worker, etc.), but underneath it all there is the underlying message of acceptance and the pride in the fact that you are who you are, and you have to learn to embrace it. Cathy Moriarty makes a great turn as the head of a program to "cure" teens of their homosexuality, without realizing that her own son is dancing to showtunes while mowing the lawn. Natasha Lyonne and Clea DuVall carry the movie wonderfully, and you actually believe the connection between the two of them (as opposed to a lot of other gay film leads). I loved the colors in this movie. I loved the music. Whenever I need a laugh, this is one of the movies I turn to.
Rating:  Summary: You Don't Have to Be "GAY" To Love This Movie Review: I am about as straight as straight could be, and mind you, I have absolutely "nothing" against anyone's sexual preferences. Otherwise, I don't think I would have even watched this movie, let alone give it 5 stars. Matter of fact I live in the next town over form the Lesbian Capitol of Massachusetts, and they're some of the BEST people you'd EVER want to know.I agree with the other reviewer on here who says you do NOT have to be Gay to enjoy this movie. It's just a really feel-good type of flick, about a young school-aged Cheerleader coming to grips with her sexuality.I caught it one night on IFC, (Independent Film Channel) on Satellite TV with my wife, as we were flicking through the channels, and we both absolutely loved it. It's funny as hell. The humor is dry & witty. We even have Richard Moll, (Bull, from Night Court) playing one half of a gay couple, and he has HAIR, by God. Although that's been known now for awhile. We even have Ru Paul OUT, (literally) of DRAG, in this flick.I would compare this movie closely to like a John Waters flick, (Think Hairspray, Polyester Gen), in terms of humor. If you like this kind of humor, as much as I do, then I think you'll really enjoy this film?We missed about the first 15min. of this on IFC, but we finally tracked down the OOP release of this, brand-new, and sealed for $10. Can't beat that price for this great movie.Even Roger Ebert's comments are on the cover of this movie. "A Very Funny Movie"- Roger Ebert, Roger Ebert & The Movies. Of course I didn't know this was on the cover until I bought it, but if you trust Roger Eberts reviews like I do, then go for it, and get this flick. You won't be disappointed.