Rating:  Summary: Funny movie dispelling stereotypes Review: This movie is very funny and extremely cute at the same time. I believe this movie was trying to get people to accept the homosexual lifestyle and at the same time look at the people who are discrimating agains these people. Camps to make people do exist it just shows how much farther our society has to come in acceptance of all people.
Rating:  Summary: Wish I could have seen this at the theater Review: Unfortunately, this movie never played at the theater in my home town, but fortunately, I managed to buy it on DVD. I first heard of this movie while perusing Roger Ebert's reviews, and his review interested me in seeing it, but it didn't play here, and I forgot about it agin until I luckily ran across the title on Amazons new and future releases, and recognized the title.The movie is both a very funny comedy, and a sweet budding romance story, smoothly blended together. My sister and I watched it together one afternoon, and then watched it again the following day, enjoying it as much both times, and I plan on rewatching it many more times. The first time we watched it, my sister was playing around on the computer when I first put the movie in, but by the time the first few minutes had played, the computer was forgotten and she was as absorbed as I was. The beginning scenes are splendid, where we first begin to get an inkling of Megan's(the main character) true interest, which isn't her boyfriend. Then, when her intervention is staged, and her introduction into the group at True Directions began, we could hardly stop laughing. Stereotypes abound in the movie, but they never take theirselves too seriously, and add to the general feel of the movie. Still, if the romance hadn't developed as smoothly as it did, the comedy would all be for naught. Fortunately, the two main characters play well off each other, and keep the movie alive. If the two actresses hadn't been able to generate some onscreen chemistry, and actually have been able to make it seem as if it were possible for the two of them to fall in love, the movie wouldn't have succeeded. They did manage to look as if they were falling in love, and enjoying themselves, so for me, I thoroughly enjoyed it. One last thing, something my sister said that kind of tied up the whole experience for me. The first time that Megan and Graham started kissing, she made this comment, "You know, even though the thought of two girls kissing seems king of gross, the two of them make a really nice looking couple." I have to agree with her, they did at that. I hope you enjoy the movie as much as we did.
Rating:  Summary: This Comedy Made Me Cry Review: This movie combines hilarious campy satire of gender roles and attitudes towards sexual orientation with a sweet love story and a poignant coming-out journey. As a feminine Lesbian, like the heroine and director of this movie, this is one of the very few Lesbian movies I can identify with. This was so much my story that the first time I saw it, I cried through the whole thing. Even during the parts where I was laughing my head off, I cried. I owe Jamie Babbit, the director, my eternal gratitude.
Rating:  Summary: But I'm a Cheerleader TOO! Review: For those of you in Colorado this movie came out as But I'm a Cheerleader and it was great. I had to go see it twice. My straight sister thought this movie was hysterical and enjoyed laughing about all the stereotypes that were in it with me. It was great to finally have a movie that could make fun of the stereotypes and show those of us that don't look the part that there are other "cheerleaders" out there.
Rating:  Summary: Clea DuVall...enough said! Review: Oh my gosh this is a great movie! I saw it because of Clea DuVall, who I absolutely love! It stars Natasha Lyonne as Megan a cheerleader who is shipped of to homosexual rehab camp because of her parents who think she is a lesbian based on the following: 1- she's a vegetarian 2- she has a poster of Melissa Etheridge on her wall 3- she doesn't like to kiss her boyfriend. At this camp we meet 7 other "inmates", each representing some kind of homosexual stereotype. This is where she meets Graham (Clea DuVall) and begins to question her own sexuality. Needless to say a romance develops! This movie is full of inside jokes (raging bull-dyke) and is a movie I could watch over and over again (anything to see Clea!). It also shows how homophobia is everywhere. The real scary thing is that places like 'True Directions' actually exist! I loved it and I think you will to.
Rating:  Summary: 'Cheerleader' has spirit. Review: In ...But I'm a Cheerleader, Natasha Lyonne plays Megan, a cheerleading lesbian, who until her parents send her to True Direction, a camp ment to change homosexuals into heteros, Megan thought that she was one. Now, Megan, has to fight to stay herself, at the same time trick the program in order to be able to go home to her family. But when she is caught with a fellow cabin member, Graham(Clea DuVall), in more than just talk, Megan is thrown out of the center, and now must save her love, before shes lost forever. ...But I'm a Cheerleader is at times a histarical satire about coming of age, being gay, and fitting in. With a killer supporting cast, Cathy Moriarty and RuPaul, Cheerleader has fun making fun of itself.
Rating:  Summary: Cute and Hilarious Fun! Review: I really really enjoyed this gay cinderella story. Even though, the rest of America didnt enjoy this movie, because it wasn't released nationally, but I saw it when it came out in NYC and I absolutely loved it. It's was a cute satrical look at the coming of age gay girl in many middle americans, that just dont know that they are. So the main character's mom sends her to a camp to be straight again. This is where the fun begins. The camp is full of different characters each portraying some gay stereotype one way or another. Certain scenes will leave you chuckling to yourself or laughing out loud. Clea Duvall is always an enjoyable sight, but she has to be careful before she's type cast. She's already played a few lesbian characters before. Natasha Lyonne was such a believable, closeted gay character that you cant help, but laugh at her funny looks of confusion. Rupal is hilarious and is great as a man as he is in drag and it was good seeing him without the wig for a change, but the funniest character, Eddie Cibrian, who plays Rock, a gay guy trying to be masculine for his mother, Cathy Moriarty who is the head of the camp. It's funny seeing him flip flop back and forth from being butch to queen. This is definitely a movie worth checking out and something not to be afraid of watching. It's good exposure.
Rating:  Summary: Clea DuVall steals the show Review: a hilarous movie. shows how america is still as homophobic as ever. with an NC-17 rating that the director cut a sceene to make into a R rating on a movie that should be PG. Look at the movie America Pie and see a movie with a ton more language, sexual scenes and still it is only rated R. Clea DuVall as usual makes it worth seeing no matter what. she has a performce without mistakes.
Rating:  Summary: Way out there and one of the more daring films of the year Review: This movie was touching, out there, and absolutly drop to the floor uncontroulable laughing, comedy about being "a gay" in a straight world. Although some things are over exajerated, like haveing a poster of Malissa Ethride of her wall, it was very well done and a classic for all times. It may not be for eveyone, but it was hit for me and I can't wait to see it agin and enjoy the laughes all over.
Rating:  Summary: Funny, touching movie Review: This movie was great. Alot of people have said that it couldn't decide weather it was funny or serious but that's actually what makes it so good--and a romantic comedy! It gets laughs by exaggerating gay and lesbian sterotypes (in a non-offensive way), making fun of those 'gay rehab' places, at homophobia, and at itself. There are also a lot of "inside jokes" in there--pay attention! ("raging bulldyke", "it's time to wake mary")! The romantic part is truly sweet and is in classic love/hate relationship format. You walk out just feeling happy! :) This is the first movie that I've seen that doesn't portray lesbians as either: man-hating super-butches, leather bound kink-freaks, psychotic killers, or soft-core porn icons to please the straight males in the crowd. That's really important for all us young lesbians who don't fall into one of those categories and it is a sign of society's (or at least the film industry's) changing attitude towards lesbainism! That being said,this movie is for EVERYONE--highly enjoyable for all. My (straight as an arrow, happily married) mother went with me and there were quite a few straight couples there on dates. Everyone was laughing out loud and clapping at the end--something that doesn't seem to happen much at movies! In case you can't tell, I highly recommend this movie!