Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Fabulous!!! You Must Watch!! Review: What can I say, Big Eden is an absolute revelation of a film, the kind of movie that grabs you, pulls you entirely into its world, and rewards you every step of the way. It makes you feel good inside. You don't want to leave. It is not merely a great gay film. It is a great film.Big Eden tells the story of Henry Hart (Arye Gross), a New York artist called back to Big Eden, Montana due to his grandfather's diminishing health. Everything about his journey defies the stereotypes you expect with this set-up. The townspeople aren't backward hicks. They aren't homophobic. In fact, Henry is the least well-adjusted of the bunch. I'm really not going to delve into the plot too much here, because I really feel that the more I say, the more I will take away from you when you get to discover it for yourself for the first time. Suffice it to say that Henry had a crush on a guy in high school, is conflicted about the unexpected reunion with Dean when he returns, and another character ends up interested in Henry. That's as much as I will say about the plot. The movie is far more about the people and their lives than the actual plot anyway. Thankfully, Wolfe Video not only released this amazing movie, but saw fit to give it the full-on 2-DVD set treatment with writer/director's commentary from Thomas Bezucha. Listening to his commentary, you realize how much love and care was put into this movie. He took great pains to not paint the townspeople are removed from the world. They have the Internet, drink cappuccinos -- they live in their setting intentionally and fully, not because they don't know any better. Arye Gross, who has been in too many TV shows and movies to mention, plays Henry perfectly in every scene. You just want to shake him and show him how many people love him and get him out of his funk. But he is just leading an entire cast that flesh out their roles beautifully. Louise Fletcher, who won an Academy Award for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, just radiates onscreen, fleshing out her character with a beautiful, loving aura that makes you want to hug her. Eric Schwieg brings a textured performance to Puck that will leave a lasting impression. And, even characters that could have delved into flat stereotypes are given subtle, measured performances like Dean (Tim Dekay), Widow Thayer (Nan Martin, who is an absolute scream and steals every single scene she is in), and Henry's grandfather (George Coe). This movie has become one of my favorite films, and my all-time favorite gay film. It is about family, community, seduction, romance, opening up, letting go, acceptance, friendships, intimacy, and love. Do yourself an amazing favor and take a trip to Big Eden.
Rating:  Summary: This film is a true gem Review: This is such a well-written and flawlessly cast film. I'd seen reviews and couldn't wait to see it, and luckily ran across a used VHS copy, now I need to get the DVD! The story is presented in a warm, touching manner, without being preachy or stereotypical. It is certainly idyllic. I've been an admirer of Arye Gross since "Soul Man." The cast added a realism to the story that made it flow smoothly and kept it engaging. Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: "Wishes" Do Come True.... Review: This Movie Is The Best Movie I Have Seen In Ages!! I Bought The DVD Because Of The Great Reviews Here, I Am So Happy I Did!!! I Watch It At Least Twice A Week Or More! The Cast Is Magical, The Setting Beautiful & The Story Is Moving, Sweet, Touching & Real!! Not That Everything About The Movie Is Realistic, But The Loving & Longing Are So True It Hurts!!! The Music Used In The Film Is GREAT!! So Do Yourself A Favor And BUY IT NOW!!! Wishes Do Come True & The People Envolved In This Movie Made Mine Come True With This Magical Movie!!! Now If They Would Just Release A Soundtrack!!! hint hint!!! Please Enjoy This Movie, I Know I Will For Years To Come!!!
Rating:  Summary: Some implausibility but all in all a decent movie... Review: big Eden has been hailed by many critics and viewers as a "great" date movie, a touching love story, etc. While I found it to have certain charms, I didn't find the plot completely believable. Having said that it's not the worst way to spend an evening! My 'biggest' problem with big Eden centers on one key point: the relationship between Henry (Arye Gross) and his high-school boy "crush" Dean (Tim DeKay), who now has kids and a divorce behind him. While I think Henry deserves all the sympathy he can get, Dean does not: He's arrogant, indecisive and manipulative. You get the sense that their relationship (as it were) is driven solely by Henry's longing and strong emotional attachment that rekindles itself when Henry returns to his hometown to deal with family business and "re-center" his life back in NYC where he's a successful artist. Meanwhile, there is a charming and potentially fulfilling relationship waiting for Henry, if only he can open his heart to another man from his hometown. I won't give away his identity, because that would definitely give away too much plot detail. Suffice to say this other man is the key to Henry finding his true love. There's much humor, some bittersweet moments, and lots of mistaken motives and identities that make this movie a real pleasure to watch, in spite of Henry and Dean's "conflicted" motives. The DVD edition even includes recipes from the film! A really nice gift edition for friends and loved ones.
Rating:  Summary: What a Wonderful Film Review: The genius of this film lies in its simplicity and universial message which is "We all deserve to be loved and share love...." What makes "Big Eden" unique is that homosexuality is not an issue nor a cross to bear for anyone. The community in which Henry et al. live in is a world that does not judge, yet only desires for all if its members to find those human connections that we all long for. In some ways this film is too fantastic, but this only adds to its indelible charm.
Rating:  Summary: Well .... Review: I know I am gonna get slammed for this - but I really wasn't too thrilled with this one. Several reasons: Gross is kinda annoying; I couldn't understand why ANYONE would be attracted to his whiny attitude. Everything is TOO sweet. I love a fairy tale as much as anybody else - but there should be a disclaimer that this film is a fantasy film. One last dig --- SLOW. I thought it had ended several times and then it kept going. Go ahead - rip me up ... but know this - I am a romantic, mushy kind of feller - so I am not just knocking this film for the fun of it!
Rating:  Summary: NOT MY FANTASY Review: I always thought that I could suspend reality and enjoy a good gay fantasy with the best of them. After viewing "Big Eden" I found that I could not. I found it impossible to accept, on any level, a film that I feel to be nothing but pure hokey fantasy. Maybe, I've become too cycnical and bitter. Yet, I have enjoyed films such as Broadway Damage and Broken Heart Club. I just don't buy the story of "Big Eden". Come on people! Where in Montana (or any other sparsley populated area)can two gay men dance together (and be encouraged to dance together, by the town-folk)at a public square dance? Where in any small American town (or even a large one) do old crotchety straight men sit around drinking coffee, smoking and plotting how to bring two guys together by encouraging one of the men involved to learn to cook for his man? In addition to the above, I found the film to be poorly acted. Not one, of the actors, was (to me) believable in his or her role--Louise Fletcher being the worse! If this film didn't have a gay theme, it is so hokey that it could have been made by the "Focus on the Family " group in Colorado Springs, Colorado. (drafters of Amendment Two) or any other fundamentalist religious group. I know, I know that the world would be a better place if, indeed, there was a place like Big Eden. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but it won't be in my life time or anyone's, on this board, life time. I guess, I truly hated this film. No, I know that I truly hated this film.
Rating:  Summary: What a nice surprise.. Review: I bought this movie on the recommendation of a friend and I'm really pleased that I bought it. First of all, the plot is really unlike any other gay movie I've seen. It's not set in the city (NY, LA, SF etc) and has zero muscleboys in the cast, but it's one of the best-cast and acted movies in a long time. A great date movie, for sure, but also an interesting view into what life could and will be like one day in the not-so-distant future when being gay is just another part of the cultural makeup of society. The DVD has a lot of nice bonus material including information on the production, the beautiful location used for the film's setting, the actors and the evolution of the film from idea to celluloid. I really can't recommend this movie enough - it's not earth-shattering by any stretch of the imagination, but it has rich, well-developed characters, a beautiful setting, and a lot of heart and soul.
Rating:  Summary: Touching. Review: I rented this movie and saw it twice and then I bought it. How can anyone not love this genuinely romantic and genuinely comedic romantic comedy? The most touching scene was when grandpa tried to tell his grandson to stay where everyone loved him.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Film - Incredible Cast - Magnificent Review: Big Eden is a film that is just about perfect when addressing its subject matter and delivering the goods to the viewer. Harry is a middle aged, successful artist living in New York City. Harry just happens to be gay and single. He does not have luck in the love department. On the eve of his first big show, he learns that his only living relative - his grandfather - has had a stroke. Harry rushes to his side in the town where Harry grew up - Big Eden. (I don't remember being told where Big Eden is supposed to be, although in the extras the director divulged that it was shot in Montana). Big Eden is an itty bitty town in an absolutely idyllic setting. I am fully prepared to move to that town. When Harry returns to his hometown, he is informed that the love of his life, Dean, has moved back to town, divorced and with his two sons in tow. Harry is somewhat devastated in that he didn't know that Dean had ever married or had kids. Harry has been burning a torch for Dean for about twenty years. Though the exact nature of their former relationship is never truly defined, we get a good idea of what it must have been - flirtation of youthful men who knew that they dared not cross a line and become physical. Big Eden (the film) is a fantasy of sorts. It is set in a reality that exists just beyond our true vision - slightly beyond our peripheral. The characters are real and ....not. The town locals who seem to do nothing more than sit in and in front of the local store, are a cast of scruffy male characters without a judgmental or prejudiced bone in their body. Again, the director/writer Bezucha stated that he wanted to portray a life for a gay character where all the hurdles that homosexuals state exist - do not. And if those hurdles were removed, what would the gay man's life be like? Would it be carefree and happy and fulfilled? Probably more to the truth, as this films tells, it would still be rife with heartache and a bevy of other emotions, because in the end, we are all human and our lives are not meant to be simple and carefree - gay or straight. Arye Gross is really quite believable, if not a bit too doe eyed at times as Harry. Eric Schweig, as "Pike," the Native American owner of the general store is really quite amazing in his portrayal. What makes this movie truly amazing is that it doesn't answer the questions you want answered in a simple or laid out way. You have to glean from your own perspective some of the answers. It's an intelligent film with a heartwarming center and covered up in really excellent actors, who, sadly, you may or may not have ever heard of, but will surely recognize as you watch this film. I am very thankful for a film about a middle aged gay man going through the same sort of "relationship" or "emotional" issues that I am at roughly the same age as me. I really enjoy the "coming of age" and "coming out" films that are currently out there, but I've long since passed that time of my life. I needed a film that addresses me as a middle aged gay man - without the hovering doom of AIDS as a component - and "Big Eden" is almost perfect in that respect. I have been, for some time, contemplating moving to a small town in New England or in the West - someplace where I could get to know my neighbors and become a part of the community - a community of real friends. Ultimately, I think that is what "Big Eden" espouses. With a community of real, trusted, loving, and caring friends, you can't go wrong. Those friends don't neccessarily have to be of the same sexual orientation, gender, race, sex or political affiliation in order for you to be loving and loved. You really have to watch this film. If there ever were a life affirming film of homosexuality past the age of 40, then this is it!