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Kathy Smith - Timesaver Lift Weights to Lose Weight

Kathy Smith - Timesaver Lift Weights to Lose Weight

List Price: $14.98
Your Price: $13.48
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Do something good for yourself...
Review: buy this video! Do 20 minutes of arms one day, and 20 minutes of legs the next. You can also do the bonus ab section every day if you have time. All you have to do is use lighter or heavier weights for modification.
I don't find Kathy annoying at all;she seems to be just a normal person.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lifetime Exercise
Review: This is the perfect weight lifting workout video, whether you want to lose weight or maintain health. I have been doing the routine 3 days a week for a year and never tire of it. The two 20 minute sections for upper and lower body are invigorating and they work.Kathy is encouraging and following her and the class is so much easier than trying to do the routine from a book or memory. I start out with the bonus abs for the warmup.I went from a size 14 to a size 8-10 and lost 30 pounds in 6 months. Sensible eating and plenty of water with the weight lifting workout and walking on alternate days gives me energy to spare. I started this program shortly before my 55th birthday. I wish I had done it years ago. It is a lifetime program.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great!
Review: As others have said, over before you know it. I always start out meaning to do the first part - and end up doing the second. It's true you need to do a warm up before - my advice, march in place and swing arms around and do toe-taps and gentle knee bends all through her intro spiel - that's about 8 minutes and is more than enough. As for cooldowns - well if you do the ab work out, there you go. What is definitely needed is more stretching. I usually do 5 mins of yoga stretches, deep lunge, single pigeon, cobbler or single lotus, dolphin, and cat. 30 seconds each side. Or just redo the stretches she gives and hold a little longer.

It's true some of the moves are a little fast - I just go at my own pace, don't like the feeling of momentum taking over, that's a waste of time.

And her voice - yes, this is the Kathy of Latin rhythm's not the mellow Kathy in New Yoga. What a shame. But you can eventually turn down the volume, it's a good workout, pity to waste it.

A word to the wise - apparently doing one routine only eventually breeds some kind of laziness in the body (don't remember the scientific term) - so it's worth alternating this with another workout with slightly different exercises/order. I jsut ordered Denise Austin's Totally Firm which according to a review in videofitness.com is excellent - and 40 minutes for a total body session including warmup and cooldown. So there you go.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Efficient
Review: Weights aren't my favorite activity, but I need to do them and this work out is over before I know it every time. It is easily executed in your home--no jumping around shaking cabinets, no broad swath of space to clear to move around, no step apparatus. A piano bench makes a fine substitution for the gym version, or a chair works well, too. Unless you are familiar with Kathy Smith's communication style, you may be lost the first time around, trying to figure out which weights to use when--her cues tend to fly by. The simultaneous two track work out is a bit confusing at first, too. A word to beginners who don't possess a lot of upper body strength: start with 2, 3 and 5 pound weights, and take it easy with those 5's. And don't worry if you don't make it through the first time. You will eventually.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Kathy Smith Time Saver Lift Weights to Lose Weight
Review: I have been weight lifting for years and i have found that this video is great for when you don't have time to get to the gym. As a mom and moving around with my husbands job, getting to the gym is tough. With 2 short but effective 20 min. workouts you don't have an excuse. Everyone can take 20min out of a day if the want to get or stay fit. I also have the Time Saver Cardio workout and that is great as well. Just take that 20 minutes you will be glad you did.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This is a fantastic weight training video, specifically aimed towards women. The segments are conveniently split into two 20 min sections, with an additional ab section. That means that you can do the sections together or seperatly, which I like. The level of difficulty is easily changed just by using heavier or lighter weights, which I also like. The moves are simple, effective, and easy to follow, and while the video is not particularly exciting, it's still one of the best workout videos I own (and believe me, I own A LOT!).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Results!
Review: This was my first experience with weights. I really liked the seperate segments for upper and lower body workouts. I alternated upper and lower body workouts each day and I did increase the weights. The 20 minutes went very fast. I wouldn't say this tape is good for beginners--I found the moves a litle hard to follow at first because it moves so fast, but I stuck with it and definitely did see results. Don't miss the 7-minute ab workout, it's hard at first but worth it. The only negative I found was Kathy's annoying hoots and yahoos.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A definite winner!
Review: Wonderful, fun workout that you can keep adjusting as your fitness level improves (by using heavier weights). I didn't see much weight loss, but toned, shaped and firmed up -- so I am getting into smaller sizes and just looking better. I've been doing this for over a year about 3x a week and never get bored with it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Workout (Although her voice is Annoying)
Review: Wonderful workout, just tune Kathy's voice out. Starter Equipment needed for women: 3, 5, and 8 pound weights. You will also need a chair or workout bench. I have definitly noticed a change in the shape of my body since I started using this video, which is wonderful considering that I hate going to the gym to lift weights (which can often be boring).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This tape is a great way to get in shape after baby!
Review: I bought this tape about 8 weeks after the birth of my second child. I was totally out of shape and needed first and foremost to strengthen my very weak back and arms so I could lift my baby comfortably. At first, I could barely complete the reps (even with 2 lb. weights!) but I kept on and within 12 weeks of working out 3 days a week, I found myself at the store buying 12 lb. weights. In just a few weeks I noticed some definition in my arms, shoulders and chest. The nagging aches and pains left over from pregnancy had disappeared, especially in my back. As other reviewers have mentioned, having a bench is helpful, but I have done the chest portion of the workout lying on a pillow on the floor, as Smith suggests, and used a sturdy chair for the tricep dips and bicep curls. The only drawback (and it's a small one) is that Smith's voice can get a little annoying, but with regular use you can turn the volume way down. It's been a year and a half and I still use the tape 2 days a week in addition to aerobic exercise. I hope it will be released on DVD soon, which will make skipping over the upper body portion to the lower body so much easier.

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