Rating:  Summary: A SMALL GLIMPSE OF WHAT THE END OF THE BEGINNING WILL BE Review: No Human being can ever really comprehend what that last great battle will be like, but watching this movie, and the end, (which I did 6 times) will have you praising God and saying "Even so, Come now Lord Jesus"!!! A wonderful movie for those who await Christ's return, and are inspired and filled with hope in the watching of this movie.. Not perfect, but the best I've seen in this avenue so far!
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly cheesy, poorest depiction of biblical stories.... Review: This movie is horrible. It's just plainly horrible. The ONLY "good" thing about this movie is the special effects in some areas. The story is pathetically weak. It's almost as if this movie was written by those corny Tele-Evangelists who just want money and I can just picture the director wearing a sparkly colored suit. The acting is horrible, the dialogue is horrible, the ending is completely inconsiderate. The worst depiction of Satan in the entire world. Take a look at the human Lucifer in the movie "The End of Days" with Arnie. Now THAT is a scary character. When Michael York's character reveals himself to be Lucifer at the end of the film, he looks like something out of the Gargoyle's cartoon show than the lord of all evil. I thought Satan was supposed to inspire fear! There are a 1,001 ways they could have done that better. Another thing. The ending just stops. Not like Lord of the Rings, that you know a sequel is coming and that at least it makes some sense. No, this [junk] stops with a picture of "Paradise" and some words from the bible. I'm a Christian and for long I had hoped that a very well thought of movie could be made that inspired people into reading the Bible. This movie will turn some people away from the Bible!!The most horrible aspect is that a movie that at least has HALF decent special effects which could have survived on it's own because of that, gets DESTROYED by a nasty story. I guess I'll have to wait for the TRUE story that depicts biblical events the way they SHOULD be depicted. The grandiose battle that is Armageddon is supposed to shatter countries, not just be a stupid little fight in the desert.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first one. Review: This is another film part of the growing interest regarding the End-times. Sometimes called Christian Eschatology.This film is better than the first one due to a larger budget. It has excellent performances by Michael York (Austin Powers, Logan's Run, Jesus of Nazareth) and Michael Biehn (The Terminator) This film has some parallells to Damien Omen II as it is of the same subject matter. The filmmakers only had a $20m budget, so please bear with them. A mainstream film production company would not do a film like this because the subject matter is too contreversial.
Rating:  Summary: Go Megiddo Go! Review: This thriller in the end-times rules them all with awesome special fx, is biblically accurate, has a great story, and has great acting. A sequel that is just as good as the original and contains more added elements and story. You'll leave with a great feeling...
Rating:  Summary: A viewer from Houston Texas Review: I believe that this movie is a powerful source for all christians and none-christian people, the message that is received in the movie are extraordinary never has this story been told in cutting edge graphic visual technology. THE END TIMES Megiddo just the sound of the name sends shudders through anyone familiar with its story in the holy bible, book of revelation.i encourage this movie to all people. Dont miss the real true movie of all. this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Future MST3K material Review: Oh, Lordy. If the Sci-Fi Channel ever brings back "Mystery Science Theater 3000" for new episodes, have I got a film for them! _Megiddo_, the alleged "prequel/sequel" to 1999's surprise sleeper _Omega Code_, has nothing at all to do with the events of the original film. It opened just after the 9/11 ... attacks and flopped miserably at the box office, leaving even the committed Christians who actually admitted to enjoying _Omega Code I_ scratching their heads in shock and disbelief. The connoisseur of bad movies will find much to love in this grand fiasco from Paul Crouch and the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Let's start with a plot that rips off not one, but all three theatrically released _Omen_ movies. Add veteran thespian Michael York, who camps up his character so much that we might as well call him the Auntie Christ. And don't forget the other members of the cast, each of whom comes with his or her own incomprehensible accent: there's Udo Kier (overacting as if he never left those Andy Warhol films), that blond skinny guy from _The Terminator_ (who is still blond and skinny), and some Italian chick who's a dead ringer for Valeria Golino (as in "Whatever happened to ..."?). Not enough, kiddies? Throw in considerable American flag-waving and jingoism, a benignly racist subtext (watch for the bug-eyed Africans and the wily Chinese -- and yes, there's even a Black maid), and a staggering ignorance of international geopolitics that makes me wonder: Did Jesse Helms ever actually believe any of this end-times stuff? Then there's that warm, human moment when Satan himself rips Michael York's body apart from the inside out ("Euwww!"). Blurry CGI graphics and phony-baloney special effects ("Hey! Why is the Colosseum stuck in the middle of a cornfield?") only enhance the overall _Megiddo_ experience. Are you not entertained? Well, there's also an enormous climactic bloodbath that lasts at least half an hour. And don't forget the plagues, fires, earthquakes and riots -- each rendered in loving detail. (While I'm at it, did I mention that Christian filmmaking was originally conceived as a reaction _against_ excessive violence in Hollywood?) I'll tell you, this old gorehound got his money's worth and then some. So run, don't walk -- as far away from this God-awful mess as you can. Or stick around, if you've got the stomach, and have a hearty laugh or two at the Religious Right's (considerable) expense. As Dr. Forrester on MST3K would say, "DEEEP HURRTINNNG!"
Rating:  Summary: MEGIDDO: THE FILM On DVD Video! Review: The follow-up to the 1999 sleeper hit THE OMEGA CODE not only delivers on it's promises, but breaks them on several levels! It's got great acting, awesome visual effects, and riveting storytelling! The DVD also lives up to it's promise! And for those who only buy things off of amazon.com, here's the list of special features: -Widescreen Anamprphic Format (1.85:1 Aspect Ratio)* *enhanced for 16:9 TVs -English Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0 Sound Tracks -English Captions for the Hearing Impaired -3 Minute Featurette: "The Apocalypse: Megiddo Revealed," hosted by author Hal Lindsey -3 Minute Featurette: "The Biblical Truth of Megiddo," hosted by Dr. Paul Crouch -5 Minute Featurette: "Creating the World of Megiddo: Behind the Special FX" -Original Theatrical Trailer* Get your copy today before you miss out! You'll never regret it! Grade: A+ *A Teaser Trailer can be found on the DVD version of CARMAN: THE CHAMPION.
Rating:  Summary: Megiddo Madness! Review: The big hit has come home and I bought the DVD the day it came out. This film is spectacular and marks a leap in advancement of Christian films. Excellant acting, special effects, story, etc. make this one for the collection. Good prevails in this wonderfully produced film.
Rating:  Summary: A truly exquisite work of art! Review: I am not one of the rightwing fundamentalist viewers of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), but I have to give them a big thumbs up for producing "Megiddo: The Omega Code 2". Originally what led me to see the movie was a misleading preview I read in a local independent news paper, essentially characterizing it as a political movie. Thus when I went to see "Megiddo" in theater, I was surprised to see that it was a biblically-based fiction film - of course entrenched in a very stately setting. I was quite delighted with the movie. Rating it within its genre, "Megiddo" beats out movies like "Stigmata" and "End of Days" by a long shot. And overall, the beautiful storyline and the masterful special FX (except for the few CG characters in the movie, which are budget to say the least) make this an exquisite work of art! I recommend it to all - Christians et al.
Rating:  Summary: Kind of a limp story, but has semi-cool FX and okay acting! Review: The only true good thing about this movie is the special effects. The story line is kind of limp, but the effects were cool! The acting was kinda fake! But, hey if you liked the first movie, then go ahead see this movie, but don't say I didn't warn you, you might end up not liking it.