Rating:  Summary: Quite awful Review: I like Bill Murray a lot, wish him well, and hope he can eventually transition to serious acting roles. But in this ludicrous adaptation of a substantive novel, he simply cannot pull it off. That famous smirk is always there, right below the surface. I expected him to break into an SNL skit at any moment, destroying any pretense of real drama. Go see Groundhog Day instead.
Rating:  Summary: The most inspiring movie made! Review: I 1st saw this movie in 1984 in the movies. At the time i was only 13yrs old and i did'nt understand it. As time had went on as i've gotten older i had begun to figure out the meaning of the movie and what its meaning was. I think this movie is very inspiring and does not leave you thinking what it needed or lacked. Razor's edge has been my inspiration to do many things in my life differently. Bill Murray should've gotten a major award for this role. In my opinion this movie has more meaning than Titanic.
Rating:  Summary: Quite simply, this is just a bad film. Review: I just finished reading this book, was intrigued and affected by its message (upon which I am still working to understand), and so decided to rent this film version to see whether it might further shed some light. I will look at the 1946 effort as soon as I can find it in a video store. Checking out the ratings awarded by the previous 16 reviewers of this film, I was shocked by the numbers of 4 and 5 stars I found. The actors are all miscast (Nepotism plays a role here too), the little motivation they do manage to display is misdirected, the characterizations are not true to Maugham's vision, the performances are shallow and at times laughable (Elliot's death scene is ridiculous, and Sophie licking her lips while looking at a bottle of liquor is not what I call acting), the "meaning" behind story is blatantly overstated, its telling is without continuity, and bottom line, there is not one character in the movie we can care about. This is not a good film. It is mind boggling that this movie was ever made, and even more so that anyone could feel good about it once it was complete. Sadly, as the screenwriters and the men ultimately responsible for the end result, Byrum and Murray were the ones who "just didn't get it". For those who are willing to do the work required to examine the themes explored in this story, stick with Maugham's novel. It is a thousand times richer, more complex, complete, and more satisfying than this movie. It successfully exposes elements of the human condition. It is art.
Rating:  Summary: Great Inspiration Review: A great epic about one mans search for the meaning of life. I found this movie to be such an inspiration that I actually went to the Himalayas to see everything for myself. Bill Murray is incredible.
Rating:  Summary: Bill Murray's Best Roll Review: For anyone who only knows Bill Murray only from his SNL days, or countless stupid comedys he's been a part of, you will wonder after seeing this performance why he wastes his talent on such drivel. This movie demonstrates he's Robin Williams only rival in both genre.
Rating:  Summary: You'll never look at Bill Murray the same after this. Review: This is Murray's best work and guess what it's not a comedy. Surprisingly, this role really fits him very well. This film contains a great cast and breathtaking cinematography. I bought a copy because I still keep renting it since I first saw it in 89. James Wilkerson, VA
Rating:  Summary: It changed my life. Review: In perhaps his most serious role, Bill Murray beautifully illustrates the difference between a worldly life led attached to people and things, and a life of a wandering ascetic in early 1900's Europe and U.S.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful movie. Review: This movie along with Cinema Paradiso, Sheltering Skys, Fandango, Highway 61, and Breaking away are among my favorites. I Could use Bill Murray for a similar role in my new screenplay.
Rating:  Summary: I Recommend This Movie To Everyone I Know! Review: I first saw this movie in the theater when it came out in 1984. There are very few films that I can truthfully say had a profound impact of me, but this is definitely one of them. Larry Darrell is such a fascinatingly rare character for Western culture because he has learned that he exists beyond the wants and demands of his ego. His character rejects all traditional forms of identity and status, deciding to focus his ambtion inwardly. He is a welcome anti-hero defying the out of control American materialistic mentality.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best! Review: There are two movies that I insist about viewing to everyone that I know. The first is 'Fiddler on the Roof' and the second is this film. The impact this movie had upon me cannot be described, and I consider it a shame that so few people know about it. Murray does an excellent job capturing the quiet, reflective, almost moody character of Larry Darrell. Read over these other reviews, they say it all.