Rating:  Summary: A breath of fresh air..... Review: This movie, in all aspects, was truly remarkable. I read a review and couldn't really understand why he had to take it to such extreme and contrast what's right and what's wrong. As a whole, the movie shows that a community, no matter what religion, race, etc can truly come together with the right frame of mind and coexist as Jesus truly wants us too. We don't have to look at it as being right or wrong, the bottom line......I get chills every time I watch the ending and realize just who he truly is. Lighten up a little and maybe you could see the true meaning.
Rating:  Summary: A truly uplifting movie about unconditional love Review: This is not a movie to be judged on it's production and acting value or sound quality or the lack of the widescreen release. If you are a Christian with the Lord as your personal savior, this movie will put you on your knees. I was deeply touched thru out the entire movie. To have our Lord Jesus visit us just to simply say "Tell people I love them" was right on. If you are a non christian this movie should still be meaningful simply for the kindness of humanity value. I think we all would love to have a neighbor like Joshua live next door for a little while(if not Joshua himself(Jesus)). This is a must buy for all Christians and believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Rating:  Summary: This 'Joshua' Cannot Be My Jesus Review: "I thought I had, maybe, a year," said Father Joseph Girzone. "I remember thinking: What do I want to do before I die? What is it I need to say? I decided I wanted to write a book about Jesus. I wanted to write a simple little book about the Jesus that ordinary people met and loved, the Jesus that Jewish people saw walking down the street."The result of his desires was the novel, Joshua. This novel has recently been released as a film by the same name. The films premise: What would it be like if Jesus walked on earth today? This movie is not mean to be a modern telling of Christ's life, nor his Second Coming. Rather, it is a work of fiction based upon an appearance of Christ in modern America. Joshua, a woodcarver, comes to town and takes up residence in a woman's barn. He begins rebuilding the Baptist church and doing other good works. He teaches a woman to cook, a young man to play the guitar, carves a statue of Peter for the Catholic church, and generally offers profound guidance to all he comes in contact with. Joshua also performs miracles. He makes a blind woman see and even raises a man from the dead. Apart from the unusually difficult task of presenting a modern day Christ on the screen accurately and reverently, the film unfortunately has several theological issues. 1. The first problematic issue is the presentation of Baptists and Catholics as basically the same. The ecumenical tone comes through loud and clear. Both are presented as Christians and Joshua comes to help both of them. The embracing of Catholic doctrine is implied by Joshua's relationship with the local priests and his attending of mass services, but it is most evident in the film's treatment of Peter and the Pope. Joshua is commissioned to carve a statue of Peter, and it is stated that Peter is the rock upon which the church was built. During Joshua's interview with the Pope, Joshua constantly refers to the Pope as Peter. Joshua even tells the Pope (calling him Peter) that he (Peter) has not changed much. Joshua seems to be revealing that not only is he Christ but that the Pope was, whether the Pope knew it or not, the reincarnation of Peter. This false doctrine comes from a misinterpretation of Matthew 16:18, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Catholics claim that this verse establishes Peter as the first priest and Pope of the church. A proper understanding of this text shows that Christ was using Peter's name to teach a lesson. Peter means rock. Christ was saying Peter's name means rock and upon this rock, Myself, I will build my church. The rock is Christ, and the reference is to his life and ministry. Remember, Christ has already told His disciples that He would build His church. Evangelical Protestants and Catholics have very different doctrines. The differences are not minor. The very message of the gospel is replaced with works by the Catholic church and yet Joshua never even approaches the subject. 2. This leads to another concern. The gospel is never clearly and definitively presented. The small pieces we do get are not balanced. Joshua preaches love to the exclusion of the law. He even confronts the priest for a message he preached on the law. The true message of the gospel is a balance between the law and love. We have violated God's law and should fear his imminent judgment. However, God demonstrated his love in making an escape from his judgment through Jesus Christ. When we repent of our ways and turn to Christ we are given salvation. 3. Director, John Purdy, says that he hoped that people would watch the film and leave saying, "Could Jesus really be that cool?" This statement just about sums up the whole attitude of the film and much of the religious society today. Let's make Jesus cool and His message more palatable. The film did it exactly like much of Christianity has done today, by making Christ and Christians look just like the lost. Joshua visits a bar and attends a "Christian" rock concert. (Music by CCM's Third Day and Michael W. Smith is used throughout the film) He used the terms, "What the heck?" and "sucks". A Christ who is just like me, is not a Christ that I need. I need a Savior who can forgive my sins and so does a lost and dying world around us. The "coolest" thing about Christ is His holiness. He is set apart from you and me. He is not like you and me, He is God Almighty. We know that Christ will not return again until His Second Coming, but if He did, it is quite clear from the Word of God that this Joshua cannot be my Jesus.
Rating:  Summary: Jesus is coming to town. Review: Whether you're Hindu or atheist, I bet if you actually met Jesus on the street you'd like him. That's about what this movie boils down to-A town meeting Jesus in our time frame. He's just a guy who pops up and tries to help. Not the hype and craze we here about Him. I think this is a wonderful new look at Christ. The only reason I gave it for stars and not five is: the ending was too dragged out by about fifteen minutes. The film is slow and sweat, not too slow; but definitely not the type for everybody. If you like idyllic circumstances, romances, a fun religious commentary, or a chance to see a different perspective of Christ. I'm sure you'll love this film.
Rating:  Summary: Jerry Jenkins Leaves God Behind Review: This is the first film produced by Jerry Jenkins and his son, Dallas and their company Jenkins Entertainment. Jerry Jenkins is most known as a co-author with Tim LaHaye of the Left Behind series. The movie was released last year in limited theaters across the country and is now available on DVD and VHS. I first saw the movie at Zondervan and was excited that Jenkins was using his talents to produce Christian film. I picked up the DVD a few days later and eagerly anticipated what I was about to see. It didn't take long for me to be let down. Don't get me wrong, the film is well done. The acting is good and the story is intriguing. The problem is that all the things that make the Left Behind series so effective as a witnessing tool are missing. As one secular, unsaved film critic put it, Hometown Legend contains "a Christian message that is simply too soft to be effective or impressive." The greatest sin the film commits is the sin of weakness. The moral message is badly underplayed, in hopes of not scaring the secular audience away. The movies most "Christian" character, Rachel says early in the film that a great coach is "50% teacher, 50% S.O.B." She repeatedly fails to use oportunities to witness to Elvis. When he says near the end of the film, "I don't have what you have." She merely responds, "You can." No gospel, no mention of Christ being what is different about her. In the end she hooks up with the still unsaved, albeit nicer and changed, Elvis. This is symbolized by a pasionate kiss. She does pray to open the movie and asks Elvis, "Have you ever dared to think there's something bigger than you?" This is the closest thing to presenting the gospel in the film. Other problems pop up throughout the film. A player is hit in the groin and the coach tells his teammates to help him "pop his nuts out." Coach Schuler calls a player an ass and an opposing coach a piss ant. He also is a hothead. He yells at the refs, throws things, and kicks players off the team for not joining a fight after a game. He is reminiscent of a Bobby Knight on the football field. When later in the film he has the team pray before a game, it seems out of character. During a talk with the team he makes the sacreligious statement, "Unless Jesus Christ Himself comes down here on a white horse" the team won't win. Allusions in the film to drugs and alcohol add to the confusion. I must say that had this been a movie made by Hollywood, I would have been pleasantly surprised that it was relatively wholesome and thankful that there was any allusion to faith in God and prayer. However, knowing it was a film produced by Christians, disappointed is an understatement. Jenkins stated that, "Our script wasn't preachy or evangelical." He is definately right. Portrayals of Christians like those in this film only hinder the testimony of Christ. Our lives and message must be distinct. In the opening scene, Rachel prays for God to "show up and show off." Unfortunately, Jerry and Dallas Jenkins did not do much to allow God to do either.
Rating:  Summary: Joshua Review: Joshua is a movie that asks the question, What would Jesus do? It sets forth that question very clearly. It gives the viewer a lot to think about, and that is one aspect of the film that stands out in my opinion. There is also a disappointing aspect to this film. It is overwraught with ecumenism, and gets very preachy throughout. As an evangelical film, it doesn't work, because it seems to shove religion down the viewer's throats.The whole movie seems to be one long, rambling religous message. The storyline concerns a man named Joshua who arrives at a small town and there becomes a temporary resident, living in a very commodius and tidy barn. To the inhabitants of the town, Joshua stands out as being different, and as being someone special. Joshua indeed strikes the viewer as being especially unique. He changes the lives of many of the townspeople, showing them how to live righteous lives. He also starts helping to rebuild the Baptist church that was blown down in a massive storm. Joshua also strikes the townsfolk as being a man who can work miracles - causing the blind to see, and bringing a dead Christian back to life after dying in a church construction accident. There is great character development for the Joshua character, played to perfection by Tony Goldwyn, and the development is continued throughout the film to its conclusion, where we learn that the man Joshua is Jesus Christ Himself, who had come to earth in human form to minister to people who needed their lives turned around. He even converts the Pope himself to Christianity! Joshua is a movie that attempts to potently and vividly present the Gospel message to anyone who needs to hear it. While it is a great, thought-provoking film that is very uplifting, it is filled with flaws that make it a movie that becomes overly preachy at frequent intervals. I have never actually read the novel by Joseph Girzone upon which this film is based, so I can't compare it with this film. Still, it has it's good points to it.
Rating:  Summary: Speechless Review: This movie is most definitely the best movie I've ever seen or owned. I've played it for friends, family, and my youth group, and they just all love it. It's a great family movie, and great if you just want to curl up and watch something alone. It makes your heart soften and your mind open to keep you thinking about it for days after. With Michael W. Smith as the music composer...it fills you with the Spirit. Now whenever someone asks "What's your favorite movie?" I'm proud to say I've finally narrowed it down to this movie alone.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie I have seen in years Review: I took my 3 young nephews to see this movie. They were captivated. The movie showed people from different denominations(Catholics, Baptist, Jews) and different races, getting along. It is a feel-good movie. Something we need more of in this world.
Rating:  Summary: Spirit filled Review: This was a wonderful film filled with faith and hope. In a world filled with sex, violence, right to choose philosophy and the fear of terrorism and war it was heart warming to see a simple film of such power. As to the reviewers who panned it because it was not Biblical enough or not true to the book or "TOO CHRISTIAN" I say ,"get a life," it was entertainment with a simple message,not a theological or biblical discourse.
Rating:  Summary: Joshua Really Touched Our Hearts Review: I saw Joshua in our local movie theater and loved it!! I told all my friends about it. I found that I even had the book in my bookshelf and am in the process of reading it. There are definitely some things different between the book and the movie, however, where can you find an excellent video for everyone in your family to watch and one that really touches everyones' hearts? It definitely is a life changer. :) I bought the DVD AND video so I can go over over my friends to watch it with them. It's been such a blessing. I just watched it yesterday afternoon over a friend's house and there wasn't one dry eye in the house at the end. I would recommend this movie very, very highly!!