Rating:  Summary: No no no! Review: This movie received the most number of complaints than any other TV movie/show/commercial ever in England.
Rating:  Summary: most misunderstood of all modern movies Review: While the film is not as authentic as the upcoming "The Passion of the Christ" (where Aramaic is used), it was much more realistic and gritty than previous film portrayals. What really adds to the drama of the film is the soundtrack by Peter Gabriel.Having received 12 years of Catholic school education, culminating when this film was released, I was amused to read the incredible outpouring of emotions by narrow-minded Christians against this film, both at the time is was released and in the reviews. To me, a sure-fire sign of narrow-mindedness is their utter inability to appreciate art for what it is and the fact (evident from their reviews) that they have not even seen the movie. My faith was not so weak as to refuse to entertain artistic explorations and alternative viewpoints. Although not wholly based on the scriptures, the theme of this film IS based more upon the very nature of Jesus Christ himself. That is, the film and the book both attempt to dramatically explore the contradictions associated with the dual identity of Jesus as both God and man - a schitzophrenic combination indeed. SPOILERS AHEAD: In this film, Jesus as man resists God's call, at age 30, to take up his role as spiritual savior. Jesus-as-man IS tempted by his own thoughts and doubts (manifested by Satan), the last temptation occuring in a stupor as he hangs dying on the cross - the opportunity of becoming all man. This post-death illusion sequence, where Jesus goes on to marry Mary Magdeline and see the dire consequences of such a course of action, covers the last 3rd or so of the film. What is most interesting is the confrontation between Jesus and Paul, the latter of whom is the most signficant evangelical Christian of all time - which turns out to be an express of the argument that the idea of Jesus Christ as savior may have been more important (at least politically) that the historical facts. In any case, for those who find this sequence blasphemous, they need to remember that it is a DREAM. (e.g., The crowds are still cheering at the cross as he is taken down by a lovely little girl.) In the end, Jesus triumphs over the evil of human frailty to assume his position in Christian beliefs. Other interesting factors include the expanded role of Judas (played here by Harvey Kietel), as Jesus' true right-hand man. In an interesting twist, Judas is at least as interested in political revolution as a spiritual one, and Jesus manipulates Judas' anger and convinces him to turn Jesus in for persecution. In any case, I give it a firm thumbs up. Too bad that this is too expensive for any casual observer to pick it up on DVD, though.
Rating:  Summary: Only proofs the Bible's account. Review: I was in a video store one day, I was searching through the charts when I came across it, bearing in mind the amount of controversy it generated. I was at first reluctant and at the same time curious to see the film, but my curiously won over. When I watched it I was shocked and violated, I can sincerely understand people's reaction to this film, its beyond blasphemous, and it's an abomination against the Holy Scriptures, I felt as if I committed a sin just watching it. For all those who defend this film, which can only be anti-Christian's or members of other religion who would happily see Christianity's image tarnished. This movie will only prove the bible's credibility in terms of it prophesying the twisting of the truth. I'm a Christian Orthodox, an Assyrian for that matter, for those who never heard of the Assyrians, we are one of the first people to adapt to Christianity and also to speak the language of Christ (Aramaic), and it's devastating to see my saviour portrayed the way he was in the film. I do not wish to discuss the film's content nor wish to recommend it to anyone who is a faithful Christian. Like I said, this film will only prove the bible's prophesies. May God forgive those who are responsible.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money! Review: This is the most ridiculous trashing of the Gospels that I have seen to date. Jesus WAS tempted, but He never entertained the temptations. Either in His heart, His head or with His physical being. Jesus was very clear about this when He Himself declared that it is sin to even commit adultery in your heart. That is...that if you merely dwell on and entertain the idea of committing adultery, you have already done it in your heart. This movie does nothing but portray Jesus the Messiah as an indecisive, nervous and unsure of himself individual who would just as soon fornicate (that's to have sex outside of marriage) with Mary Magdalene than go to the cross as God the Father predestined it to be before time as we know it even began. Jesus WAS fully human AND fully God. It is not inaccurate to acknowledge Jesus' humanity in the sense that He felt pain, He felt sorrow, and He felt loss and even anger. In His humanity he asked the Father if there was any way for the cup of suffering to pass and that man could be saved in any other way, that it would pass. But He is the only One whose blood would suffice for the sins of mankind. He was born to die, and was resurrected to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament and sits now at the right hand of God in intercession for all of us until He returns in judgement. Scorcese has succeeded in making a pitiful misinterpretation of who Jesus is and what His life during those 33 years on earth were all about. And to the one who was a "protester-turned-praiser"...maybe you ought to go back and read the Gospel and edit your review. His 3 decades here was NOT the only life He had known. He IS God, and "before Abraham was, I AM." That's what makes His death on the cross and the torture He endured that day so much more than any man has suffered. He left the glory of Heaven to put on mortal flesh and die so that you & I could have eternal forgiveness and life everlasting. You want to see a REAL movie about Jesus? Go see "The Passion of the Christ". You want Hollywood spin and propaganda from a man who wouldn't know Jesus from the devil? Go ahead and waste your money & time on this trash.
Rating:  Summary: Breathtaking Review: This was really beautiful and breathtaking film. Willem Dafoe was intepreting Christ best he could. My husband and me were talking a lot about our feelings that we felt after we saw the movie. It was so unpleasant to see that a little girl, "good angel", who took down Jesus from cross, was fake. After that everything went wrong. Oh God, is it a dream? Somebody tell him that he is the One! Oh, it was all Satan's work. We knew that Jesus will conquer, and he made it. I hope I'll get soon a Nikos Kazantzakis's book "The last temptation of Christ" in english cause there in no translation in croatian.
Rating:  Summary: All Stars for All Who Pass Go Review: . . . . . . . In the midst of every question, every debate, remember: Christ has accomplished what Christ has accomplished. . . . . . . .
Rating:  Summary: ZERO Stars!!!! Review: How could you say this movie is an all time film knowing hollywood is completley blasphemphy the whole Religion. How dare hoolywood saying that Mel Gibson's movie Tha passion is anti-semitism knowing that jews lived in the area where jesus lived. How can you Black list a actor to share the REAL truth behind what had Jesus Christ did for every man and woman and child in this WORLD!!!In articles just recently they said that he had theologians and preists on the set so that he can KEEP THE REAL FACTS what Jesus did or said right from the BIBLE!!! I'm A CHRISTIAN and I love Jesus and I don't like hollywood bashing my GOD!!!So Ban this awful movie, The Last Temptaion of christ.
Rating:  Summary: The Last Temptation Of Christ Review: To say this film angered many people is an understatement. But I believe it's these people who are the ones who need to look to theirselves. This film is not at all blasphemous. When it shows Jesus fathering children and living a nice (but short) life with Mary Magdalene, it is showing the devil's last chance to take Christ's soul and Jesus resisting. It's also like a game, right before his death. This is just exploring the many possibilities of being human, don't be mistaken Jesus was GOD's only Son, but he was put here as a human. He was put here to feel the pain of man, feel many of our everyday pains, and be exposed to sin. So with that, this movie is really a milestone in cinema. I think people took this film the wrong way, it was like a spiritual journey of all the pain that Christ suffered long before he was put on the cross, but rather when his Father was speaking to him. This film is thought-provoking, brilliant and most of all --- well acted. The Criterion Collection did a fabulous job of cleaning up the picture as well as the sound. The audio commentaries with Martin Scorsese helps to understand what a streneous process he went through in making the film. Actor Willem Dafoe chimes in time to time to discuss what it took for him to prepare for this monumental role. There is a great "On Location In Moroco" documentary and much more. The DVD is definitely worth the extra cash you have to shell out. This movie is a landmark of our time, too bad so little people know it.
Rating:  Summary: A human portrayal of Jesus Christ Review: This was a good film, although, it was not Scorsese's best. A little long and draggy at times and poor casting as far as Harvey Keitel is concerned. His performace was like Reservoir Dogs meets the New Testament. And as a redhead, I found Judas's hair color insulting. An art history side note, Judas is always portrayed as a redhead, especially in Medieval art. But the real focus of the movie is Jesus and I feel that Defoe did a good job, although I'm not too sure that Jesus was a blonde... I don't believe that this film is blasphemous, as many critics have argued. This film affirms faith rather than negates it. There is a great message in the fact that Scorsese's Jesus is human, rather than ethereal. If Jesus was endowed with human flaws and emotions, can feel pain and anger, fear, doubt and regret, and still preach love and compassion, then what is keeping us from doing the same? Scorsese's Jesus is an Everyman. He is like all of us and shame on us for not treating others with love and compassion. I am not a Christian,but the message is universal for whatever religion people align themselves with. The message if also valuable for those who have no religion. See them film and ignore the hype surrounding it. It is thought-provoking for anyone, whether they believe in Jesus as the messiah or Jesus as the historical figure.
Rating:  Summary: Great Dramatic Film--Not really a historical Jesus bio Review: I will write this review from 2 perspectives, 1) A review of the film as a work of fiction, NOT a Jesus bio and 2)Looking at it as a possible Jesus bio for those that question the possibility of the Historical Jesus Christ really feeling and behaving like the one in this film. Right from the start this film makes it clear that it is not a depiction of the Gospels of the New Testament but instead more of a work based on the authors challenge in rising above the bodies desires and falling short of living a life of purity with God. From the perspective of the average persons challenge in dealing with their spiritual growth, of falling short of living in God's Will, of our own doubts and fears, it is a great expression of a what we suffer on "the path". It's a very honest look at rising above the flesh and all our human attachments and the challenge of living an enlightened life. However, as a bio of the Historical Jesus (which again I remind you this film does NOT claim to be), this film cannot be taken as an account of how Jesus behaved DURING HIS MINISTRY. What do I mean? While I do agree that even Jesus of Nazereth grew in his ministry and faced his own challenges (the most clear evidence of that is how the gospels tell us that he was anguished the hours before the crucifixion), It's extremely unlikely that he struggled with the level of fear and doubt during his years as a teacher to the level the film depicts. This film has Jesus in confusion all throughout the film. I believe that while Jesus did grow himself and while I don't mean to oversimplify what he went through in his daily challenges as a teacher, we are still talking about a Christ who was able to heal the sick, speak in deep, beautifully inspired parables, face the opposition of the Pharisees, live in a state of such unconditional love that most cannot even conceive of and he so completely dissolved the self (ego) to where he was in ONENESS with all. How could he possibly live in such continued confusion?? I believe the reason why Jesus is refered to as the Master Teacher is because by the time he began his ministry, he was at a level unseen at the time! Far, far beyond what even his own disciples could absorb. So, my opinion is that, no, Jesus could not have been this confused, doubtful man during his years as a teacher. However, I do believe that a few years PRIOR to his ministry he may have had to deal with transending his temptations and human cravings. I believe that his 40 days in the desert is where he left behind his yearnings and upgraded to Master Teacher. There was no self (ego) even left to live in such constant confusion. At that point he was just an vessel for God. I accept that the hours prior to the crucifixion were very diffult, even for Jesus. We can't explain a great teacher like Jesus from the standard human perspective of the common Rabbi, preacher, minister or spiritual seeker because to live in such a deep level of enlightened Unity Consciousness is not something most people can even understand. It is beyond the common experience. Since this movie doesn't claim to be a real Jesus bio, it isn't fair to judge it completely based on the logic of Jesus' behavior in this film. I just want to mention these things since these issues always come up during discussions of this film. As a an artisic expression of man's struggle with sensory attachments and cravings, it is a great depiction of what we go through on "the path" and something most of us can strongly identify with. Artistically, it has a very interesting tone to it, musical score and a great dramatic presence. So, in short, not a Jesus bio, but a depiction of you and I and our struggles on "the path".