Rating:  Summary: Moving film Review: Years ago after my first visit to Egypt, the University of Minnesota sponsored a film festival of Egyptian made films and this was one among them. Although it features film stars with whom many of us will already be familiar, Irene Pappas, Anthony Quinn and Michael Ansara, it was directed by a Moslem director, Moustapha Akkad, and has the stamp of approval of the Al Azhar Mosque and University (the oldest University in the world and an institution much respected in the Islamic world for its Koran scholarship). While it carries a religious message for Islamic people--in fact I saw parts of it again on Saudi TV as part of the Ramadan season's celebration while I was working in Tabouk--it also explains in a sympathetic way for Western viewers many of the basic tenets of Islam. It is as moving a story in its own way as the stories of the New Testament are for Christians, and it portrays the essence of what Moslems believe about Mohamed and their faith. The simplicity and straight forwardness of the tale as it portrays the sacrifices of plain people for their convictions and the ultimate triumph of good over evil will appeal to anyone with a sense of fair mindedness regardless of ones religious convictions. The light in which it places Christians cannot fail to impress. Mohamed's more vulnerable followers are told to seek asylum with the King of Abyssinia (modern day Ethiopia), because as a Christian king he was their "brother" and bound by the "book" to protect them from their oppressors, which indeed he does! Nor are the Jews spoken ill of in the tale. The actual cinematography is a little dated, and the story can be a little postured, but no more than any other film of the 1960-1970s. How many can sit through a John Wayne western without a little smile, whether of nostalgia or of amusement, and yet the color, pageantry and triumph of the good guys in the face of blatant evil is still a treat. The film is a beautiful work, and the story is moving, informative and well worth viewing. Glad I finally found it on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Great film for teaching about Islam. Review: I am not a Moslem so I can not speak about the authenticity or faithfulness of this film. My understanding is that Moslems like it. It looks like the reviews do that. I am a middle school teacher and I use this movie to teach my students about Islam. It is very popular with them. I find it interesting that the kids are cheering for Mohammad and his followers by the end of the film. Thinking of Moslems as "the good guys" is something our media and culture has not traditionally done, so I really appreciate the ways this film challenges societal predjudices. I think an honest review would admit that the acting is somewhat cheesy in spots. It also raises some questions that a non-Moslem might not know answers to. For instance, why isn't Ali shown? In a teaching situation, though, that is good. You have the kids do some research and try to find answers. All and all I would highly recommend this film to any teachers out there who are looking for an highly engaging way to introduce their students to Islam.
Rating:  Summary: The ever best movie Review: I highly recommend this movie to be seen. I can say that it gives a correct image about the origin of Islam and how did the Prophet Mohammed (Salla ALLAH Alihee wa Salam) carried and conveyed the message of Islam, to liberate the humanity from the claws of paganism and idolatry. And show the bright side of the prophet friends (Sahabah) and how brave they were and it clear the reasons for having Jehad in Islam, specially for the part that shows the Sahaba and other Muslims want to revenge from whom destroy their lives but the prophet disagreed as God did not give the permission, and later when it was given God (ALLAH Subhanahu wa Taala) give them the permission only to fight whom thrown them from their own homes and properties for the only reason that they became Muslims and say that ALLAH (Aazza wa Jalla) is their God and they were not permitted to kill any kid or women or even to cut a tree. The movie show how Islam is the religion of love, no matter what color is the person even if the person is a black poor slave, like Bilal, he can be of a very big positions, and that only depend on his faith and love to ALLAH Taala and to Islam. It shows also how wealth and money are of no importance to Muslims, and how they are willing to spend them to free a slave and let him enjoy his right to live as a human (As Abu Bakker did). And once ALLAh (Alrahman Al Raheem) accept to forgive all the faults of a person just because he believe in ALLAH (Al Ghafoor) and Mohammed (S) as a messenger of God, a person would wants to thank him by offering all what he have of gold and money to serve Islam (as Khalid bin Al Waleed did). It shows how Muslims are brave (like Hamzza) and are free to say the truth and are ready to face any one of any strength if he is unjust or despotic. And because they have discovered the joy of Islam and how it provides Muslims with self-esteem, self-respect, dignity, and all other nice meanings, and they were ready to sacrifice and defend Islam even by their lives (like Ali Bin Abee Taleb (Peace on him)), only to preserve Islam and make sure that those nice meanings and nice feelings reach as much people as possible
Rating:  Summary: A true story of Islam Review: This movie displays the true picture of Islam. I am a muslim and I recommend all non-muslim and muslims as well to see this movie. Not only this movie is educational but also touching . I have watched again and again so many times, and I can not get enough. Not only the story is great, the acting and directing of the movie is at its best although it was done in the seventies. Anthony Quinn is one of my all time favorite actors. I watched him in the "The Old Man And The Sea", "Lion of the Desert", and many other movies. The guy was a genious, MGRHS.
Rating:  Summary: Islam is in this movie Review: You want to know what Islam is? This is the only movie you have to watch to understand Islam.
Rating:  Summary: The most authentic and true story of Islam Review: Sometimes Muslims can be their own worst enemy. This movie depicts the advent of Islam in a very accurate and splendid way. I wish that the movie had gotten the distribution and screening that it deserves when it was released in 1976. A few narrow minded, idiotic "muslims" objected to the movie and it was pulled. The recent tragic events in US has peaked the curiosity of a lot of non-muslims and this movie briliently tells the story as it was. Specially the scenes that show the original converts to the faith seeking refuge and protection from an Ethiopian Christian king are extremely moving. Those scenes also show the relationship with Christians and how vital this link was for the survival of Islam and also that how astonishing the similarities between the two faith are; for those who not familiar with one or the other. A must-see movie.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is really "The Message" Review: I'm an american with a Roman Catholic background. the September 11, 2001 tragedy at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon really made me angry, but as alot of other Americans I too became interested in finding out more about Islam, reading some books, surfing the web and finally borrowing this video from my local library. I really wanted to know if Islam was indeed an evil religion that preached only hate and killing of innocent people like it's protrayed by the media. Anyway I viewed this 3 hour film , and to my amazement, I was truly enlightened by it. It preached about equality for all races, and touched upon the recognition of all the prophets: Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, Moses, Isaiah and Jesus. They truly recognize Jesus and his teachings ( MUSLIMS BELIEVE JESUS WAS A PROPHET NOT THE SON OF GOD NOR THAT HE WAS GOD ). They even recognized the miracle birth of Jesus and they hold virgin Mary at high esteem. In this movie I felt the message of BROTHERHOOD come through. the brotherhood preached in this movie is to "WANT FOR YOUR BROTHER WHAT YOU WOULD WANT FOR YOURSELF" there is no lower classes or higher classes only equality for all. Islam believes in "ONE GOD" and we are all "ONE PEOPLE" all of us "BROTHERS AND SISTERS." My next step for me now is to read the "KORAN" to get the full understanding of ISLAM. The reason why I didn't give this movie 5 stars is because you never get to see Prophet Muhammad's face or body or him speaking due to religious belief in respect to Islam not to show him. All in all the director did an outstanding job and I commend him 100%, it was truly a well made film . I hope someday the Islamic clerics will allow an updated film about Prophet Muhammad and Islam....only this time showing the character of Muhammad just like Jesus is protrayed in "King of Kings' and "Jesus of Nazerth" or Moses in "The Ten Commadments". Having a character play the role of a hero like Muhammad would send Islam spreading around the globe faster then ever. I recommend this movie to anybody interested in learning about Islam. Muslims and non-Muslims and to the Muslims that don't really know enough about their religion. So far based on my reasearch and viewing this movie I can simply say that Islam is a religion of peace not hate. I can see why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world including here in America. The terrorists in this world do not represent true Islam, they represent Satan. Ronin...In search of Truth!
Rating:  Summary: Religiously Correct, Emotionally Off Review: Learn about the life of the Prophet, however don't expect to be emotionally engaged. This is a good introduction to an often misunderstood religion.
Rating:  Summary: Another Religious Flick Review: I have wanted to see this movie since it came out in 1976, unfortunately it never made it to my area, small wonder. While the actors did a good job, it was a film that like a lot of other religous movies that are "Epic". They remain DULL. It did increase my understanding of Islam and the Muslim world. HOWEVER, looking at its founding in REAL LIFE compared to the film will show what it is, Semi Fiction!
Rating:  Summary: This Is The Best Movie Ever Made Review: I think this movie will help you understand Islam (the largest practiced religion in the world), great drama and acting. This movie will help you have a better view of the world and people, it will make you more educated and smarter, buy it!.