Rating:  Summary: spectacular Review: for those who ignore facts this is the best epic to reveal the truth about an empire so falsly accused for violence
Rating:  Summary: Unseen Mohammed (pbuh) Should Remain So Review: I really had been looking forward to this movie, and expected a lot better of it. Yes, the acting was passable, and the writing was interesting- but it made for interesting historical fiction. It was certainly based on the lives of real people, but the comparison with reality ended there. It became more a propagandistic whitewash of true events, not corresponding to historical criticism, the Qur'an, or the Hadith. For an interesting story, it's OK. But for a movie that claims to be history it falls far short.There are glaring omissions throughout the movie- such as the wives and concubines of Mohammed (pbuh), Mohammed's (pbuh) raids during the months of truce, and the raids he initiated on caravans throughout the year, the Battle of the Trench, and the presence of strong Jewish tribes in Yathrib (later Medina). Often issues that would not paint a sympathetic view of Mohammed (pbuh) were obscured or left out. The movie suggests that the followers of Mohammed (pbuh) would not initiate attacks and tried to avoid fighting- but this directly contradicts the historical record, the Qur'an, and the Hadith! Indeed, the Muslims became strong through the acquiring of wealth from raids, an accepted practice of the time, as long as it did not occur during the months of truce. The movie portrays his followers as going so far as to say that they are men of peace. At the same time the attacks on Mohammed's (pbuh) followers in Mecca are greatly exaggerated, as there is little evidence of real physical persecution. In the movie Mohammed (pbuh) is seen immediately as the leader of all of Medina, with all Medinans immediately submitting to Islam. But the town was called Yathrib, a Jewish name, for a reason- the Jewish tribes remained there until they were expelled much later by the Muslims. And Mohammed (pbuh) was seen as the leader of his followers only and as an unbiased arbitrator within Yathrib for a long time, as first among chiefs rather than ruler, gaining true civil authority only towards the end of his life. Lastly the act of not showing the image or displaying the voice of Mohammed (pbuh) greatly detracts from the artistic merit of the movie, making many scenes confusing and frankly silly, as everyone looks in the direction of the camera for the unseen audience to respond. The end result is ironically to create an almost god-like portrayal of Mohammed (pbuh) as he is an unseen powerful presence throughout the movie. If you are looking to spend an evening viewing fiction and only have to spend a couple bucks, this movie is OK. But if you want to truly understand Islam, I'd recommend the Qur'an, the Hadith, and Montgomery Watt's Mohammed.
Rating:  Summary: Truth about Islam Review: Great movie for life time collection. Gives true idea about Islam. good presentation also. make sure to see it.
Rating:  Summary: I SAW THIS GREAT MOVIE FIRST TIME ALREADY IN 1976 Review: I saw this great movie for the first time during the year of its first theatrical release. It is the superb movie because: in the finest traditions of the expressing, showing and telling the greatest historical stories it succeeds so well. Anthony Quinn has the charisma that is great and rare in it. Its locations, its many rich details from those locations: all very influental, especially emotionally!-----Of course it must be remembered that it is the great movie: we cannot expect from it anything else in the religious, philosophical or spiritual context. But it has that "something" of that side too: the feeling of the Reverence of Life, Life's Real Values. By telling to us about the greatest inner motivations a human being may have and hold high, it makes good to us.-----AMID THOSE COUNTLESS OTHER USUAL FILMS THIS IS ONE OF THE PEARLS. I RECOMMEND IT AND WAS TOUCHED BY IT ALREADY IN 1976.
Rating:  Summary: A History of Islam Review: Preceding the film is a note saying that two groups, scholarly groups from Egypt and Lebanon, checked the film for historical accuracy and checked it for accuracy with the Quran. Not being Muslim, I found this reassuring because I feel that I am getting a fairly objective explanation of the history of this religion. Due to religious purposes, the figure of Mohammed is never seen or heard in the film. If the other characters are talking to him, then they are either looking just off camera or looking at the camera. He is assumed to be there, but you will need to work with the film. I don't think that it detracts from the film at all. The movie starts prior to Mohammed's vision and finishes when his followers arrive in Mecca. If I had to think of an equivalent for the production, I would compare with the Ten Commandments. Both movies are done on a grand scale. The music reminds me of Lawrence of Arabia. It is a long movie, but it is worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful! Review: The Message is Brilliant masterpiece, allowing viewers to truly comprehend the true nature of Islam. I personally have learnt so many things via this movie, which I could not otherwise. A must see!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: It is amazing that Devon Hill says he reads alot about the history of Islam, While many other muslim liberal scholars read even more and have never said there is a darker side, It is like saying Jesus promoted war because he said Dont turn your cheek away, slap him back and many other misleading qoutes but we dont use it, because its not in the true concept of Islam or any other religion to attack other religions with false accusations. I believe people like Devon Hill are the 700 Club fans who think they know nothing yet what they have read and heard is just a fallacy of false views and lies. Well done Devon, you have truely shown that there are people to be converted to Islam like you who need peace in thier mind and not hatred.
Rating:  Summary: A bit misleading but interesting.... Review: I have always enjoyed Tony Quinn and that was enough for me to give this film a 2 star rating!! Interestingly enough, even though they never show muhammed out of respect, that didn't stop Peaceful Muslims from rioting in Egypt when this film was shown their in the 70's. The main problem with this film is that it is a whitewash of Islam and it only shows the nice side of Muhammed and his Islam! Sort of like reading about Islam from a John Esposito or Karen Armstrong POV ad nauseum! It would have been much more interesting and true to the Facts if it showed some of the more unappealing aspects of Muhammed and Islam ie: Muhammed ordering the brutal execution of 800 innocent Jews, Muhammeds ordering of the execution of poets that made satire of him, Muhammed's marriage and consummation to Aiesha when she was only 9 years of age and he was 53, Muhammed raiding and looting Caravans from Medina and many other unsavory aspects of Muhammeds character! Whilst the man was not entirely bad, he was far from being the Angel that this fictional account portrayed him as.. It is important to remember that while watching this film which one can still derive some pleasure from! Islam and Muhammed are not honestly portrayed in this film and if a fun fictional account of Islam is what you are looking for, this film is it! If you want the true picture of Muhammed, read the Sahih Hadiths, early sycophant bios, and of course the Quran. Thank you Devon Hill
Rating:  Summary: True Islam In Spirit of The Qur'an Review: Enlightening portrayal of the Islamic faith for both Muslims and non-Muslims. It may disappoint some who protest that the movie does not portray the "darker side of Islam". But the whole point of the movie is to present a true picture of the Islamic religion, untarnished by hypocrites, deviant cultural influences, traditions and unauthentic sayings of Prophet Muhammad, which have nothing to do with Islam. The centrality of charity and kindness in Islam are ever present in the movie: "Those who spend charitably in ease and in adversity, those who control their anger and are forgiving toward mankind; God loves the (doers of) good (to others)." Qur'an (Islamic scripture) 3:133-134. You will not see Muslims abusing women in the movie because the Qur'an says: "And among His (God's) Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." 30:21; "And they (women) have rights similar to those over them in kindness" 2:228. You will not see Muslims keeping slave-women for their own selfish pleasures in the movie because the Qur'an says of true righteousness is: "the freeing of slaves" 2:177 and "Force not your slave-girls (female war captives) to whoredom that you may seek enjoyment of the life of the world, when they would preserve their chastity." 24:33. You will not see Muslims indiscriminately killing innocent people in the movie because the Qur'an says: "Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loves not aggressors." "and if they stop, then lo! God is Forgiving, Merciful." 2:190/192. One should come away from the movie with a realization that Islam is no more responsible for terrorism and the like than Christianity is responsible for the Jewish Holocaust in Christian Germany or the Muslim Holocaust in Bosnia and Kosovo under Christian Serbia. It is precisely because people may choose to abandon the beautiful teachings of peace in their respective religions: Christianity, Judaism or Islam that we have violence and hatred in the world. In the Arabic Qur'an a kafir (disbeliever) is not simply someone who is not a Muslim. It is the one who deliberately conceals the truth to mislead others while he knows better. He disbelieves in the very concept of Truth, Mercy or Peace when he sees no gain for himself in it. As the Qur'an says: "Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians and the Christians, - any who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, - on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." 5:69.
Rating:  Summary: Omits many interesting teachings Review: This movie leaves out alot of interesting Mohammedan teachings. Domestic violence for instance, this movie just doesn't highlight the Koranic passages directing men to manage women's affairs and to beat them if necessary. Unfortunately for Western Muslims this is against the law in most countries. It also doesn't highlight the denigration of women's testimony to half that of men. Mohammed explains this in the Bukhari hadith in which he clearly states that "women are deficient in intelligence." A few Western men would probably enjoy being toldby God, as as Muslim men have been, that they can keep slaves and sexually exploit all of the female slaves they own. Unfortunately that has become illegal in Western societies, however, Saudi Arabia maintained slavery until 1964 mainly female prostitutes and Kuwait maintained it until 1968. As spirutally unlifting as all this is ,you can still taste the real flavor of Mohammed teachings by visiting Sudan and participating in some stonings and slave trading.