Rating:  Summary: Exelent Movie Review: Legends of the Fall is an exelent movie!!It is about a guy named Tristin who has deficalties in his life. Well any way is there a better way to explan it oh yes of ok hear we go again. It is about a father and his three sons living in Montania after there mother left to go live in the city. One of the sons(Samual) go off and brings back his a girl named Suzana who is going to be his wife. Then the oldest and the yougest(Samual) boys go off to war and the middle brother(Tristin) goes with them to watch out for Samual. Will any one of the three boys die? What will happen after the war? Your probaly asking these questions to your self right now, but guess what I am not going to tell you what happens you just have to buy it your self. A word of cauison there is alot of killing and deathes in this movie. Not for young childrens eyes. Happy Watching. Bye Now.
Rating:  Summary: Embarressing Film Review: This movie plays like a commercial for Brad Pitt! I don't understand the rave reviews on it. The story is reheated boy-meets-girl, boy-loses-girl, anti-hero-finds-redemption stuff. Come on! Couldn't Mr. Zwick and the screenwriters come up with something more original? The only redeeming moments in this film are the scenes with Sir Anthony Hopkins. He is superb and one of the few who can carry off someone handicapped by a stroke without looking ridiculous. I was bored by this movie and its predictable plot 'turns'. A waste of money and time.
Rating:  Summary: "Grand, sweeping, and powerful...Brad Pitt's finest work!" Review: This film is so large, sweeping and powerful, that it defies a definitive review. The acting is wonderful--Brad Pitt's best work by far. Anthony Hopkins is a master performer as the tough father of boys who could not be more different. Julia Ormand is poignant as the ill-fated Susannah, and Henry Thomas comes a long way from his "ET" days. But other than the performance by Hopkins (who can not be upstaged by any actor), this is Brad Pitt's film. I was reminded of Hopkins and Pitts' teaming in "Meet Joe Black". That film and "Legends" both run quite long, but while that one became almost intolerably stretched out, this one will never make you worry about how much longer it's going to run. The scenery is magnificent, the narration by the old Indian is appropriately done, and the music swells to match the high country mountains of the American west. By film's end, you will feel as though you've been on an emotional roller coaster, and appreciate a story well told. Even if one is not a Brad Pitt fan, they will be moved by his--and all the performances. There is considerable violence in the end, but one will not soon forget the wild and haunting Tristan (Pitt), of whom it was well said: "...he is the rock against whom all shatter". This is a great film!
Rating:  Summary: Strong men, tough times, legends. Review: Family saga is usually the domain of female audiences but while there is no denying that "Legends of the Fall" is a family saga, it has the power to keep any demographic, over the age of ten, spellbound. Love and jealousy are still the central themes and yet the characters are so large that I doubt many people would not envy them, in some way at least. The Ludlows are almost mythical Americans. They live a tough but free existence in the North Country. Ruled by Colonel William Ludlow, (Anthony Hopkins), a Father carved from granite, the family's three sons grow up to be almost as tough. And for a man who spent his last professional years fighting for the rights of the native American's, a son who has absorbed native culture, along with the best of western values, has to hold a special place in his heart. Tristan Ludlow, (Brad Pitt), is the focus of our attention from the start. His wild and fearless spirit is guided by One Stab, the colonel's loyal Indian companion. It is One Stab that narrates Tristan's story and from him we learn that Tristan's destiny is entwined with his animal spirit, the Grizzly Bear. As a boy he dares an enormous sleeping grizzly and they take some of each other's blood. Interpreting his later choices through the moods of the bear is a fascinating idea. The pace of events pick up the moment the youngest son, Samuel, brings home his bride to be. The beautiful Susannah, (Julia Ormond), manages to steal the hearts of all three brothers and the father as well, although he has the wisdom to act correctly. Samuel arrives with more concern for the growing war in Europe than for his new love. His desire to play his part in the fight is opposed by the Colonel, jaded by the Government's past immoral acts. But nothing can stop a young man with a cause. Despite his brother's protection he manages to fulfill his destiny, opening the door to further possibilities for his brothers, with Susannah. She manages to set the brothers against each other and forces the eldest, Alfred, (Aidan Quinn), on a new path entirely; one that takes him to the U.S. congress, supported by less than honorable men. All of this makes for a heady brew, plenty of drama, powerful performances and broken hearts. For my money, the film wouldn't have been the same without Isabel Two, played by both Karina Lombard and Sekwan Auger. She waits patiently for her chance with Tristan to come. She and One Stab, form the calm center to the hurricane that is the Ludlow family. And like a hurricane, one you've been touched, you'll never forget "Legends of the Fall".
Rating:  Summary: A pleasant Surprise Review: I was warned away from this film by so many people. When I borrowed a friend's DVD collection, I waited untill I had seen everything before I threw this one in. After 10 min, I had gone through a range of emotions from laughing to crying, anger etc.... The film reaches out and touches people in their hearts. I thin most people are afraid of this. Watch it and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Brad Pitt Review: This is a great movie. I hated that even in the end that Brad's character had to die. He had survived so much. It was a very emotional movie. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: This film will not disappoint. The acting is excellent, as is the script, direction, costumes, and narration. I think that this film is highly underrated, but I have watched it and enjoyed it many times. Each time, I find something new to appreciate. It is tragic yet inspiring -- covering topics such as love, war, obsession, depression, but most poinant, the unconditional love that exists between family members. Really a great movie -- you will be missing out if you don't watch it.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Good Movie Review: I think people that did not enjoy this movie are simply over-analyzing it. I consider any movie that brings out an emotional response in me to be a good one, and this one certainly did. It's sad in some places, uplifting in others, breathtakingly beautiful in many. Overall, a very good standard motion picture, nothing ingenious, but satisfying nevertheless.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Review: One of the greatest saga's ever made this sprawling story had me thinking back to watching Gone with the Wind for the first time, a must see.
Rating:  Summary: Legendary Performance Review: Certainly Pitt's finest hour yet. I have not seen all of his movies, but I can't say I've seen a better performance out of him. Anthony Hopkins, as always, never fails to deliver. The complications in this movie are many, but that is what makes each scene important and not left on the cutting room floor. One scene that I will always remember is Tristan's youngest brother blinded by mustard gas and caught in the barbed wire calling his name as German troops set up a machine gun to puncture the life from his body. If you've seen it once, watch it again. If not, then watch it anyway.