Rating:  Summary: A beautiful film Review: This film is an absolute feast for the senses. Shot in Canada, the panoramic mountain scenery is breathtaking and was filmed by John Toll, whose mastery of mood and lighting is phenomenal and he was deservedly awarded the cinematography Oscar for this film. James Horner, of Titanic fame, wrote the absolutely beautiful and haunting musical score. Last but not least, we have the beauty of Brad Pitt, who is so beautiful to look at who cares about the actual story? The other brothers, played by Henry Thomas (of E.T.) and Aidan Quinn are not bad to look at, either. The story is a big lush soap opera type western, but it was nevertheless exciting, romantic, at times frightening and fun to watch. It was a good story, and although women seem to like the film more than men, it has a lot of wartime action to satisfy the men in the audience as well (to say nothing of the presence of Julia Ormond, who is quite beautiful in this film).
Rating:  Summary: Excellent film Review: This is a must have for anyone building a DVD library. Brad Pitt sizzles, Anthony Hopkins is brilliant as allways. Superb cinematography!
Rating:  Summary: If you want a movie that literally has it all, pick this one Review: This movie is my favorite of all time. This movie really has it all. Outstanding acting; the best I've seen. It's got romance, suspense, fighting, and a little soap opera kind of twist mixed in. I have had much trouble finding fault with it. Just an all around fabulous film.
Rating:  Summary: Exciting...interesting...dramatic Review: I really enjoyed this video...I watched it, and was actually late for work because I couldnt stand to wait until after work to finish watching it. This was my introduction to Brad Pitt, and was impressed with his looks, (obviously) and his acting was easy to believe, and equally fun to watch. Aiden Quinn was equally fun to watch, playing the "good brother". My husband enjoyed the movie as well...NOT JUST A CHICK FLICK.
Rating:  Summary: A Quality Movie Review: There were three aspects of this movie which made it so good: Anthony Hopkins as the father, the gorgeous Montana scenery, and THE MUSIC COMPOSED BY JAMES HORNER!! Imagine this movie with any other soundtrack, and what do you get? Great scenery, great acting, but an altogether flat and emotionless result. JAMES HORNER IS POSSIBLY THE GREATEST COMPOSER EVER, and each and every one of you should BUY THE SOUNDTRACK AND WITNESS FOR YOURSELVES HOW THE MUSIC OF HORNER CAN REPRODUCE EACH AND EVERY EMOTION FELT DURING THE MOVIE, BUT WITHOUT THE EXPENSIVE SCENERY AND ACTORS!!
Rating:  Summary: A boring 3 hour cologne commercial starring Brad Pitt Review: This movie demonstrates that beautiful cinematography and otherwise good actors can be wasted on a banal and cliche ridden plot. What bothers me most about this movie is the messege it delivers: that you don't have to take responsibility for your actions if you're really "hot"(Brad Pitt). This story was written solely for the purpose of displaying Brad Pitt in a variety of alluring poses and costumes; Brad Pitt the cowboy, Brad Pitt the pirate/sailor, Brad Pitt the great white hunter, and Brad Pitt the gangster/ boot legger. What we don't see is Brad Pitt the responsible husband, father and law abiding citizen. This would be acceptable if we were'nt expected to sympathise with our hero's misfortunes. Brad Pitt is a rebel without a cause, whose actions only result in tragedy for himself and for the people around him. However the writers seem to find nobility in this. There is no reason in this movie why the character is so loved other than his looks. The first twenty minutes of this movie showed great promise, but it quickly deteriorated into a muddled hodgpodge of tired Hollywood plot devices. Anthony Hopkins should really be more selective in the films he decides to be in. The eye patch and the chalk board were embarrassing. Far from being tragic, the ending with the bear is comical. The critical acclaim of this movie shows how easily critics can be impressed by period settings and great "thespians"(Hopkins) even when the result is disasterous. This movie has absolutely no redeeming qualities. I reccommend this movie only to people who have a compelling need to see Brad Pitt without his shirt on.
Rating:  Summary: Una película impresionante Review: La primera vez que la vi me impresionó mucho, como los 3 hermanos eran tan diferentes y como su padre trataba a cada uno de ellos. Me parece que es una excelente mezcla de acción, pasión [especialmente la pasión alocada entre Tristán(Brad Pitt)y Susanna(Julia Ormond)]y tristeza. Este film te muestra muchos ángulos diferentes de ver la vida. Se la recomiendo a todos.
Rating:  Summary: If you love tragic love stories then Legends is for you. Review: I rent this one at least twice a year. This is my all time most favorite movie. The story, the setting, the actors, the acting...Legends has it all. I like to imagine that Brad is just like Tristan...It's a must see for all Brad fans out there!
Rating:  Summary: Tristan and Brad: A Coincidence? Review: Ever since the dawning of "Legends of the Fall", it has never amazed me just how much of Tristan Ludlow was inside Brad Pitt and vica versa. Watching "Legends" was like seeing two sides of a two headed coin. Brilliantly acted by everyone(Pitt, Hopkins, Quinn, Ormond, and Thomas), awesome direction by Edward Zwick (Glory), and unbelieveable cinematography. "Legends" made America take note of Pitt's screen presence and his talents. Never once did Pitt steal a scene from his fellow actors--he stood out on his own. I was very impressed with his style and grace. He was Tristan and Tristan was Brad. Brad can only get better.
Rating:  Summary: Go for the adventure and live life to it's fullest. Review: Yeah it's a passionate love story, but it's also about the passion of history, adventure and the search for meaning in life. It's about young men and what to do with life. It's about WWI and what young men were going through back then and the incredible lives that were lived and the profound impact that war had on them. Things seem so heavy, deep and real now, but this film makes you think maybe times were more profound back then. You might also like "The Razor's Edge" and the book of the same name by Somerset Maugham.