Rating:  Summary: THE BEST MADE FOR TV MOVIE THAT I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!! Review: If you like movies based on celebrities lives, then you will love this one! Judy davis is BRILLIANT as Judy Garland. Even if you're not a Judy Garland fan, you'll find her life story captivating. Buy this DVD today, you won't be disappointed!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Forget This Flick...Find Performances by the REAL Judy Review: It is impossible to capture all of the important high and low points in Judy Garland's life in the time span of a 4 hour TV movie. But they tried! The best aspects of this movie are really the sets and costumes, they were incredibly accurate and detailed and obviously base on actual photos/video of Garland from her early movie days to the newsreel footage revealing her last happy moments following marriage number 5. To the people who worked on those aspects of this project, a huge BRAVO. The script was odd, in that so much time was spent on her personal life during the MGM period, talking to Artie Shaw, etc. and then it sort of breezed through the last 5 years of her life when her problems became a real challenge for her. As for the performers, I feel that Tammy Blanchard did a very nice job portraying the young Judy and her performance deserved the awards it received. On the other hand, Judy Davis was really a poor choice to play the adult Garland. She didn't resemble the real Judy very much (Judy Garland had huge brown eyes and Davis has very small eyes; also Garland had a high waist and carried her weight on the top portion of her body while Davis was the opposite) and this made it difficult to accept her as Garland. The other annoying thing she did was change her voice so much. I am well aware that Garland's speech mannerisms changed from the 1940's to the 1960's, but Judy Davis sounded more like Bette Davis than Judy Garland during the late 1940's period. Davis was not skilled at lip synching either. Luckily the director cut away from her on many of the close ups. She kept bobbing her chin up and down to simulate what "some" singers do to produce a vibrato. Garland never did this, her vibrato was natural. I realize that Judy Davis has received several awards for this one performance, but I can only wonder why. Apparently the people who vote for these things don't have much of a clue as to what the real Judy looked like or sounded like after she left MGM. One thing that is apparent is that no matter how well a person succeeds in looking like Judy Garland or capturing her mannerisms (and I have seen many try, both male and female, including illusionist Jim Bailey) no one can capture her magic. My advice would be to pass over this video and find videos of the real Judy Garland, such as the DVD's of her TV series. I would like to add that while I am aware that Judy's younger daughter Lorna Luft wrote the book on which this TV-bio is base, my opinion in no way represents a slight to her. I personally think that Lorna Luft is one of the greatest entertainers to ever grace this earth (she can sing better than Streisand, interpret a lyric better than Sinatra, belt a song better than Merman, soothe a song better than Peggy Lee, crack a joke better than Joan Rivers and she's incredibly sexy, too!) and why her mantle is not full of awards is a mystery to me. I hope that she is able to produce another movie which focuses on HER life, completely from HER viewpoint beginning from childhood and continuing until the present day. She also needs to make some recordings! Everyone I have spoken to including non-Garland fans knows the name Lorna Luft. They have all seen her perform on telethons and describe her talent in superlatives normally reserved for only the most celebrated artists, yet all complain they cannot find recordings by her. I hope she does something about this soon.
Rating:  Summary: Davis must've "channeled" the late, great Garland Review: It is without a doubt that one of the best performances by an actress portraying another actress belongs to the magnificent Judy Davis. Awards have been deservedly given to her for her wrenching and sympathetic glimpse at one of the great entertainers of the 20th century.Regardless of others' comments about the "soap opera trimmings" or Lorna Luft's "recollections," the powerhouse acting of Davis makes up for any discrepancies. Take me "over that rainbow" with you, Miss Davis!
Rating:  Summary: Judy Davis doesn't make it happen Review: Judy Davis does a cold impersonation. She can't convey the brilliamce and warmth that was Judy Garland.
Rating:  Summary: Judy's Comback!! Again & Again Review: Judy Davis has brought Judy Garland back where she belongs, in the spotlight. What a fantastic film. One of the greatest actors of out time playing one of the greatest entertainers of the world, what could be better. This movie brings forth the artistic brilliance of Judy Davis. With her talent in the true meaning of acting..she brings to life the dynamic energy of Judy Garland....that no drag queen could ever capture. Judy's daughter Lorna Luft is gleaming with the many awards this film has earned. If your not of a fan of either Judy D, or Judy G......just the fine color of authintic acting is a must....for every movie buff.
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious docu-drama Review: Judy Davis really pulled out all the stops for this one! She is a phenomenal actress and this role is no different. Her portrayal was spot on! Loved the drug induced mania as well as the "fat" years where we saw Davis in a huge make-up suit. Such classic lines too. "I pleased your wives, I pleased your children, ya sons-a-b----s!" My fave scene has to be when she tries to throw herself out the window cause she can't pay her bills. "Outta my way! I'm comin' down!" Can't wait to see her play Nancy Reagan!
Rating:  Summary: SHE'S BACK AGAIN Review: Judy Garland's ghost is back. This is a wonderful movie. It was very very interesting. The cast was real. Judy Davis was real. The story was real and the songs were real. The end made me sad.I knew how it felt for her. Lorna luft and Liza Minneli were in her heart forever and ever.
Rating:  Summary: A Textbook Example Review: Judy Garland's tragic story is a textbook example of what happens if addiction is inadequately treated. Of course, in her day little was known about how addiction works and how to deal with it. Perhaps today she might have had a fighting chance. As it was, it was as if she was doomed from the moment she was handed her first dose of pills. This film whitewashes Lorna Luft's book, on which it was based. I only skimmed through the book, but that was enough to tell me that many incidents described in the book were glossed over in the film, and others -- the worst being a horrifying incident involving Lorna Luft's brother Joey -- were omitted entirely. This is odd, since if Lorna Luft wasn't afraid to include these incidents in her book, why did she, as a producer, leave them out of the film? The film also doesn't reveal the fact that Joey suffers from some degree of mental disability due to his mother's drug and alcohol use during pregnancy. The person I sympathize with the most is not Judy Garland, however; it is her third husband, Sid Luft. As played by Victor Garber, he seems too smart to get involved with someone like her, but maybe Garber is merely a little miscast (even so, his performance earned him an Emmy nomination). More than once while watching the scenes following their marriage, I wondered why he didn't just haul off and break her scrawny little neck. Loving Judy Garland was not exactly a rewarding experience. It is understandable that Lorna Luft would want to take a forgiving look at her mother's life, but somehow I ended up disliking Judy Garland, not understanding her. Maybe my reaction is a credit to Judy Davis's incredible performance as Judy Garland (Tammy Blanchard is also marvelous as Judy Garland in her younger years). Ms. Luft, in a voice-over at the end of the film, says that people should not look at her family's story as a tragedy. I must respectfully disagree. This feeble attempt to end the film on a note of optimism just didn't wash after witnessing the damage Judy Garland did to her family. If you want a sobering look at what addiction can do to a family, then this film is just right. But don't expect an objective look at Judy Garland's life.
Rating:  Summary: THERE'S ONLY ONE JUDY GARLAND! Review: Let me begin by saying,in my opinion "LIFE WITH JUDY GARLAND-ME AND MY SHADOWS" is excellent! Judy Davis & Tammy Blanchard gave brilliant performances! The production deserved every award it received! As for the people who say Judy Davis wasn't Judy Garland, of course she wasn't! There's only one Judy Garland! Judy Davis is an actress not an impressionist! She captured the essence of Garland while at the same time making the character her own which is what every actor strives for. The film is based upon the book "ME AND MY SHADOWS: A FAMILY MEMOIR" by Lorna Luft. The key word is BASED, meaning the filmmakers couldn't include every aspect of the book in the movie. This has been the case with every film adaptation of any book from the 100+ years of filmmaking. The DVD itself is beautifully packaged. The picture and sound quality, chapter selection menu & special features are superb. There is an audio commentary track by Director Bob Ackerman and Lorna Luft which is worth every penny of the price of this DVD! Mr. Ackerman gives a scene by scene discription explaining how and why each scene was filmed. Ms. Luft then tells her point of view from all the vast research she did on the life of her Mom as well actually living through the events depicted in the latter part of the film. Lorna says right on the commentary that she has no problem with the filmmakers "artistic license" since Ms. Luft is an actress she understands this concept. The behind the scenes featurette includes much praise for the performances of Ms. Davis & Miss Blanchard by Lorna Luft, the filmmakers and other cast members. As for the other cast members, they are incredible too! It was great to see Marsha Mason playing Judy's ruthless mother Ethel Gumm. Hugh Laurie as Vincent Minnelli played the role with dignity. The awesome Victor Garber played Sid Luft. I was quite impressed with actor Aidan Devine he played Judy's father Frank Gumm with such warmth. I really loved John Benjamin Hickey who played Roger Edens he was so charming, just the sound of his voice made me take notice. Since the first time I saw this film i've tried to see any film Mr. Hickey has appeared in. Actually you can see all of John Benjamin Hickey in the film "LOVE, VALOR, COMPASSION" watch the movie and see what I mean. Anyway, the entire cast of "LIFE WITH JUDY GARLAND-ME AND MY SHADOWS" is terrific! If you've been thinking about buying this DVD, let me tell you, buy it now! Also: read the book, it's a great read! I also enjoyed the audio book read by Lorna Luft. Bottom line: One of the best Bio-pics ever made!
Rating:  Summary: Best so far. Review: Lorna Luft wrote a very unbiased record of her mother's life. Tammy Blanchard and Judy Davis as the younger and older Judy -were INCREDIBLE and should both get more awards for their performances. A lot of books and films been done, but I feel this is the best one I have seen and will be watching again.