Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Review: This movie takes place in Hamburg, Germany in the late 1930's. American music (swing) and British clothing were popular amongst young men and women in Germany. The movie starts as Peter, Thomas, and Avid are dancing at a club. Peter comes home to find a Nazi abusing his mother. Then a knock came and a Gestapo officer was at their door. He helped Peter's mother and then was on his way. Soon after Peter and Thomas steel a Radio and the Gestapo catches Peter. The same officer that helped his mother brought him home and told him to join the Hitler Judgen. When Peter joined Thomas joined because he was his best friend. Their motto, "HJ by day, Swing Kid by night" worked for a while until Thomas started to believe what the Nazi propaganda was saying. Peter and Thomas were drifting away form each other until one night when Peter is out dancing and Thomas comes in with the HJ. They close down the club and start beating people on the way out. Thomas finds Peter and starts hitting him. They start fighting and soon roll out side where a Gestapo officer sees to it that Peter is taking away to a work camp! This movie to me was very historical. Although it was true it was very entertaining. All the music and clothing of that time period worn by the people of Germany, be it they were swing kids or not, were very well portrayed. The scenes where they were in the dance halls were excellent. All the dancing was fabulous. Swing Kids has its ups and downs. There was a lot of violence and the language was suited for teenagers and adults. The violence consisted of beatings and fighting. This all happened and I'm glad that they put it in as history. I recommend viewers be older that 13 though. The Diary of Anne Frank and Swing Kids are alike and different in many ways. They both showed the Nazi and Gestapo powers. Anne Frank showed it through a young Jewish girl in hiding's eyes and Swing Kids shows it from a teenage German boy's eye. I recommend seeing both movies to get
Rating:  Summary: You gotta see this Review: An amazing story of close friends discovering the beginning of the Nazi generation. The main character, Peter, is one of those friends. He has to go through problems and tough situations in this perilous time. Peter's friends, Thomas and Arvid, get into fights about the Nazi ways and lose their friendship. Arvid is a crippled guitar player who loves the sound of swing music but he dislikes the Nazis. Thomas one of these swings lovers whom turns to the Nazi and comes to believe its ways. Peter's father once lived with his son. It was the Nazi fault he no longer does. He took him in for questioning and he came back not the same man. He later died. Now Peter is ready for whatever actions are necessary to disrupt the Nazi philosophy. I felt the movie was incredibly realistic for the time periods it is taking place in. All of the acting was decent accept for the German officers and etc. Otherwise the main characters played the parts perfectly. There are no dislikes I have for this movie. It was played perfectly. Incredibly realistic, which I like. The amazing story line flows nicely through the story, which doesn't leave you hanging on any mysteries. Comparing movies dealing with Nazis and this time era I would have to say The Diary of Anne Frank. When you bring these two movies together you will notice they have a lot of things in common. The exciting scenes of horror relate to Nazis capturing innocent people of the German heritage being taken to concentration camps. From The Diary of Anne Frank you have the viewpoint of Jews. It's the opposite in Swing Kids you have the viewpoint of Germans who disbelieved the discrimination of Jews. I hope you enjoy Swing Kids.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Bo-Bawesome!!!!!! Review: The movie Swing Kids is a great example of what was happening in Hamburg, Germany, during the invasions of Poland and Czechoslovakia. It tells of how the swing kids (German teenagers who love swing music) are forced to believe the Nazi's beliefs and join the Hitler Youth. The Nazi's use propaganda to make the kids want to join them and they also use beatings and many other things also. Some end up believing them and some just are completely against the Nazi's. It was a great movie, and I really liked all of the suspense. It's one of the movies that you watch and it is so good you just watch it to finish it and figure out what happens. I also liked to see that people we're fighting against each other for what was right and that the swing kids pursued what they wanted. What I disliked was the ending and the broken friendship. The ending wasn't satisfying enough for me, I personally think they should have Ninja fought straight to the death myself. The movie Swing Kids and the play The Diary of Anne Frank compares in some ways. They can by because they are about what it was like with Nazi rule in place and the hardships that people had to endure during this time of cruelty and bad treatment. I would highly recommend this movie to everyone, because it tells of the cruelty the Nazi's made the people they ruled over endure. It also tells a very good story that everyone would enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Review: Swing kids is about four friends who loved swing music, and a friendship between two of the boys that was suddenly changed when Peter got in trouble for trying to get the Nazis back by stealing a radio. Peter was the one who got caught and had to join the HJ or Hitler Youth. Thomas joined too because he wasn't going to let Peter have to go all alone for something they both did. They walked into it disliking the Nazis greatly, and planned on keeping it that way. They were just going to use it as a cover and be HJ by day and Swing kids by night. Thomas soon turned into one of the Nazis and Peter was very upset and that threatened their friendship. Thomas was even turning in his own family when they say something bad about Hitler. Peter had a job of delivering packages to families, but he didn't know what was in them so he opened one and saw the ashes of their husbands and fathers. This devastated Peter because the Nazis took his father away and he was so weak when he returned that he eventually died. Peter then stopped going to the HJ. I did like; however, how accurate the movie was and how they used teenage kids to play the roles to relate to the youth of today, so we could understand what they were going through, and knew what they were thinking. It had a lot of action and was never boring. It had a lot of emotions and would keep you hooked. I liked the dancing too because it gave a nice relief to the dramatic movie. I did not like all of the violence though, and how Thomas became a Nazi when he promised Peter that he wouldn't, and would stay a Swing Kid forever. Also, I didn't like how the Nazis treated the Germans, and especially the Jews, and when Peter had to deliver the boxes to the families. The Diary of Anne Frank and Swing Kids are related in some ways. One was the way the Gestapo treated the Germans and Jews. And another was all of the nervous tension that both of the movies had. There were many connections between the two movies. I got to see them all from both the German and Jewish point of view and could see what they all went through and what the torment of thinking that you could be caught at any moment and taken away to a concentration camp and lives be completely changed probably forever.
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Review: Swing Kids Swing Kids is about kids who are into different kinds of music other than German music. The setting is right before World War II, 1938-1939, in Hamburg Germany. When the Gestapo told Peter he should join the Hitler Youth, he didn't want to. Peter felt that the Germans where evil for what they they where doing, putting people in concentration camps and killing them on the streets. During this movie there are many discussions about who are their friends because they all had different beliefs. This movie is very moving and emotional. A few things that I liked about the movie are that the dancing was nicely put together and that the violent parts where very realistic. It made me fell like I just wanted to put those mean guys into jail. The movie is really realistic because it was filmed in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The streets are really made of cobblestone and the acting is very good. A few things that I dislike about the movie are one: when Peter found out that he was delivering the husbands ashes to their familys. That was the meanest thing the Nazis did in the movie. Another thing I didn't like was the mom. She thought she was the boss of everybody and wanted to make sure nothing happened to Peter. A couple of things that the Dairy of Anne Frank and the movie Swing Kids have in common are is that they both are about the cruelty in World War II. They both clearly depict what it was like and what their lives where like, usually harsh and cruel. In both movies they all where trying to survive, buy food and keeping their religious belief as well as Personal Beliefs
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Is Good Review: Swing Kids is about a group of kids who like to listen to swing music and are against Hitler. Then one of the swing kids, Peter gets caught stealing a radio back from the Nazis and the Nazis get him and make him into a Nazi. Then Thomas, a friend of Peter's joins the Nazis to be with Peter. Peter tries to get out of the Hitler Youth and still likes to dance to swing but Thomas starts to believe in all of the things that the Nazis are saying and teaching and he turns into a Nazi. Thomas even turns his father into the Nazis. Arvid gets mad at Thomas and Peter and he commits suicide because he is sick of the Nazis and what they are doing. Peter and Thomas don't talk to each other any more. One night Peter is at a swing party and Thomas comes in with the Nazis and starts to beat up on Peter. Thomas tells Peter to go away so he does not get taken away to the work camps. Peter stays and doesn't move. Then the Nazis come.I liked the movie because it gave really good detail with the cobblestone streets and the Nazis uniforms. It felt like I was right in Germany. I also liked how the violence seemed real. The music made the movie even more enjoying. The dancing was also good. The theme of friendship was one thing that I really liked in the movie because they were in a group and they were against the Nazis. I disliked the movie because it had a suicide in it and I did not like how the Nazis were so mean to people and how they just came into parties and beat people. Another thing that I did not like about the movie is that Thomas and Peter lost their friendships. I was sad when Arvid, Thomas and Peter broke apart from each other. The Diary of Anne Frank is different from Swing Kids because Anne Frank is more dramatic and is at a girl's point of view and she is not free and has to hide from the Nazis. In Swing Kids it is a group of teenage boy's point of view and they are free and dislike the Nazis.
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Review: Swing Kids The movie Swing Kids takes place in Hamburg, Germany, in the late 1930's, when the Nazi propaganda was widely spreading for the Hitler Youth (H.J). It was a story about swing kids that rebel against the Nazis. However, Peter, is arrested for stealing a radio from the local bakery, that he had seen the Nazis take from a Jewish home, and is forced to join the H.J. His best friend, Thomas decides that it wasn't fair for Peter to be the only one punished, for he was assisting him. Yet, their other friend Arvid, refuses to join and sticks with his beliefs. As Peter and Thomas are being trained in the H.J, they promise each other that they could never split the two of them apart, "H.J by day, Swing Kids by night." As they are being taught more Nazi beliefs, they begin to turn on each other. One ends up becoming a Nazi, while the other keeps his strong beliefs against them. My favorite part of the movie was when they went to the swing parties. I especially liked their dancing they did, it was amazing. Also, I enjoyed seeing how realistic the story and costumes were, it really gave me a good feeling of what Germany was like during World War II. One part of the story I didn't like was how, even though Peter and Thomas were best friends, they became enemies by the end. They should have stayed by each other's sides and helped each other to not believe any of what the Nazis said. Also, I didn't think the ending was very good, since they had promised that no one could split them apart they should have kept it. Thomas should have protected Peter instead of fighting him and let the Nazis take him away to the concentration camps. The Diary of Anne Frank, and Swing Kids are both stories of Europe during the beginning of Nazi reign. However, Swing Kids is about a boy how is forced to join the Nazis, despite his beliefs. While The Diary of Anne Frank, is a bout a family forced to go into hiding from the Nazis due to their heritage. Both stories, are very good for getting a feel for what people were going through during the 1930's.
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids is a great movie! Review: .:Movie Review: . The movie, Swing kids was a very educational movie. It proves to everyone, how the Nazi party treated people all over Germany during World War 2. Swing Kids is about friends influenced by Hitler's Judgend and the kids break the rules by going to swing clubs just about every night. It's tells how Hitler's ideas were sold to the German People. A story of propaganda. The two characters, Thomas and Peter get caught stealing a radio, then Peter was forced to join the H.J. Peter's good friend Thomas joins, they begin to fall apart. One night, Peter went off to a swing club by himself. The H.J busted the party and Thomas brutally beat Peter, causing blood to go everywhere. Its amazing to how Hitler can cause a friendship to break. Swing Kids was a really good movie. The dancing was interesting and the music was up beat. The friendships were compassionate, and showed love for one another. Propaganda posters hung on every street corner, which told us about what was going on. The dancers clothing was colorful; however, very old-fashioned. These are the good qualities to the movie Swing Kids. In Germany, Hitler influences the youth, all around. Hitler was an evil person. The violence in Swing Kids was brutal and uncalled for. There were certain scenes in the video, which were very upsetting. There was a change in friendship, which ended because of the H.J. members. These scenes were the worst. The play Diary of Anne Frank is very similar. In the end, both families and friends in both movies end up splitting apart. In Swing Kids Peter got taken away, just like when the Gestapo took the Franks. They were both very depressing movies. These are the connections between The Diary of Anne Frank and Swing Kids.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME WICKED! Review: This movie is so mega tight. Peter and Thomas knocked the shizzle out of each other over their beliefs, and the swing music was just so great that I wanted to punch myself in the face many many times! STUPID NAZIS! That cripple kid was awesome, because when he reached for the umbrella when he was beat up...because what are you going to do with an umbrella if you're like disabled on the ground? He was just so hardcore. SWING HEIL! nazis are stupid
Rating:  Summary: Swing Kids Review: The movie Swing Kids features a group of friends, Peter, Thomas, Arvid, and Hinz, during the late 1930's in Hamburg, Germany. All live for British fashion and dance swing at secret clubs. But the group is slowly falling apart. First with Peter being force to join the Hitler-Jugend (youth group) and then with Thomas actually turning into a Nazi. Some of the parts that I personally liked were the action scenes with violence, and the music. Also there is lots of suspense and swing dancing that makes you want to dance yourself. There wasn't much profanity so that can be considered a positive selling point with your parents. But in any movie there are some parts I disliked. Unfortunately a few weeks after a teenager at my school killed himself we watched this movie in our English class, which features a "swing kid" committing suicide. Also the ending of the movie was a bit corny. The ending should have been longer and have a short epilogue. In our English class we also watched The Diary of Anne Frank which shows a Jewish girl's troubles under Hitler's rule. While on the other hand, Swing Kids shows High School aged boys dealing with their physical and emotional problems under the Third Reich.