Rating:  Summary: Stone presents the theme the wrong way Review: 'Natural Born Killers' theme is, ideologically, a dead-on accurate theme. Unfortunately, Oliver Stone presents it in a rather odd way. He says that it is a statement that the media (cinema included, I assume) has taken violence too far. How does he go about illustrating this? By making a movie that is one of the most violent films in history. I believe his point would have had more impact if he told it from the view of the victims and their families. Then, the audience would be presented with people who have to watch as the killers of their loved ones are raised to star-status rather than following the killers and therefore empathizing with the wrong characters. BUT...Just because this movie gives a scrambled theme, doesn't make it bad. Technically, this movie is always a visual treat. It is exciting, funny, and the acting is wonderful. This movie succeeds in entertaining the audience, if they can stomach it.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie against media!! Review: i found this movie great and diffrent because it uses media (and movie) to show that it will corrupt us just as anything else we (humanity) have to many things to point our fingers at to put the blame on it's not music movie or news its only ourselves i.e. if someone is born into poverty they steal food 9/10 then we punnish them for the way SOCIETY raised them!!!
Rating:  Summary: goddamn you Americans! Review: what is wrong with this film? so what, the "point" of the film (an invention of the film critics that came from hype, IMO) doesn't come across, but so what? it is very funny. the acting is amazing. the editing is awesome. the music fits the film perfectly (though the soundtrack alone seems kinda boring). this is just a psychedelic ride. it is trash, of course. but it's damn good trash. Oliver Stone's best film. (i might even say his only good one, though Midnight Express is excellent.) and to that person who tried to blame this film for the Littleton shootings: it's people like you who slow down prevention against these sorts of tragedies. if you blame the media (especially auteur cinema), you're nowt but a smeghead. get lost. this is the ultimate anti-American film. godbless Natural Born Killers!
Rating:  Summary: NUMBER ONE WITH A BULLET Review: I first fell for this film by listening to Trent Reznor's soundtrack. I did not see it for the first time until 1996 and it was everthing that i had envisioned from the vivid portrait painted by the soundtrack. While this film will never be considered a "classic" film to most people it touches on many truths that prevail in our sick and twisted society that TV and our mass media has shaped. I have the directors cut version and if you listen closely to Mr Stone's commentary he ironically points out how our media turns mass murder into a circus, he made these statements in 1996 and look where the media has taken us today with the Colorado trajedy. there are many people who will never "get" what this movie is all about because they refuse to open their minds to what is really going on in the world, and has been for decades. In the words of Mickey Knox "you aint seen nothin' yet."
Rating:  Summary: Worst movie I've ever seen! Review: There should have been a selection for ZERO stars as I give it no stars, period. After watching half way I wanted to puke! I felt disgusted I regretted watching it. Movies like these cause violence in today's society, senseless and stupid violence.
Rating:  Summary: a real stir Review: natural born killers is the only movie after pulp fiction that give me real enjoyment. many people don`t like it, but i dont know why? it really has all the expression. . a true story of today`s life.
Rating:  Summary: Why doesn't this man retire? Review: Oliver Stone is a man of little imagination and even less intelligence. Here's the message of "Natural Born Killers": Tabloid TV is bad. Mass murder is bad. Child abuse is bad. Cops are bad. Native Americans are good. Let's add some funky camera tricks to make this banality artful. Here is the message: See Dick run. Run, Dick, run. Run, run, run. Crap!
Rating:  Summary: Ollie Stone's view of America? Review: What a piece of trash! For some reason, Oliver Stone CAN'T make a normal film without somehow beating up on his country! JFK was killed by a conspiracy that involved NIXON (???) and a secret cabal of pro-Vietnam War military industrialists, while Jim Morrison was haunted by an old Indian ghost who encouraged him to drink himself to death, and now it's the media creating crazed super-killers that are somehow modern-day heroes --- or at least that's how Ollie sees them! What kind of drugs is he taking? His movies are CRAP!!!
Rating:  Summary: the reviews at the top don't know what they're talking about Review: Although I'm not exactly sure what the 'point' of the movie was, besides taking a look at the media in modern day society (which was put across rather well), the movie is great. It is pure adrenaline rushing entertainment. The best part about it is that it turns the tables on the all too common good vs. bad - we actually sympathise with the villains more than with society, the sign of a truly great film.
Rating:  Summary: It seems to be the sign of a vapid culture... Review: ...that nobody takes anything seriously. Whether they're other people's opinions or the financial exploitation of cruelty. I respect anyone who enjoyed this movie, and I'm sure that for them it was a sobering warning against young couples who go on killing sprees, TV journalists who take part in prison riots, and girls who seduce men at gunpoint. But, I feel like I should pretend to like it more than I do, just so you'll think it wasn't that good. The changing film stocks make a resounding statement about society. But the red, neon messages projected onto the characters' faces that say things like "demon" and "too much TV" went right over my head! What was Mr. Stone trying to say here? Much too subtle for me. Maybe if it had said, "Too many stupid movies"...?