Rating:  Summary: Warriors TV version Review: Does anyoune out there have a copy of the full uncut version (the one with extra scenes at the beginning of the movie? e-mail me at gomazzy@juno.com thanks john
Rating:  Summary: One of the best cult classics of the 70s Review: The Warriors is a very exciting and action packed film. It's one of the best action movies I've seen. The Warriors is a highly-stylized, campy, dated, yet fun film about the trials and tribulations of a street gang making its way back "home" through rival turfs. Packed with violence, innuendo, and great music, The Warriors is very definitive of the late 70s. Lots of memorable characters --including the memorable female radio station disc jockey-- make this a fun, non-boring film. It makes you wish your nights were even half as exciting as theirs.
Rating:  Summary: Warriors Review: I found myself, as a kid, getting pumped up every time I saw this movie. Now that I'm grown... I'm still getting pumped up every time I see this movie. It is a great movie. When the movie first came out, critics were saying 'No Way'. Well now-a-days those same critics are saying 'Yes Way'. If you look outside your doors, you will see just how true this movie is to real life. I highly recommend people to rent or buy this one.
Rating:  Summary: The Warriors Review: If your thinking about getting this DVD, get it. I was suprised at the quality of the color and clarity of picture. It's the kind of movie your girlfriend might not like, but if she watched it more than once, she'll get it, and she"ll love it!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: When The Warriors was originally released there was a prequel to the opening scene of the movie ( i.e. prior to the Coney Island ferris wheel spinning around.) The audience was introduced to Cleon's girlfriend and her reservations about him going to the conclave up in the Bronx. More importantly, Cleon introduces the viewing audience to each member of the Warrior cast and their respective roles in the movie before they leave on their perilous journey. Why in the world would expanded information made for DVD viewing audiences like this this be cut from the final DVD release when it was included in the original theatrical release( which I have I a copy of on video tape) is beyond me. I am sure that many other cult followers would agree with this. Sheesh! Can Paramount review this oversight and make a correction? I have already e-mailed them and heard nothing in return. What a shame, particularly when many of us know that this bonus footage exists and was shown in theaters and on television! CAN SOMETHING BE DONE? CAN I GET AN ANSWER FROM SOMEONE? THANKS!
Rating:  Summary: BELIEVE THE HYPE Review: I was 15 when this unique movie erupted on the scene I was totally hooked; though there are many social commentries dont look for them, just get on the train & enjoy the ride as reviewers here have said never before and never again will a film so raw yet bright and absorbing be made. The black humour shines through ...Ajaxs' delight that they can't run anymore from the 'furies brings a chuckle every time.............I have owned this on Video for many years(incidently my copy has the opening scene before the titles missing?????????)now i'm content.If u don't enjoy this film you proberly spent your youth worrying about the food chain instead of accepting it..BUY IT
Rating:  Summary: You Warriors are good...real good. Review: Walter Hills 1979 Gang opus "The Warriors" is one of my all-time favourite films. Having first seen it at the tender age of ten and some forty times since, it's power to entertain, thrill and delight me has not been deminished over the years. The story of a NYC youth gang crossing rival turfs in a bid to "make it back" home after being unfairly blamed for a rival gangleaders death enables this film to move at breakneck pace and cover a variety of terrains and situations that are rendered semi-real and at the same time semi-surrealistically greatly adding to the atmosphere of the film. This atmosphere is perfectly conveyed right from the beginning of the film with the weird blinking lights of the Wonder Wheel ferris wheel coupled with the equally haunting and weird sound of Barry De Vorzen's synth music. NYC is set up as some kinda errie playground for these gangs (indeed maybe a larger Coney Island)and you know you're gonna see some fights and some freaks. As the credits roll in perfect time with the music (as indeed most of the film moves exactly with the music), this promise is already being partly fulfilled, as we are treated to the sight of some of the most laughable and at the same time scary gangs you'll ever see. The enormity of NYC is conveyed through the use of train maps and the sheer variety of the gangs and you know that the Warriors are gonna be running into more than one of 'em. Following the gang meeting and the final plot lynchpins (all within the first ten minutes), the chase is on, and what a ride director Walter Hill takes you on! Through problem after problem, gang after gang, turf after turf, fight after fight and several character enhancing/detracting moments for the members of the Warriors the film rarely lets up, and while some bits seem overly simplistic, silly or both, you couldn't give a Van Damn because it's all done with such style and speed. This was Walter Hill's third film, after debuting with "Streetfighter" AKA "Hardtimes" and then "The Driver" (which was also quite influential in its own way - just check "Driver" the game), and the experience he gained on these films must have helped contribute to the grand experience that this is. Atmosphere and ideas count for a hell of a lot in my book, and this film just ooozes both. The different look of each of the gangs is awesome, from the face-painted baseball furies, the skinhead AC Turnballs, the redneck Jim Morrison wannabes, and the pathetic Orphans with their equally pathetic green tee-shirts, each gang gets the outfit they deserve. The location shooting by mega-talented Lazlo Kovaks bursts outta your screen with neon colour and feeling, you can taste the smoke of the train station fire, or smell the P**s in the subway toilets. You feel as if your there, and at the same time it's so surrealistic you know it's a film. It's a weird combo and it works. This film has become rather infamous, partly due to the violent incidents that occurred during its first run. A shooting death at a drive-in between two gangs, a kidnap/beating, and uh... possibly another shooting death somewhere. Another reason for its infamy may reside in the fact that it has been extensively sampled (check a variety of Drum 'n' Bass tunes, PWEI track etc), referenced (eg. NWA's 100 Miles and Running), or directly ripped off (eg. the slew of early 80s gang movies that tries to copy its formula "1990: The Bronx Warriors). The thing is the film evidently hit enough nerves to stay in people's minds. The DVD is somewhat of a mixed bag. First of all WHOOOO HOOOOO it's out on DVD, it's widescreen and it is AMAZINGLY cleaned up. I've been waiting to see it as the theater intended for years and years and years. At the same time, Paramount have gone their traditional route of a pathetic number of chapter stops and an equally pathetic number of extras. What extras? The trailer (which is damn cool, has music that isn't in the film or soundtrack, and one or two shots and lines that I don't recall being in the film). However, for a film like this that does have a substantial cult following, I would have thought Paramount could have found extra scenes, a featurette and especially a director's commentary. I would have loved to have heard stuff about the making of this film, like real gangs threatening the crew or something, and seeing that many of the actors etc here (great as they are, especially James Remar) aren't doing as much of late I'm sure they would have been up for it. Similarly the cover artwork, utilises about three photos again and again, when the original Australian video release (and all subsequent ones for that matter) had that awesome painting of all the gangs posing together as one big "family". Ah well, at least the disc itself looks cool. Still I'm as pleased as punch to finally have this film in my DVD collection, I have been awaiting its release since the moment I got my player and just having this film remastered in widescreen is ultimately good enough for me, as I know I ain't gonna wear out this copy watching it 45 times or so, as I did with my VHS. The Warriors weren't just good, real good...they're the best.
Rating:  Summary: Great Action Film About the Realities Of Gang Violence Review: Even though it was made in 1979, Walter Hill's 'The Warriors' is still enjoyable to watch. This well-made film deals with many issues that are common with today's urban gangs. It does glorify it a lot but it does make you think. I heard about gang violence breaking out when 'The Warriors' was originally released in theatres. In 1988, there was talk about gang riots being associated with the release of the film 'Colors'. I think it was nothing but a publicity stunt. I'm glad that this film along with with past great films are being released on DVD. There is one thing that disappoints me: The film has an aspect of 1:85.1 even though the widescreen aspect ratio is described as 'anamorphic'.
Rating:  Summary: Not your typical action movie Review: "The Warriors" is not your average mind-numbing action flick in that it has a good story and well-developed characters. The acting is actually pretty decent, too (look for a young Mercedes Ruehl). I was introduced to this movie only a few years ago, but it immediately became a much-beloved member of my extensive video collection. Since then, I have screened this movie for various people and the response is unanimous - awesome!! The result of viewing this movie repeatedly with friends is almost always the same: if you watch this at party, count the minutes until slips their fingers into three beer bottles, clinks them together and chants "Warriors...come out to plaa-aay!" And I dare you to listen to Joe Walsh's "In the City" ever again without conjuring up memories of this cool movie. Joe Bob Briggs used to play this frequently on TNT's MonsterVision. I always wondered why until I finally watched the entire movie and was stunned at the heavy feeling of suspense I felt as the condemened Warriors were stalked through the gritty, dangerous (eerie?) streets of New York City in the dead of night. This is by no means a horror movie; however, the pervasive fear and anxiety that runs rampant throughout the film is enough to induce extensive nail-bighting. (One is almost reminded of another attempt at this urban horror scenario in 1993's "Judgement Night" with Cuba Gooding Jr and Emilio Estevez). For all of you undecided viewers out there, I highly recommend The Warriors. This one has become one of my favorite late-Saturday-night video staples. And if you, like me, are a fan of gritty New York street movies (i.e Taxi Driver), this one definitely deserves space on your video shelf. It is an action/suspense classic and one that you will enjoy for years to come. Can you dig it???
Rating:  Summary: From The Bronx to Coney Island, A Wild Ride All the Way Review: Facing an unrelenting wave of sinister gangs, Coney Island-based gang the Warriors must fight its way out of the far-flung Bronx, where a council to unify New York City's manifold gangs has gone utterly awry. Honeytraps, a capricious El and subway that provides escape for some while cutting it off for others...danger awaits the beleagured Warriors at every turn in the menacing, atmospheric New York City night. Michael Beck is the Warriors' cynical War Chief-turned leader Swan who must hold the imperiled gang together during their desperate journey back to Coney Island. James Remak is the "not too bright" (like his ancient Greek warrior of mythology namesake) Warrior Ajax, who proves a formidable foe to the gang's adversaries. The DVD is beautiful, befitting the movie's colorful comic book-like plot and illustrious characters.