Rating:  Summary: This movie spawned a search for the truth Review: After years of extensive research and a college course examining the subject, I am almost convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone and that most of the conclusions made by Stone are wrong, especially his vindication of Jim Garrison's flawed and corrupt investigation.That being said, I truly do think this movie is something special. Firstly, it is extremely well directed and produced, the music is great and most of the acting is top-notch. More importantly, this movie affected the American mindset like almost no other. Almost immediately after its release, Congress passed the JFK Act and began looking into the classified files. When Stone wrote his screenplay, many files and studies which provided valuable information were still sealed and the movie's conclusions were affected by that. However, I recommend this movie to all because it truly does challenge people to question everything and to never be lulled into accepting the official party or government line. That Oswald most likely shot JFK does not mean that questions should not be asked. All the evidence must be evaluated as well as the true reasons for covering it up. Though I believe that Stone has grossly misrepresented certain facts, it is not the job of the movies to educate Americans about history. What this movie does is spur an enthusiasm in its audience to learn more about a particular event and how it affected us all. Such an appeal for thought and action is rare in this age of mindless sex and violence in Hollywood.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: Please watch this movie. It has great cinematography and editing. It makes you think and holds your attention all the way through the end. This is expert filmmaking.
Rating:  Summary: Long and detailed but engrossing nonetheless Review: This is a controversial and challenging film about the death of the American president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and its aftermath. Almost since the day he died in 1963, rumours have abounded to the effect that there was a cover-up in the investigation which then began. Various notables have interested themselves in this story over the years. Bertrand Russell wrote a book about it after the publication of the Warren Report in 1967. Neither he nor anyone since has had their questions taken seriously, least of all by the American establishment. Oliver Stone's film recapitulates all the main evidence pointing to a conspiracy and does so in some detail. In the end, we find ourselves asking just what are the limits of our belief (or disbelief) in this matter. Could the CIA have deliberately murdered the President on behalf of an industrial consortium who wanted war in Vietnam? Was the Vice President involved? This is a long, involved film but worth the time nonetheless. After all, it just may be one of the most important stories of the twentieth century.
Rating:  Summary: It will amaze and shock you to the bone Review: I didnt see this movie when it was first released, I watched it recently on DVD and was quite shocked. The movie is about the assasination of the American president JFK. One detective will not rest until the truth and the major conspiracy behind the death of JFK is revealed. The movie is over 3 hours long since the 17 mins that were cut out of the theatrical release are restored. The movie graphically shows JFK's head being blown off (I mean the real thing) and there are also graphic shots of the autopsy table. Despite all that the movie will immerse you from beginning to end. Oliver Stone has done one hell of a job of delivering the movie to the audience. A must see for Oliver Stone fans.
Rating:  Summary: They should make viewing this movie... Review: ...a companion piece to the constitution test.It is creepy to me the way the factual basis of this movie is slammed.I have read books on both sides of the equation and it seems to me that any alterations this movie has made from the original course of history were minor alterations that were made for rhythm and dramatic effect and have not changed the bottom line truth. Not even Jar Jar Binx has had to put up with this kind of character ASSASSINATION!This film's loudest and most persistent critics and the people who parrot them are suspicious to me.This is Oliver Stone's masterpiece and to me that is saying quite something.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Riveting Review: Before any of you judge me for rating this film five stars and calling it absolutely riveting, let me explain myself. Ok, it does have some doubtfull plot points in terms of accuracy, but there are many facts that substantiate the film's statement on the assassination of JFK. Also, as a film, it is an absolutely riveting story-telling. Awesome editing work and cinematography as well as John Williams' fine score. Also, Kevin Costner is fine as Jim Garrison, even though there might have been better actors to play his role, but he was good enough. The supporting cast was excellent, with Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones, John Candy, Joe Pesci, and the list goes on. It might have had discrepancies in terms of its factual accuracies, but it certainly is one of the most underrated and the most riveting films of all time.
Rating:  Summary: JFK - T'aint O.K. Review: "Director's Cut? I don't think so- unless Stone is as sloppy as some of his plot ideas are questionable.
Rating:  Summary: It seems a point is being missed... Review: I saw this movie in the theaters for its original release and have seen it a few times over the years since then. Being something of a paranoid leftist myself, I might be inclined, out of sheer desire to believe the worst of our government and "the military-industrial complex," that this movie is A Good Thing because it is such a watchable film, with great characters, mostly great acting (Costner, of whom I'm usually a fan, lagging behind his costars here), beautiful score, incredible directing and a very compelling story. But it's my opinion that this movie is in fact a Bad Thing, because it is such a transparent distortion of history. I think it's irresponsible for a filmmaker who is doing a movie about a specific historical event to allow his own passions and prejudices to totally distort that history. I believe our government has done some brutal, brutal things. Some behind closed doors and some right out in the open. But in this case, it's really hard to argue government involvement, if you know the facts. I urge you to try and find them for yourselves, don't depend on this movie to teach them to you, because this movie is NOT an accurate portrayal of history, it's Oliver Stone's somewhat obvious and recurring pathology of the two fathers conflict that i've notice crop up in at least three of his movies....Barnes and Elias in Platoon, Michael Douglas and Martin Sheens' characters in Wall Street and now Kennedy and LBJ in JFK. I think Stone dangerously simplifies history in this movie with his idolization of JFK and his demonization of LBJ and his portrayal of a vast sentient conspiracy within the federal government. Again, not to deny that such conspiracies exist and do evil, for I feel that they do. But not in this case. Go read "Case Closed" by Gerald Posner (an independent author with no ties to the Government) and tell me I'm wrong. So the point of this review is that I feel that all of these other reviewers who, in their praise for JFK, blithely gloss over the fact that it's not historically accurate either don't understand just how incredibly inaccurate the movie really is or seem to be missing the point that it's dangerous and irresponsible to portay history as anything other than as accurate as can possibly be done. Oliver Stone clearly didn't do that here. The Jim Garrison case was a disgraceful fiasco that ruined the reputations and lives of innocent men and has since been historically discredited. Maybe I'm making too much of this point, but I'm only doing so because I haven't seen anyone else in all these reviews really mention it at all.
Rating:  Summary: Genius Review: Oliver Stone does a fantastic job here.the cast is incredible.with each passing year a new theory comes out about the death Of John F.Kennedy.Kevin Costner is Money through out.it's a real Epic that keeps your eyes glued to it.
Rating:  Summary: Stone isn't the gospel-but neither is the Warren Report... Review: The movie JFK is in effect a who-done-it without telling you who-done-it. Oliver Stone gives us the story of New Orleans DA Jim Garrison in his quest to convict businessman Clay Shaw of conspriacy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. However, Garrison's case against Shaw was never strong. Truth be told, I myself am not a believer that Mr. Shaw had anything to do with President Kennedy's death on November 22, 1963. With that said, there are other factors in this motion picture which do offer more than a few redeemable gems. Lee Oswald's very dubious movements in Russia, New Orleans, and Mexico for one. The hostility of the CIA toward the Kennedy White House, and the Agency's involement with the Mafia to assassinate Cuba's Castro. The highly implausible saga of the Single Bullet Theory. And the strange behavior of the Dr. Humes for burning the original autopsy draft. Factors such as this, to name a few, have put a great strain on the Warren Report's conclusion that Oswald did it- and did it alone. Criticisms towards the Report have been around for years prior to the movie JFK. Yet it was this movie that brought these critical factors to the national stage and a new generation. History NEED NOT say JFK be the definative word for the killing of John Kennedy. But the Warren Report CAN'T make that claim either. The Government went into the investigation of President Kennedy's death with a preconceived notion that Oswald was to be blamed, and the presentation of evidence was to show that end-and that end alone. The Comission was bullied by the Johnson White House to finish the investigation before the 64 election. The "autopsy" the Comission used to prove it's case was a shambles. The CIA's deception to the Comission on assassination plots with the Mafia on Fidel Castro only adds to the Warren Report's investigative impotence. True, Oliver Stone's movie is a mixture of fact and fiction, that is clear. However, it does illustrate key facts to the case which the Warren Comission failed-or refused-to cover. That by itself makes this movie worthy of the four stars I give it. But proceed with caution, dear reader: Be aware that this film, like so many people's take on the death of John Kennedy, is a blend of history and opinion. Watch the movie, but also watch your step...