Rating:  Summary: A fully loaded DVD of a fantastically well-made movie Review: I know what you're thinking - how can I give 3 stars to a film that I called "fantastically well-made" and that has a wide array of DVD extras? Because technical skill is not enough - the film must be worthwhile viewing and certainly must not let me down at the end.The good points: Director Fincher and cinematographer Darius Khondji deserve special mention for making the film dark, moody, and of exactly the right pitch for the material. Although I couldn't tell on my system (I don't have surround sound), I'm told that the sound itself is worth the price of the DVD. Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are perfect, as is the "guest star" serial killer, whose name I won't reveal because it's a neat surprise (his name is not given in the opening credits so it's not for me to reveal his name, although other reviews do). The idea is creative - a serial killer "sermon" on the deadly sins. Many have commented on how disturbing the film is, which is true, but not any more so than some true story serial killers, and I would have no problem recommending the film to others (but take the R-rating very seriously!) However.... At the end of the film, for all its technical skill, I was not left with the impression that the experience was worthwhile. The more I thought about it, the less I liked the ending and the protrayal of the serial killer. Some of the murders (e.g. greed and sloth) are grisly, but not really poetic justice. Likewise, the ending is very irritating. Not so much for its predictability, but for the fact that it cheats. Count up the number of murders at the end, and you don't get seven. I have other objections, but they would require revealing too much, so I won't post them here. Seven is one of these moody pieces where the audience is jerked around but where it should all come together at the end. Think about two films with some of the same stars, namely 12 Monkeys and The Usual Suspects: the endings of these films are consistent with the buildup and don't cheat the audience. Seven does cheat, so it loses status in my star rating. The DVD edition is quite a good package. There are 4 audio commentaries, although most of them (and many of the other extras) are technical in nature. One entire commentary is devoted to the sound alone! My favourite extra - cut and/or alternate scenes - is interesting, especially the original opening sequence of the film and the subplot it generated. There is also an alternate ending that was storyboarded, which contains an interesting difference from the one that was filmed.
Rating:  Summary: The 8th Deadly Sin Is Not To Own This Fantastic DVD! Review: There are only a handful of films that are good enough for me to benchmark the experience of seeing them in the theater. Se7en is one of those movies. I saw the film for the first time with a group of friends on a college trip. We went into the film laughing and joking, and when we emerged, we were all totally silent for at least fifteen minutes. We were still recovering from the shock of this film, the benchmark by which I have since judged all suspense thrillers. The film is exceptionally well-written, merging classical elements of the ars praedicandi (the ancient teaching texts to which Freeman's character refers in the film), with Dante's Inferno, and Milton's Paradise Lost with a serial murder investigation in a modern metro area. While the exact location is nondescript, the location is simultaneously nowhere and everywhere, thus making this "everycity" that much more disturbing. Freeman is brilliantly cast as the aging, jaded Detective Somerset, ready to retire, while Brad Pitt makes the perfect brash foil to Freeman's Somerset. A character study in contrast, Pitt's impulsive irreverence keeps the viewer engaged and entertained, while Freeman's brooding Somerset provides necessary exposition and grounds the story with his shrewd, patient omniscience. Kevin Spacey's John Doe is one of the most frightening villans to have ever graced the screen, not merely because of the horrible murders the character commits, but because of the character's cool amorality regarding his own actions. Gwyneth Paltrow and Leland Orser also make appearances in gut-wrenching supporting roles. Not intended for those who are pregnant or nursing or for those who have heart or kidney conditions, this film will grab your viscera and twist them until you want to beg for mercy, then make you want to come back for more. This is more than just another genre film. It redefines the suspense/thriller genre, and its brutal ending becomes only marginally less upsetting on subsequent viewings. The Platinum Edition DVD is a must in this case. With digitally enhanced negative transfer, digitally remastered surround sound, and loads of special features, the film finally looks and sounds like the masterpiece it is. If you only saw this movie in the theater, you have not seen this film the way Fincher intended it to be seen. Fincher's commentary track is, like the commentary on Fight Club, thoroughly entertaining and enlightening, and he has gone into the vault to provide us with an alternate opening sequence, as well as a coda-less ending, and a vastly different storyboarded ending that was never filmed. Only special feature that could have easily been omitted is Morgan Freeman's whiny, self-absorbed commentary track. I respect Freeman immensely as an actor, but he's rather annoying when allowed to ramble on unscripted. Another one of the best films of the 1990s, the Platinum Series version of Se7en is a must for any DVD collection!
Rating:  Summary: Seven star's-- if I could Review: This Movie is in the top Ten. I really enjoyed it. It kept you waiting to see what was going to happen next.You have Morgan Freeman,Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow and of course Kevin Spacey one of the best cast to be put together.Great job. It's was a dark,chilling thriller filled with suspense. A great plot! Gives you the ending of what happens in the last half hour, but no one catch's on until the end,I didn't and i love it , A must see. You won't fall asleep in this one , but sweet dreams.
Rating:  Summary: Whoa... Review: In all of my twelve years I have never seen a film so attention-grabbing, thrilling, or gruesome as Seven. Its cast is well chosen, with the legendary Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt in the lead roles as detectives Sommerset and Mills, who are hunting down a killer that chooses his victims according to the seven deadly sins. Kevin Spacey plays John Doe, the killer, like nobody else can. Gwyneth Paltrow is compelling as Tracy, Mills' wife, though her role is brief. The only thing that may stop you from watching this is the grim views of the crime scenes after the victims are killed, and the fact that Mills cusses at least once every scene. But aside from that, if you enjoy movies that are different, or just want to be disturbed, this is your movie.
Rating:  Summary: Scary?! Only if you're a kid Review: I originally watched this film a few years ago, and found it too terrifying, and vowed never to watch it again. The ending was the main part that freaked me out. I bought it on DVD for Christmas and decided to take a chance and watch it again. To my surprise, I found it less scary, more enjoyable, and I didn't remember any of it. I'd obviously blocked a lot of it out! There are a lot of clichés in this film. The old cop near retiring partnered with the young cop, with a thirst for blood; you know something's going to happen to the young couple who look into each others eyes lovingly - especially when the wife can't find the right moment to tell her husband she's pregnant - and the fact it seems to be constantly raining. It always seems to be raining in cop films, which makes the film even darker. All of the actors do a great job. Morgan Freeman is his usual self, never smiling, although it was great to hear him laughing in this film - I don't think I've ever heard that before. Brad Pitt was looking rather fine in this, especially when he got rained on. Gwyneth Paltrow was pretty and rather underused and there was some unusual chemistry between her and Brad - considering they were dating around this time. This film isn't for the faint-hearted. I didn't find it as scary second time round, although I had a cushion handy just in case. OK, it's a story about murders based on the seven deadly sins - gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and wrath. So prepare yourself for the unexpected! Look out for the lust murder, as I found that to be the worst of the seven. Any female out there will be wincing, crossing her legs, and never wanting to let a guy near her again! Ouch to say the least. This film will leave you guessing right up until the last minute - and at just two hours long, that's a lot of minutes to be guessing who the killer is! It's a good film, although I couldn't watch it more than once. Maybe again in another couple of years, and I haven't been refusing to watch it because of the ending which wasn't what I remembered/imagined it to be!
Rating:  Summary: brad pitt's performance is amazing Review: Pitt, never what you would really call an actor, turns in a performance here that is nothing short of amazing, if you rule out the fact that no police department in the country would hire someone with Tourette's who appears to neither shave nor bathe very often. The storyline has all the depth and literacy of the last fourteen slasher movies you saw, which is appropriate because this is basically a fancy slasher movie. Morgan Freeman basically provides the only element of sanity in this movie. He often looks at Pitt in disbelief as though he were thinking, "They pay you to do this?" Putrid, disgusting, formless, meaningless, and needlessly excessive, this is an example of modern Hollywood at its worst. Avoid at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: I would give it 7 stars if that was possible Review: Wow, I just read a review from a top 1,000 reviewer, and he said nobody should see this movie, he wouldn't recommend it, and he would never watch it again. What's the matter? Did ya vomit after every scene? These top 500 and top 1000 reviewers piss me off. They don't even get paid to review these movies, and yet they still trash them like they're the caliber of Roger Ebert. Wake up call. Here we go, if you haven't seen this movie, you either: A. Have a low tolerance for the grotesque, B. You don't like suspense films, or C. you read some retard's review about how no one should see this movie. If you said C, congrats, your a retard as well. I can understand A and B, I have no beef with them, but it's the C category that pisses me off. So as not to completely miss the point, I will now review this movie. The best movie EVER and I do mean EVER. The only movie that comes close is Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket, but that's a different review for a different time. Tell me the plot you ask? No, why give away the plot to the best movie ever? Does that make sense people? No, I will tell you though, Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt give believable and truly stunning performances. Keven Spacey shows why he is one of the best out there. Paltrow's role, though small, is well acted and thoroughly believable. Now your asking me, what is the movie about? No, you won't get it out of me, the plot is too good. If you seriously know nothing about this movie, perfect, buy it, watch it, love it. I have this DVD, and I have watched well over 20 times, probably more, it's just that good (also I have a high tolerence for the grotesque, which is why I can watch "Natural Born Killers" repeatedly, another great film by genius film maker Oliver Stone). Stop asking me what the plot is and buy the DVD, well worth your money, trust me, when it comes to good movies, I don't lie.
Rating:  Summary: Only In a World This Sick... Review: David Fincher--the director of "The Game," "Fight Club," and "Panic Room"--has, his second time around, managed to make the quintessential thriller--a film both smart and entertaining. Starring Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey, the film is about a serial killer who tediously selects seven people to murder--get this--based on which of the seven deadly sins they are guilty. A morbidly obese man is guilty of gluttony, a corporate lawyer is guilty of greed, a beauty queen is guilty of pride, a lazy drug dealer is guilt of sloth, and a prostitute is guilty of lust. But what about the other two, you ask--envy and wrath? Well, those remaining sins are saved for an exhilarating and spine-tingling finale to a dynamic story which you will never forget! Two cops are cracking this case: the world-wearied police veteran, played by Morgan Freeman, and his partner, the wise guy rookie [Brad Pitt]. Kevin Spacey plays Jonathan Doe, the socially disgusted serial killer who says in one of the closing scenes, "Only in a world this sick could you call these people innocent and keep a straight face." Seven certainly has its faults--some of the writing is tacky, at best--but this can be forgiven, seeing as it is an action-thriller. Despite its flaws, the film manages to continue to grow in its orderliness as it progresses to the end. The ending is very clever, and because of this, the viewer will thus forgive and forget the writer's tacky wisecracks and setups and leave the film feeling satisfied and even complimentary.
Rating:  Summary: The 8th Deadly Sin: Not watching this movie Review: This is one of the best movies in the serial killer genre who can only be matched by "Silence of the Lambs." I found myself deeply involved with every aspect of this film from the beginning to the brilliant ending. The more you watch this film the more you grow to appreciate the intellegent writting and directing that makes Se7en what it is. Morgan Freeman is outstanding (as always) playing the embittered Det. Somerset who can't wait to retire and Brad Pitt is his equal playing Det. Mills, a new detective to the area who wants to save the world. Gwyneth Paltrow, Kevin Spacey, and R. Lee Ermey are also great as the supporting cast. The concept is one of the most original that I have seen or read in a long time. Although many were put off by the constant dreary surroundings and the extremely cruel and unusual killings I think this is what makes the movie. I admit that one has to cringe at some of the horrific acts of violence on the part of the serial killer but this is what brings it home to the audience. This film makes you think about human nature in more ways than one which makes the brutality of the killings almost less in comparison to the psychological effects left on all the characters (and audience) involved. Se7en has set the bar for all future films in this genre to look up to. I'm sure if you view this film you will be just as enthralled as I was. The DVD is great in widescreen and has a whole disk full of special features that will keep you watching far after the film is over.
Rating:  Summary: Spacy nails this! Brad Pitt shows us what he's made of Review: This is just a damn fine film. It's smart, it's sleek, it's gritty and real and intelligent. Simply amazing performances. So much going on in this film. The human psyche. The predictibility of people. the human condition. It's an awesome flick.