Rating:  Summary: One of my all time favourites Review: Se7en is an intruiging, gruesome homicide masterpiece starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. The plot keeps you on the edge, and the acting by Freeman is superb. Buy it today, it won't disappoint you.
Rating:  Summary: the chill factor of seven Review: Whew! Even though I've seen this movie plenty of times, I've never seen it like this! The one thing that I noticed was the clarity. Seven is a very dark movie both psycologicaly and physicaly. I was able to see things for the first time. It really makes the movie more enjoyable. Secondly, and most important, the sound. The movie is already creepy, but when you "pump up the sound" on this puppy you are in for a big treat. You can hear all of the little noises that make your skin crawl. What a rush! As for the extras, well, knowing it was a Fincher release, and already having purchased Fight Club, I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. Lots of stuff to tool around with, and keep you busy for a good long time. I eagerly anticipated this DVD release and I was correct in my assumption that this would be a must-have in my DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Finally! A DVD version worthy of this movie! Review: David FIncher's "Se7en" finally comes to the home theater audience in a presentation that is a tribute to all the people involved! This 2-disc set replaces the old New Line disc that required you to flip the disc at a certain point. I thought laserdisc was dead? Anyway, as the supplemental disc details, the picture and sound have been reworked for this brilliant, atmospheric film. I'm glad I didn't buckle under and buy the first version. My patience was rewarded many times over! After listening to the piece on the remastering of the film for home theater, you can see all the attention paid to the transfer of the film. And the biggest surprise is not only the beautiful picture, but the incredible DTS-ES(6.1) soundtrack on the disc! When will more studios release material with DTS soundtracks? (Are you listening Paramount? Braveheart would sound awesome with DTS!) The movie has never sounded better! People who have seen this movie previously know what it's about. And the people who haven't, should rent this disc and catch one of the best movies ever made. Fincher's use of lighting is incredible and now with the crisper transfer, the movie becomes even more foreboding. The chase scene through the apartment building has become the standard for all other chase scenes in future movies. The cinematography is second to none. Now, I know all of you people have heard this said about movies before, rented the movie, and then been completely bored with the characters. I will not lie to you. The movie is dark, unsettling, and fierce. To say the least...But, it contains some very excellent performances by Pitt, Freeman, and another actor who showed guts by going uncredited on the box and in the trailers. The characters are fleshed out and intriguing. The best example of this is when Pitt tells Freeman off in a bar and goes home to his wife. You can see the uncertainty in Pitt's character as he tries to stand behind what he just told Freeman's character. The film then cuts to a disturbed Freeman who knows what Pitt told him is true even though he doesn't want to believe it. These little scenes pull the audience into the lives of these characters and make you feel like you know them. I will not disclose that info here and I hope my fellow reviewers show the same courtesy. This movie is great and every part of it has been tweaked to perfection, and after "Fight Club" one can only hope for more from Fincher. The man has talent as is evident on the screen. I hope everyone checks this particular disc out.(The features are listed in the technical info section of this page. [....]
Rating:  Summary: Brutally brilliant Review: This is an excellent DVD for those who love psychological thrillers and the making of them. David Fincher has done it again. He has re-mastered some of the elements of the original film and included many insights on the making. I love this DVD and recommend it to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: JCMICHAELS.COM Seven Review Review: Brad Pitt was excellent in only two films, 12 Monkeys and Seven. In Seven he shines, along with Morgan Freeman as a detective tracking down a serial killer who selects his victims based on the seven deadly sins. The death scenes are often gritty, dark and gruesome, often making you cringe and squirm. Now since this movie is excellent and we already know that, the DVD sports an amazing amount of supplemental material. In fact, it needed a second disk to fit it all. Along with all the supplemental features on the second disk, the first, as 4 feature length commentaries. This disk is truly astonishing. Overall this disk is a must buy. An awesome movie with a phenomenal amount of supplemental material you cannot live with out this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: THE HOUNDS OF SEVEN Review: 'Seven' is one of the most disturbing thrillers I've had the pleasure (or displeasure?) to watch. It is a brilliant film, well directed, acted and photographed. The ending is one of the most frightening and disturbing pieces of film-making in recent thriller history. When watching this film, though, take in some of the other amazing things: the performance of the always-dependable Morgan Freeman. Freeman has been overlooked numerous times by the Oscar folk, and sadly so. He is outstanding in this role, and commands most of the movie away from his stellar cast-mates. Look at the performance of Brad Pitt, the "hunk" who can really act, when given the opportunity to do so. Relish in the superior acting of two future Oscar winners--Gwyneth Paltrow and the amazing Kevin Spacey. Neither is given much screen time, but they both are incredible in their brief appearances. Spacey is out and out terrifying as the serial killer. Paltrow has a very beautiful scene with Freeman in which she laments her new life in the city. This movie firmly convinces me that New York City is not the place for anyone in their right mind to live. Few directors have captured the seamy side of NYC as well as David Flincher. This is a stunning film, and ranks up there with the best of the genre.
Rating:  Summary: Poor extras. Review: Bought this DVD set. The movie is just great; exciting and gruesome. Pitt and Freeman do a great job acting out the parts of the investigators of these Seven murders. However, if you are thinking of buying this DVD set for the second DVD with all the extras, I wouldn't recommend it. There are quite a bit of extras, but they are just not that enjoyable. There are photos of the crime scenes, but alot of them are negatives and you can't even make them out. And many of the deleted scenes they allow you to view are just literally a couple of seconds that were cut out that made no sense. When they show the alternate ending, all it consists of is the original ending, just without the helicopter flying around covering Pitt and Freeman when they had "John Doe" in the middle of nowhere. If you want the movie and just love having all that goes along with the entire making and production just cause you are the collector type, then this is for you. But if you only buy a flic with extras for really cool stuff, this might disappoint you.
Rating:  Summary: A modern classic Review: Not only is the movie itself great, but the DVD is one of the best on the market. Is this news to anyone? Probably not. The commentary track with Fincher and Pitt is interesting, and worth at least one go round. I listened to all the other ones, some of them are the usual technical garbage that isn't really useful to anyone but film students. If I were you, I would buy this now. I would also buy fight club. Buy anything that has David Fincher's name on it. Do it soon.
Rating:  Summary: "Awwwwwww....what's in the BOX!?! Review: There are plenty of goodies and extra's in this DVD edition ofSe7en. I only have two words for anyone who has not seen this movie,"See It". You really cannot truly appreciate this movieunless you see in at least 3 times. When I saw it at the movies whenit first came out, I really did not pick up on the intricate detailsof the story of Se7en. Now after all these years I finally see thismovie for it really was, a masterpiece. It was very odd that KevinSpacey was not highlighted in this movie. You never see him in anytrailers, nor in any featurettes. There are many extras you get tosee on the DVD from trailers to featurettes to deleted scenes. Theone main thing that many people are grabbing this movie off the shelfis for the alternate endings. Now I know you want to know what youare buying because this DVD is not cheap. There are 2 alternateendings with this DVD that are included. One of them is not shot onfilm but presented on animated storyboards which contains a completelydifferent ending. The other is the original test ending that did notfly over so well with the audiences. The ending we have all seen onthe DVD and in Theather is the last few mins of that same scene butwith more emotion from Brad Pitt's character. I am glad they decidedBrad Pitt's character needed to show more emotion. The performance hegives at the end must have been very hard to do because think of it,Brad Pitt's character had to act out about 6 different emotions(despair, shock, rage, anger, hatred, sadness) all at the same time.It is truly the best scenes in the movie. Buy this movie now.
Rating:  Summary: A great movie that won't let you down Review: This movie has to be one of the best thrillers ever. You're never certain on how it'll end and it keeps the suspension up to the very end. It's a horrifying story, told in such a great way that this special edition DVD has a place in every serious DVD collection. The extra disc contained alot of great material, and the case was VERY cool!