Rating:  Summary: WHY BE AN UMPIRE WHEN YOU CAN PLAY BALL? Review: I watched this year's Golden Globes and the completely annoyingcoverage provided by the E channel-- Joan and Melissa Rivers. Havethere ever been two more annoying people in the world? And the factthat they feed off each other's annoying behaviour is all theworse. If E were to do a serious pre-awards show, they might have twopeople out there greeting stars who actually know something aboutthem. I witnessed Joan Rivers talking to the multitalented but muchunderrated Laura Linney. Rivers asked Linney how she would follow upher critically acclaimed performance in You Can Count on Me, andLinney replied that she would be working on a project with RichardGere. Rivers asked if that would be intimidating to work with someoneas famous and well known as Gere. Any entertainment reporter worth adamn would know that Linney held her own quite well opposite RichardGere in this film, Primal Fear. Linney was gracious of course andinformed Rivers that she is lucky because she has worked with Gerebefore. I just recently saw Primal Fear. I had always wanted to see itbecause I have seen all of Edward Norton's subsequent performances.Knowing that his powerful performance in Primal Fear more or lesslaunched his highly diverse and successful career made me curious, butI never quite got around to it. But finally I did. And a stunningperformance Norton offered indeed. His dual personalities (which turnout to be a deception on his part) are skillfully executed, and hemanages to dupe everyone. Richard Gere is the perfect person for therole of an arrogant, high powered attorney who thinks he can defendthe lowest of the low and get them off the hook. He plays this sort ofrole best. Linney is the prosecutor who has shared what she calls asix month long one night stand with Gere's character. She is alsoassigned to prosecute the case against Norton's character while Geretakes on Norton's character's case. Excellent in small but importantroles are Frances McDormand as a psychiatrist and John Mahoney as theattorney general, Shaugnessy. (It was sort of strange to see him playa semi-bad guy. And to see him calling Gere "Marty"-Mahoney'scharacter's name on the hit tv show Frasier). Also excellent was AlfreWoodard as the no-nonsense judge assigned to the case. As Gere'sassistants, Maura Tierney and Andre Braugher were good to see...nothing special but early work for them. This was a superb film fullof suspense and a surprise ending.
Rating:  Summary: Surprising! It's An A+ Review: Excellent court flick. Gere is great as the smug, know it all attorney. Ed Norton is fantastic, and the whole cast is excellent. Plenty of surprises! I loved it!
Rating:  Summary: great acting from norton Review: firstly i would like to say that this is a movie with a very intelligent plot, what with all the twists and had the audience feeling sympathy for ed norton's character, aaron stampler, only to realise at the end that aaron is a victim, yes, but an extremely smart and psychotic one. the multiple personalities as acted by norton were extremely convincing, and i was completely wowed off my chair. great movie to catch, this one actually makes you think.
Rating:  Summary: A Star is Born Review: This film is a second rate thriller involving Richard Gere, a prominent Chicago attorney, and his defence of an alter boy in a brutal murder case. The movie is engaging for the most part, although there are annoying subplots that are never fully developed and therefore a drag in the picture. The real action in this picture is the electrifying screen debut of Edward Norton. Norton plays the alter boy, Aaron Stampler, accused of killing the archbishop he worked for. This truely is a stunning performance, that garnered several awards and a best supporting actor nomination from the Academy. Norton gives Stampler so much depth and emotion it is hard to believe he could hurt a flea, let alone be guilty of such a brutal crime, despite the evidence against him. A twist of plot explains this and it would be unfair to spoil it for people who have not seen this movie. Norton is flawless and Gere is solid as ever, so this is a picture people should checkout.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely good murder mystery movie. Review: Excellent movie..you'll see. And if you liked this..you'd like "Shattered" with Tom Berringer.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic film that will make anyone an instant Norton fan Review: Primal fear was one of the most brilliant films I have ever seen, or am likely to. Some people complained that the film went on too long, but the film had me gripped the whole way. When wathcing this film, you believe that you have it all worked out, and then new twists mean the ending is as unpredicatable as could possibally be. Wonerfully written, and Edward Norton puts on one of the best acting performances that you are likely to see.
Rating:  Summary: Overly Long - But Great Drama Review: This film reminded me of a successful marraige bewteen "Basic Instinct" and one of the better episodes of "The Practice." Edward Norton is superb and gives Sharon Stone a run for her money in the "Did They or Did'nt They" category and Richard Gere is surprisingly compelling as the Attorney. I enjoyed watching John Mahoney,("Frasier's" father) in a role that is a departure for him. Less successful are Frances McDormand as the "Psychaitrist on Call," and Laura Linney as the Prosecutor and (of course, Gere's Ex). My only real carps: the film is too long and the plot takes a predictable stab at the Catholic church."
Rating:  Summary: a very good movie with a great finish Review: This is another one of those movies that i did not have very high expectations for but was pleasantly suprised by. I am not a big Richard Gear fan but he was good in this movie. This movie also made me an Edward Norton fan, he is great in the film. The plot is more complex than it appears and the characters do a good job at executing it. This is one of those movies that's good throughout and the ending just highlights the rest of the movie. This movies ending is one of my favorites of all time. It's a five star movie from start to finish.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Good Review: It's been awhile since I saw this film. After watching Fight Club(which I didn't particularly like), I was checking out other Ed Norton films and saw this one on the list. Ed Norton absolutely makes this film. Gere is his usual self, meaning just OK, but Norton's performance as Gere's client is fabulous. If you like movies with a twist at the end, you MUST see this one.
Rating:  Summary: Great acting By Gere and Norton Propell this Movie. Review: A 5 star movie, if not, for the mediocre performance by Laura Linney, playing a very typical bad guy prosecutor. Her completely over-the-top performance taints this otherwise terrific movie. Edward Norton brings flare to an already well-written character. If I explain his character it would ruin a few plot twists, which make the movie SO MUCH fun.