Rating:  Summary: took my breath away! Review: (my Screen Name is soon to be TomHowell@aol.com)omg! all i have to say is... C. Thomas Howell (a.k.a Tom Howell, or Ponyboy Curtis)... have you seen that body! im in love. best movie. its my fav! Tom please mail me! lol.
Rating:  Summary: its grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeat Review: i was assigned to read this book recently and so i watched the movie too.....the movie is almost exactly like the book. great......
Rating:  Summary: Book was good but the movie wasn't that good Review: Well, I thought the book was really great, but the movie? Basically, it sucked. The actors were hot, but even though now they are all pretty good actors, back then they sucked. They could have tried a little harder. The directors and stuff could have made the movie a little closer to the book. I think they should have either put more effort into the movie or else just not have made the movie.
Rating:  Summary: This movie will move you in manny ways. Review: The Outsiders is a sensible movie it will move you in many ways. Patrick Swazy is excelent and so is the younger version of Tom Cruise. This movie takes you back to the 50's and the Greasers and the Soc's. The author S. E . Hinton is one of the best and read other books she wrote. Adios Senors y Senoras.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great movie, but I have one question. Review: Are there 2 different versions of the movie. I had noticed a long time ago a different version. after Ponyboy was brought home from the hospital he had a fever and dreamt of alot of things. Then another scene they were all in a court room. Everyone explaining what had happened. Where is that version of the film. Each time it comes on T.V. I wait to see those scenes and it's the same old thing. Can anyone help me find the other version.
Rating:  Summary: book is 10x better Review: this is a pretty good movie, with a great young cast, who mostly all went on to big movie careers. Yet, it doesn't hold a candle to the S.E. Hinton classic...
Rating:  Summary: This video is AWESOME it really kicks some bUTT Review: i was assigned to read this book over the summer along with 4 others so i was really bummed out. i read this one third and i started reading it at about 9:00 and finished about 2:00 in the morning i didnt wanna put it down. what i like best is that theres never a time when your so bored reading it. the plot is great. The next day i rented the movie and i will buy it one i get some money! anyway read the book first cuz then youll understand the movie better!~!!
Rating:  Summary: An emotional ride through teenagers feelings and lives Review: All the actors in this film show the emotions of a group of young men on the wrong side of the tracks, with great feeling and reality. Tom Cruise is perfect as the tough, ready Steve Randle,Matt Dillon is incredibly amazing as the rough, not to be messed with Dallas Winston. The scene of the rumble and Johnny's death are highly charged emotionally and gripping to watch.The Outsiders is an amazing film with amazing actors.
Rating:  Summary: kick @$$ movie and book!!!!!!!! Review: The story The Outsiders in so much ways relates to the lives of me and my friends. In this town Grand Centre (aka Cold Lake Alberta) there are two groups of people, the preeps and the outsiders (us). The preeps think they are cool and that they own the town while me and my friends are stuck on the out side looking in. But yet in many ways we are awhole lot better then them, but in other ways we are alot alike. Besides the fact that Ponyboy and his friends are guys and me and my friends are girls, the movie in so much ways is an on look on how we live. an example of this is when the socs go around picking on the greasers just cuz there different, is what happens in our lives. The preeps will go around picking on us just because we dress diffently, and because we aren't to good at sports and that they think they are smarter then us. But like I said before we are alot alike. Before we even knew about the outsiders our lives were based on the fact that the preeps made us think that we would never make it some where in life cuz we weren't rich and smart. But after reading the book and watching the movie we relized that we probabley could make it some where as long as we stuck together cuz friendship is more important then money. And the way we think of it the more money you have the less you get, and the more problems you find. But anyway we recommend The Outsiders to anyone who thinks there is nothing much to live for when yet there is lots to live for. And if someone you care for dies, it doesn't mean you die too. You have to keep living cuz nothing gold can stay. What I mean By that is your gold when your a kid like green, when your a kid every thing is new, dawn, like if you dig sunsets its gold keep it that way its a good way to be, if you don't then you should its a beutiful thing it doesn't stay for long, like the poem by Robert Frost "Nothing gold Can Stay" Natures first green is gold Her hardest hue to hold Her early leafs a flower But only so an hour So leaf subsides to leaf So eden sank to grief So dawn goes down today Nothing gold can stay..
And since we never knew about the outsiders when they had a series, We must ask if anyone out there knows a way to ask Fox televison Channel 17 in Alberta to bring back the outsiders broad casting series back on the air, if its posibale if there going to bring it back on the air we need to know the excate date and time in which the show will be on. Cuz we must tell ya now that we are really big fans and we wouldn't miss it for anything, except to meet the characters off the movie The Outsiders we don't care how old they are if they are off the movie we love them. If you know the time and date then email us at the address above. Please tell us in advanse, and if anyone out there at least tried to do this really nice thing for us please email us and tell us how it worked out and we'll give you our deepest thanxs. Roxy and Melissa
Rating:  Summary: Si alguien quiere una opinión en español, ahí va la mía: Review: Ví esta película hace unos cinco años más o menos, y lo cierto es que me gustó tanto que a partir de ese momento (y tras haberla visto seis veces), me interesé por la autora de la novela en la que se basaba el film (Susan Hinton, claro). Desde entonces hasta ahora, no he parado de buscar cosas y datos sobre ella, de leer sus libros, incluso conseguí ver Rumble Fish, aunque en versión original subtitulada. En fín, que la recomiendo, que me gustó muchísimo, y que espero que las editoriales españolas publiquen más libros de Susan. BYE!