Rating:  Summary: No Lake Wobegon but good for a visit. Review: On second viewing, "Fargo"'s fun and surprises diminish considerably. A black comedy set against a stark and desolate white snowscape, the Coen brothers' film registers its effects through three primary devices: the variation on film noir conventions, the constant juxtaposition of incongruities, the opportunistic use of local color. But most of the film's success depends less on cinematic originality than on the colorful, memorable performances of Frances McDormand, William Macy, and Steve Buscemi. Shot mostly in cars and tight interiors, "Fargo" is neither a northern epic nor an intricately plotted Warners Brothers crime yarn. It's a "three actor" drama that, in the end, comes up somewhat short in credibility, depth, and meaning.While Ingmar Bergman's Swedes use the desolate landscape as a theatrical stage for poignant meditations on the existence of God and the meaning of human existence, the Coen brothers' characters are pretty much clueless about anything beyond eating, sleeping, and getting on with life. The characters' "yah's," "you betcha's," and "thanks a bunches," while fully recognizable localisms on first viewing, seem overdone the second time around (in fact, this time the performance of the two prostitutes struck me as the stuff of a "Saturday Night Live" skit). I wouldn't mind seeing the film yet another time, provided it was in the presence of someone who hadn't seen it. But one almost wishes the Coen brothers could have consulted Garrison Keillor on the script of this project, in which case genuine characters might have replaced the caricatures the film serves up. Or maybe it would have been enough if they had simply tuned into some of those NPR Saturday night broadcasts. They would have discovered that the people of Lake Wobegon know something the filmmakers apparently do not--that the unexamined life is unfit to be lived.
Rating:  Summary: very good, but no masterpiece Review: Today I decided to watch a movie that was getting rave reviews and won oscars six years ago. In many ways, this movie reminds me of "A Simple Plan". If you enjoyed the movie "A Simple Plan", you will enjoy this but if you hated "A Simple Plan" don't bother to see this one. After seeing "A Simple Plan" first, I more or less predicted what would happen. Fargo just has a little bit more complexity in the plot and the people seem more genuine (by the way, the acting is excellent). If I tell you the main lesson or moral of this movie, I'd spoil it if you haven't seen "A Simple Plan" yet.
Rating:  Summary: Not a true story, but the film is fantastic Review: Despite the note at the beginning of the film, this is a true story only in the minds of the Coen brothers. But this is a wonderful film, creating black comedy out of murders and kidnapping and throwing in genuinely touching moments when you least expect them . Don't be fooled by the broad Midwestern accents; the acting and the writing are so good that this movie will stick with you long after it's over.
Rating:  Summary: A Brilliant Comedy of Character Review: Besides being just another double-homicide investigation movie, the Coen brothers have turned it into a dark comedic masterpiece by setting it in the Midwest. There, the strangely simple sensibility (and the accents) make for one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. This isn't a film about a police investigation - it's a film about people, and funny people at that! If you like character-driven comedies like this, then you should check out "Election" as well.
Rating:  Summary: Over-rated movie, disappointing DVD Review: Definately worth watching when it comes on TV, but not worth owning by any stretch. Subjective reviews of the movie aside, the DVD has poor quality encoding and lacks any bonus material other than the trailer. The acting is great, though the accents are overdone. There are random plot diversions that never contribute (filler?), no great police work, no suspense... The Oscar winning lead's role is well done, and the character is loveable, but this definately isn't one of the best 100 movies of the century...
Rating:  Summary: Black, black, black comedy Review: The Coen brothers really hit the spot with Fargo, starting out as a kidnapping mystery and ending up as a comedy!!!! Not alot of directors can make that turn in a movie and get away with it, but the Coens mannage to do it perfectly. The story is about a nerdy car-salesman(Macy) that hires two badguys(Stormare and Buscemi) to kidnap his wife(Rudrud), in order to make her father pay the ransom, so he can pay back his debts...and from there the story really escalates! I wont reveal any more of the plot here it is something that have to be enjoyed in front of the screen, but I will say that this seems to be one of those movies where everything works perfect and all the pieces fit, to create a fantastic puzzle in the end. Don't miss out on this one.
Rating:  Summary: An exercise in stupidity Review: Yah, the Coen brother's brilliant Fargo is both shocking and hilarious, but it is really an exercise in the stupidity of the characters. William H. Macy's bumbling Jerry and his cockamamie kidnapping scheme causes the death of 6 people. Other than that, does he really think he can pull the wool over the eyes of GMAC and his father in law Wade? And while Wade's IQ is clearly about 50 points above his son in law, he isn't exactly brilliant in his fatal dealings with the hired kidnappers. What were they both thinking? Steve Buscemi's Carl thinks he can get away in a stolen car and gets chopped up in the woodchipper, when he could have kept his truck and grabbed the ransom money, getting away clean apart from his bloody face. And if his partner of few words hadn't waited to dispose of the body, he may have gotten away from Frances McDormand's very pregnant Marge Gunderson. Marge is one of the few characters who are not stupid, as she follows all the leads to solve the crime. The other would be Wade's financial advisor, who recommends "biting the bullet on this one." The viewer also has to wonder about the relative intelligence of Marge's loser high school friend and her partner, "I'm not sure I agree with you 100% on your police work there Lou." The prostitutes, the Indian mechanic who recommends criminals to Jerry while on probation aren't exactly Rhodes scholars either. And of course all the local yokels. Oh yah, your'e darn tootin.
Rating:  Summary: Fargo. Brilliant Black Comedy Review: Seldom have I seen a movie that so captured my attention and imagination. Such a simple story to tell and who would have ever thought such a simple beginning would unfold into such a complex yet fully and completely hysterical, sick and twisted humor? It is amazing to me to see so much talent on display both on the screen and behind it. It makes going to the Movies the most special of all entertainments.
Rating:  Summary: Another Coen Brothers hit! all star cast! Review: brilliant, shocking, different. these words describe the coen brothers somewhat true story of Fargo. Fargo is another Brilliant hit by Joel and Ethan Coen. This time they have William H. Macy, Steve Bucsimi and Frances Mcdorman in on it. The movie is about a car dealer (Macy) making the stupid mistake of having his wife kidnapped only to gather the ransom money. In this case he hires Steve Bucsimi. Then after a killing in the open everything goes wrong. A cop (Mcdorman) investigates the crime scene. I wont give to much away but this move is interesting and bizzare. RATED: R for violence and some languge
Rating:  Summary: I laughed. I shouldn't have laughed....but I laughed. Review: This is an hilarious movie. I laughed in the cinema, and everyone thought I was mad. I laughed at home watching the DVD, and most of my friends thought I was mad. This is a tragedy, but the haplessness of all those involved, with the exception of dear, dear Marge who appears at first to be the only hapless on there ("D'ya think?") just leads to a situation humorous beyond words. When art imitates life, we are lucky that life provides such class material.