Rating:  Summary: A powerful and harrowing film... Review: I find it appalling that so many reviewers wrote "I love this movie!" and "If you love War movies...You'll want to buy this movie" etc.! Certainly it is a well-made and important film...But anyone who "loves" War movies has obviously missed the ENTIRE point behind "Platoon" or any other legitimate "war" movie. Also, likening the experience of viewing "Platoon" to "Star Wars" is an incredible insult.
Rating:  Summary: A powerful and harrowing film... Review: I find it sad and appalling how many reviewers write "I love this movie!" and "If you love War movies...You'll want to buy this movie! Certainly it is a well-made and important film...But anyone who "loves" War movies has obviously missed the point. Also, likening the experience of viewing Platoon to Star Wars is an incredible insult.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Popular Film In The Army in 1987 Review: Platoon was show to all the basic trainees at Fort Dix, N.J. in 1987. This film featured Charlie Sheen,Tom Berringer and William Dafoe as the three main characters. It gives a vivid picture of Vietnam in 1967.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest war film ever made Review: This is the best war movie ever. It is better then "Saving Private Ryan". The entire film is a piece of cinematic art. If you love war movies, and you collect them, you MUST OWN THIS! Your war film collection will never be complete without this classic.
Rating:  Summary: "Dance, Muthafuka! Dance!" Review: "Platoon" is the definitive movie about the American GI combat experience during the Vietnam War. Some critics prefer the greater realism and believability of "Full Metal Jacket" or "Hamburger Hill", both of which were released soon after 1986. But "Platoon" is the original, must-have film about "Nam" to own on DVD. This movie also sets the world record for the total number of "Muthafuka(s)" spoken in a film's complete dialogue. "Platoon" is not for the squemish, but the viewer is left with the knowledge that while the US troops tactically won their battles, strategically they lost the war because of the significant number of causalties they sustained.
Rating:  Summary: picks up what full metal jacket didnt cover Review: great movie plot etc, shows the other side of what full metal didnt show, only movie to say my hometown brandon MS
Rating:  Summary: A gripping drama set during the war of Vietnam Review: When young and educated Christ Taylor (Charlie Sheen) volunteers to go to Vietnam, he discovers the war isn't at all what he'd thought it would be. Amidst the fighting going on with the enemy, there's is a battle going on amongst themselves. Caught between two commanding Sergeants, Elias (Willem Dafoe) and Barnes (Tom Berenger), Taylor finds himself along with the other soldiers, having his loyalties divided."Platoon" is an film written and directed by Oliver Stone. It's no wonder that this movie received 4 Academy Awards including Best Picture of 1986. A very intense movie, everything is well done from the acting, cinematography, and camera work. The acting is what probably makes "Platoon" such a riveting story. Willem Dafoe and Tom Berenger as the two sergeants are so good in their roles but Charlie Sheen is who shines in his role as Chris Taylor. Keith David as King was also very good as Taylor's almost only friend. Other actors starring in "Platoon" are Forest Whitaker, Francesco Quinn, John C. McGinley, Richard Edson, Kevin Dillon, Reggie Johnson, and Johnny Depp. I actually give this movie 3 and 1/2 stars but put 4 stars. The reason is mostly because it's rated R. Because I'm 15 years old, I probably don't know much about Vietnam or war but the movie was a bit too violent and the language is very strong. Maybe the director wanted to make "Platoon" as realistic as possible but yet sometimes I wish there were PG-13 versions for some R rated movies. Yet I found the acting done exceptionally well done. "But be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again. To teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life." - quote by Christ Taylor (Charlie Sheen) at the end of the film
Rating:  Summary: An Epic Masterpiece And Powerful Testament. Review: Hollywood has always had very diverse angles when it comes to making movies about the Vietnam war. Francis Coppola and Michael Cimino painted good but overly melodramatic and mostly glossy movies about the war in films like "Apocalypse Now" and "The Deer Hunter." Oliver Stone's "Platoon" remains the greatest, the most realistic and haunting depiction ever. The heart of the impact of the movie lies in the fact that Stone served in Vietnam, can't shake it and used his brilliance as an artist to depict his experiences and the experiences of many, in one of the greatest war films ever made. "Platoon" is real and alive, taking us deep into the jungles and never ceases to show us the realities of what happened, ultimately evoking the feelings of many veterans who came back either shattered or changed forever by a senseless war. The photography by Robert Richardson is gritty but yet also rich when capturing the vast jungle landscapes. The violence is not fun but realistic and truthful to what war really is and Stone brilliantly depicts how normal men thrown into such a hostile, primitive scenario can easily go mad and turn into violent killers. The characters are incredibly authentic, these don't feel like typical heroic war movie people, who have a super-hero quality to them, these are frightened young men caught in the realities of warfare. Charlie Sheen gives probably his best performance here and sometimes we can easily relate to him. "Platoon" also stands as a very influential film and if you look closely at it's style and pacing, you realize films like "Saving Private Ryan" and "Black Hawk Down" are the descendants of "Platoon," those two other movies have a lot to owe to this one. This special edition DVD is a great package featuring a great documentary titled "Tour Of The Inferno" where the actors and Stone himself talk in detail about the hard process of making the film. Johnny Depp appears and remembers thinking of Stone as a "madman, one of those guys who walk the fine line between brilliance and explosion of the brain." Indeed, "Platoon" would have been a big mess under less-talented hands. This is a magnificent tribute to those who fought and a searing document for the new generations watching the movie, a lesson about where we should not tread and the power of trying to survive and how life goes on. A powerful masterpiece, timeless and epic.
Rating:  Summary: A Superb Masterpiece That Doesnt Loose Its Sting! Review: Most of the older war films, like with John Wayne, loose their sting after a couple of decades. It doesnt seem the case with Platoon. The movie still makes you feel the effects of the Vietnam war as you cringe and end up with shell shock. Oliver Stone (Born on the Fourth of July, JFK) takes what he seen in Vietnam and implies it into a two hour, gritty, guts and glory type film. Although sometimes you wonder if this or that really happened. The realism of the battle scenes and the effects it has upon the soldiers seems to be some of the best to date. This film easily surpasses Francis For Coppolas "Apocalypse Now" (which is still a more than superb feast of a Vienam war film). To say the least Defoe, Berenger and Sheen throw down their best performances of their careers. The additional cast is absolutely tremendous. They include Johnny Depp, Forrest Whittaker, John C. McGinley, Keith David, Kevin Dillion and even Oliver Stone. To see a more than realistic look in the war of Vietnam, check this out again and again. The story is about a new man in the squad Chris (Charlie Sheen), whose influences from the head Platoon leaders Alias (Willem Defoe) and Barnes (Tom Berenger) somewhat have an effect on how he goes about the war. Loosing his grip at some points in the film Chris is helped along by his two partying buddies Rahh (Francesco Quinn) and King (Keith David). Then the squads basically side with either Barnes or Alias you better believe anything and everything will happen. Chris: "here we are trying to fight the enemy, but instead we are fighting each other". Dont miss out on this exceptional work of art!
Rating:  Summary: A Military MUST SEE! Review: Superb acting and raw humanity draw the viewer into this movie. The characters are complex, believable and only portrayed as realistically heroic. The music plays well into the emotional action on the screen. Spellbinding. Excellent.