Rating:  Summary: A touching mixture of emotions. Review: There is little to compare to the utter valor of these men in the final scene, a battle of staggering proportions against mighty odds. Full marks to director Edward Zwick, who put his audience right in the midst of the heart-stopping action. The movie pulls no punches when it comes to showing the hardships of war, the horrors of battle and the high cost of bloody conflict. See this movie. You'll watch the final scenes with your heart in your throat. You will be moved. And inspired.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie. Review: If nothing else, "Glory" rights a terrible wrong. It brings to light the fact that black soldiers fought valiantly on the side of the union during the Civil War. Yet this excellent filmis more than an important lesson in history; it is also a fully involving antiwar movie blessed with unforgettable scenes and scintillating actors (including Oscar recipient Denzel Washington). So Get it today! Rated: R For Violence and Brief Profanity. Running Time: 122 Minutes
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Action But Not Historicly Accurate Review: Well we watched this movie at my school and I loved it. However the only reason we even watched it was to get an idea on how inaccurate Hollywood is sometimes. The dramatics were excellent and cool. But I have to admitt I did see some flaws in its historic side. Like this one, your in Mass. in winter and your practicing killing people on a horse using watermelons. I mean that is only a little thing but there are bigger ones. There are to parts however that are not appropriate for younger people. One is in the beginning a guy's head gets blown off and the other is when the boys of the 54th are trainning and the irish guy is cursing about how stupid they are. I highly recommend buying this movie but don't think that it is the most accurate movie on the Civil War cause it's not.
Rating:  Summary: The Cause Review: If any year in my lifetime were to be voted the best year for films, it should be 1989. Glory is a large reason for this. Its story is the heart of the Civil War, and I shall Quote Michael Shaara's Killer Angels: "What we're fighting for-- in the end, we're fighting for each other." Glory boils down to that simple fact: America is a struggle for all mankind, not simply those in power. The title of the film is misleading, as this film does not glorify the brave struggle of the 54th or 55th Massachusetts useless assault upon Fort Wagner, but it does make us question what glory may have been attained. What would have happened had those brave men faltered? One historical fact I would have liked to see is the story of the colorbearer from the 54th... wounded several times, he managed to shield the regimental flag from capture and retreated across a field of deadly fire...he became the first African-American soldier to win the Medal of Honor. I would have liked for that to have been portrayed, or at the least, mentioned.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent acting and powerful film! Review: Not since "Sergeant Rutledge" (John Ford) a film has done full justice to a matter not enough known (Thanks to the "Gone with the wind" silly approach of the ACW war, all right the english actress playing a southern belle did it wonderfully well, but I just can't satnd it as a movie...). "Glory" is a film to watch again and again and very well done/played/scripted too! A must have in any DVD collection. A pity "Buffalo Soldiers" failed so miserably where Ford's did it brilliantly... just a missed oportunity. I guess the other reviewers have just said it all before.
Rating:  Summary: Great Film Review: This was a great film and deserves 5 stars. My only problem with the movie is that it got a little boring seeing it the 2nd time around. For me that still doesn't take off a star. I saw this movie on VHS and loved, I then rented it on DVD and I thought it was much better in Widescreen. My only complaint is that there are no special features on the disk, the movie still however deserves 5 stars. Anyone who is looking for a great Civil War film, this is what you will want to see.
Rating:  Summary: Mind Blowing Epic Review: The first thing that hit me after viewing the first twenty minutes of this wonderful movie was the uncompromising effort to show everybody who cared to watch this movie the true horror of war. For those who need to be told, the American Civil war is the bloodiest war to take place on American soil to this date. Outdated military methods and foolhardy bravery were soon brutally exposed by new weaponry and lethal tactics. This film captures that brilliantly despite the fact that the story is really about the political aspects of the war more than the military side. Broderick is fantastic as the young Robert Gould Shaw, unsure of his own fresh abilities, yet somehow finding the confidence to do the right thing at the right time. His awkward relationship with Thomas Searles (Andre Braugher) after Thomas enlists to fight in the 54th is magnificently dealt with as friendship is put aside for duty. Together with Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington, who, also at their acting best, unintentionally take on the role of the brains and heart of the 54th, respectively, Broderick goes about bringing the soldiers together as they fight not only the Confederacy but their very own army's prejudices and discriminations, ripping through the various emotions of all who are involved along the way. What must be highlighted is the determination of the 54th Massachusetts when they are picked to head the charge at Fort Wagner, knowing full well that their unit would inevitably receive the highest fatality rate. Accepting their fate, they bravely charge the fort but with little success. If anything, the final message in this film was to highlight the tragic amount of human waste, irrelevant of creed or colour, for such little gain/reward. You do end up feeling there was no justification for it. Glory is a magnificent piece of work, too long overdue in a country where racism has had too long an overdue stay.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best civil war movies ever made. Review: This movie is a great introduction to the little known fact that African-Americans fought for the Union Army during the Civil War in the 54th Massachusetts regiment. Matthew Broderick, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, and Carey Elwes give excellent performances. Is this movie historically accurate on every last detail coverning the 54th regiment? No, because this movie is a theatrical production, not a documentary. This a serious movie and it is certainly not a comedic spoof of the 54th regiment. To suggest otherwise by comparing it to a Monty Python movie is sheer intellectual dishonesty. This movie is one of the best civil war movies ever made and the movie won three Oscars. Watch it and enjoy the performances, the excellent camera work, and the moving musical score. Quibbles over isolated historical details doesn't lessen the fine performances of the all of actors, nor change the historical fact that the 54th regiment fought courageously for the Union army. The final scenes showing the 54th regiment's assault on Fort Wagner is one of the best movie endings ever.
Rating:  Summary: Superior Civil War Movie ! Review: Glory sets the gold standard for Civil War movie making. Even if there are some portions of this movie that may be considered historically inaccurate by experts, Glory still excels in bringing the story of the Civil War to the big screen in a high quality manner. The casting is top notch, the storytelling is excellent, and the production qualities (staging, special effects, etc) are first rate. Glory is a template for how other Civil War movies [Gods and Generals and Gettysburg] should be made.
Rating:  Summary: Superb Action Scenes Review: GLORY tells the Civil War story of the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry which was comprised of black soldiers led by a young white officer named Robert Gould Shaw. The movie is dominated by strong performances by Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman as well as superb action scenes. The tale of Colonel Shaw's exploits has long been familiar to school children in Boston where a statue of the Union Army hero is prominently situated near the Boston Common. GLORY won Academy Awards in 1989 for Best Supporting Actor (Denzel Washington) and Cinematography. Oscar nominations were also received for Editing, Art Direction and Sound.