Rating:  Summary: Been to the Ashau Review: The man I replaced was killed there. The movie was pretty damn real,considering that Hollywood was involved.Check it out,folks,see if you'd like to put your kids in that situation. I definetly recommend this flick.All that was missing was the smells,the weather,and me.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Vietnam Era Movie of the Late 80's Review: This is the best of the three big movies of the late 80's. Platoon received the attention but this movie captures the situation and the times much more authentically. The plot is detailed and flows well. There are no boring segments. The acting is great, especially Dylan McDermott. What puts this movie over the top are the underlying themes, a diverse group of young men that bury the racial tensions from home and become a solid unit of comrades. One of the most poignant scenes is when one of the non-descript white soldiers is killed and Doc, the African-American medic, who is also wounded, breaks down at his death. All pretenses of racial animus are dropped as Doc weeps over a fallen comrade. This is just one of many scenes describing the struggle of young men, far from home, with little support except within the unit. This lack of support on the home front, even the open disdain from some politicians such as Ted Kennedy, is brought home as well. Overall, this movie is gripping, moreso, because it brings home the point that whether people were for or against the war, it was fought by human beings with a sense of duty, many of whom lost their lives tragically. Watch this movie the night before before Memorial Day and maybe you will put off the barbecue and pay homage to all of those who have given their lives in the great causes that citizen soldiers throughout our history, have given their lives.
Rating:  Summary: The best of the lot for Vietnam movies Review: Having survived a tour as as navy medic in Vietnam I can say the action, acting and special effects are realistic. "Don't mean nothin'" got us through a lot. I don't know how they managed to duplicate the sound of an incoming mortar round exploding and the gunfire, but it was spot on. I can also say the gore is also very realistic and plentiful. This movie won't suit all tastes, but it's not a buddy movie like 'Platoon' and not a glory flick like 'Saving Private Ryan'. Although these are both good movies and realistic in their way, I have to say this is the best of all and even tops 'Full Metal Jacket'.
Rating:  Summary: Tells it the way it is Review: I have read reviews of this movie in film books and the authors just don't seem to get it. This is a movie about war. Not a buddy movie that glorifies war. It's real, gory and gritty. The acting is flawless and the action is realistic.
Rating:  Summary: Screw APOCALYPSE NOW, this is what REALLY happened Review: Got this movie for Christmas last year. LOVED IT! I like that how on the end of the movie when it is the 20th of May, the last day, you hear triumphent music, two times, as they were about to win, but are still fighting. And then when they finally take the hill, there is no music, symbolizing that War and Victory (if there is such a thing in War) is not, and wll never be glorious. In the reviews, people have said that there were 70% casulaties, that is correct. 46 men, young kids out of high school and some that weren't, died there. 400 were wounded. Also in case you did not know, Hamburger Hill (Hill 937) was named by the Vietnamese before the bloody conflict, Ap Bia Mountain. I strongly urge you to watch this movie if not buy it. HABURGER HILL has a truthful look on what really happened in Vietnam. Unlike some movies.
Rating:  Summary: one of the realistic war movies on vietnam i`ve ever seen. Review: when having a relative and a good friend being in vietnam, i took it upon myself to learn more about it. asking people what types of war movies to see they suggested movies like full metal jacket, platoon, casualties of war, and hamburger hill. and let me say, after seeing this movie, i almost cried. people like n361 w@unb wouldn`t know if this was realistic or not. it was true when all those soldiers being killed by their own men, because the helicopters didn`t know that they had taken the hill because they couldn`t get a radio transmission in. what really got to me, was when it was near the end and the one leader walked over the hill, clothes torn, blood all over, bullet wound , etc. and he walked over to him, and just fell. this was one damn realistic movie i`ve ever seen. thank you for you`re time.
Rating:  Summary: Makes some good points about a bad time. Review: This movie shows mistakes happening, like people getting shot by "friendly fire." It also gives voice to the elitism of the time, when one of the characters says that the college kids back home love everything but the troops. Could young Bill have said it better?While it does give the impression that it definitely was made on a budget (the air strike scenes tend to be a little sparse) it still gets the idea across. I got drafted a year after the incident in the movie took place, and a lot of things shown about the army then ring pretty true.
Rating:  Summary: Accurate Review: Having done a tour of duty in Vietnam myself I consider Hamburger Hill the most accurate depiction of the uselessness and insanity of the Vietnam War. The acting and production could have been better, but, so what? At least this flick is not terminally pretentious like Oliver Stone's ridiculous platoon.
Rating:  Summary: Preachy Vietnam-War classic Review: EXTREMELY violent vietnam war film about soldiers climbing up the dreaded Hamburger Hill. So named becuase it chews up soldiers like chopped meat. Coarse Language is all too frequent here, though. If you like this, also see "Pork Chop Hill"
Rating:  Summary: A Childs Classic!! Review: I love this movie.The Smurfs have always been my favourite characters and this movie was the best.I hope this video comes back in-print so every child can enjoy it as much as I did! I also own a copy of this video from long ago. Enjoy!!