Rating:  Summary: Better Appreciated by the Men/Women who've served. Review: This movie has an excellent protrayal on present day combat. Today's wars are no longer fought in fields and jungles, but in towns and cities. The director's depiction of the Marine Officer's cool under fire attitude, was excellent. Though hard for most people to swallow, the Government is definately quick to point fingers, in order to save face. (Another excellent "fictional" example of this, is the movie Clear and Present Danger.) The only bad points about the movie, are the way they produced the Vietnam Officer, and the ending that left you hoping for some last minute action. Over all, this movie was an excellent example of the US Marines' Commanding Presence in any situation. You make the choice to buy, but it's definately worth watching once.
Rating:  Summary: How did Samuel Jackson get caught up in this mess Review: This movie was derivative, rediculous and stupid. I wish I had my $7 back.
Rating:  Summary: Based on true events, better than given credit for. Review: After reading the reviews of Leonard Maltin and other online reviewers, I am disgusted by the ignorance of the public toward the way the United States handles military operations these days. The only reviewer who got it right was the Marine. This film was written in response to the real life situation in Somalia. Army Rangers and Delta operators found themselves trapped in the hostile city being shot at by militiamen who were hiding in crowds of civilians. The moral dillema for the soldiers was whether they were able to fire into crowds of women and children if they were in effect protecting armed combatants. In the battle to get out of the city 17 Rangers and Delta operators were killed and 80+ more seriously wounded. While the mission was seen as a failure by politicians in Washington, it was a success by military standards. A vastly outnumbered american force had inflicted massive casualties on the enemy and completed its objective which was to apprehend several warlords in the city. The public reacted with horror at the death count, and the President withdrew all american forces from Somalia. The Rangers and Delta operators felt betrayed by their government, which they felt had forced them to run away like cowards. The american people regarded the whole episode as forgettable and the media pushed it aside. The truth is our government sends soldiers to far away hell holes telling them that they are not allowed to fight back against aggressors, and then pulls them out after casualties are suffered portraying the military as a bunch of cowards who are unable to defend themselves. This film brings these issues to the publics attention. It reflects the fact that soldiers are sent to risk their lives for a government that does not fully support them and a public that cannot understand them and their actions, because none of us really knows how it feels to be in combat. I would like to thank everyone involved in this film for bringing the public an appreciation for what our country's fighting men have to do.(For more information on the battle in Somalia I recommend the book "Black Hawk Down")
Rating:  Summary: There are soldiers and then there are Marines Review: Rules Of Engagement was one of the best movies of the year. Aside from the movies A+ sound and effects, it also showed the strugle the men and women who protect this country are sometimes faced with for doing what they Have to do. While most military men and women will never face situations nearly as serious as this one, it defenitly shows the down side to too much politics in the military. This movie also shows the elite brotherhood that is shared in the Marine Corps, its like they say in the Corps, "there are soldies, and then there are Marines." If your into War Movies, Action movies, or you like a good drama this movie is for you, see it once, see it twice, then see it again, you'll never growe board of this classic film.
Rating:  Summary: Totally predictable but still a lot of fun Review: There is nothing that occurs in this film that any human being alive cannot predict after seeing the trailer for "Rules of Engagement." Perhaps this is the one true example of how American mainstream films have reached their lowest point in years. But saying that would be too harsh. Sure, this is predictable. I think everyone who watches this will know in their hearts that really this is a very average film. Still, it has a certain bravado and entertainment factor to it which makes it irresistable.Basic plot: Samuel L. Jackson orders his marines to start firing upon a bunch of civilians in Yemen. He is charged with murder and Tommy Lee Jones must defend him. While "Rules of Engagement" sees Samuel L. Jackson shouting his guts out in every third scene and attempts to gloss things over with a big question of military integrity, the whole movie rests upon one question: Did Samuel L. Jackson fire upon innocent people or were they armed? The marketing slogan that they have come up for this crap is unbelievable, "should a hero ever have to stand alone?" Throughout the film we are bombarded with questions of ethics when in actuality it is a very simple question played out to full dramatic effect. It turns out Samuel L. Jackson had every right to shoot at those people because they DID have machine guns. That is the whole movie summed up nicely in a paragraph. Tommy Lee Jones is really good as is Samuel L. Jackson. Their characters are an absolute joke and it's more of a pleasure trying to watch them fumble around with such weak material. A pleasure none the less. Who am I to complain about violence in the movies? I'm not going to take it seriously so as far as I'm concerned "Rules of Engagement" does relieve a good days stress when the massacre occurs. The violence is so gruesome that many will be repelled. It doesn't bother me so the slaying of many inncoent people was also very redeeming. Ultimately "Rules of Engagement" is just another big Hollywood joke that we all know is terrible but will still entertain us anyway. If anyone can watch the final scene were Samuel L. Jackson salutes an old Vietnamese soldier and not vomit all over their living room floor I'll happily mail them fifty dollars.
Rating:  Summary: From a Marine's Standpoint Review: I actually thought that the movie was pretty good. I did enjoy every minute of it. But since I am in the Marines, it kind of made me mad because of the fact that there has been incedences like the case in the movie. Where the government throws all responsibilities and allegations at one man to save their own hide. The suspense was outstanding. I really don't see what made some of the other veiwers not like it. Take it from me. The movie was couldn't have been better unless they showed that congressman getting beat down.
Rating:  Summary: rules of engagement Review: I saw this movie with my big brother when he got back from okinawa. he was there for a year, hes a marine. i thouht it was a very cool movie. it gets you pumped up.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best, but worth seeing once Review: This movie is on my very short list for an Oscar nod - for best sound. In the opening Vietnam sequence you could hear all the soldiers yelling and screaming as the camera panned in a circle showing all that was going on. This and other fine examples of the proper way to handle sound for a film can be seen in this movie, granted you have a state of the art home theater system or you saw "Rules of Engagement" in a modern theater with SDDS, DTS, or THX. There was some good performances (Guy Pearce, for one) and some pretty good action sequences. Worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: thin, very thin Review: Besides the distraction of an action sequence, the movie's premise was ridiculous!How can a trial, not to mention a decorated serviceman's life and freedom, depend on whether or not a video tape is recovered or not? What ever happend to ballistics, satallites, DNA... - coming soon- Rules of Engagement II-The Video Tapes Revenge!