Rating:  Summary: Taken by Surprise Review: I only picked up this movie because I was interested in a war film. I don't remember it when it was released a few years ago, but I was very surprised as to the quality of the story. For me, this is the director's best movie since Falling Down. Both movies keep the story line and the photography simple, which places the emphasis and burden on good dialogue and character development. Colin Farrell's character, Bozz, reminds me of the Steven McQueen anti-hero from the Sand Pebbles in how he grudgingly accepted that he must see himself in relation to others and forget his own interests. I appreciate those who argue whether the film's action scenes are realistic or not, but what is real is the need to involve oneself in society. The supporting cast are quite good especially the actor playing Private Johnson. This film is definitely not to be seen with children in the room or within hearing distance. It is brutal and the emotions are raw, but I suspect that this is a realistic feeling among those readying themselves to enter a war that is with questionable value for their country. Overall, I prefer this movie to Platoon or Full Metal Jacket as those movies tried to do too much with the issues of war and soldiers' reactions to combat.
Rating:  Summary: takes chances, succeeds 2/3 the time (3 1/2 Colin Farrells) Review: damnit. why do people have to be so damn critical? it's like we're all divided, straight down the middle, and the line is getting more giganticer every passing breath. the intellectuals will all surely find fellini's 8 1/2 and go apesh** over it while the other 80% of the population are busily eating up dana carvey's new one, master of disguise. so it's nice that a mid range film comes along every now and then by a predominately hollywoodized director, schumaker. that said, tigerland does wanna be art. it's got a decent script, pretty solid cinematography and collin farrel, pre-posterboy. but it can really pretentious. take all the soldiers; what abercrombie catalog did they crawl out of? it wants to be gritty and real, and it succeeds sometimes: take the torture-know-how scene. but then farrell then gives some sentimental spiel about humanism. pretty damn cliche hero here. pretentious, yes. entertaining, yes. it had a limited release but good press. on that i decided to view it. it wasn't a mistake, but it is schumaker. next to minority report, farrell's best, but that ain't saying much.
Rating:  Summary: this movie is one of the worst military/war movies ever Review: this movie is just plain ridiculous, and so unrealistic it isn't even funny. don't waste your money on this movie. I can't understand why people on here are giving it 4 and 5 stars, it's just stupid. there is no way in hell the stuff that happened in this movie took place in any army in any country in the world. the whole plot is so far fetched and stupid. Farrel's acting is fine, but the movie itself, plain sucks, i will be selling it imediately. what a let down. if you want to watch a real war movie, try hamburger hill, full metal jacket, or best of all band of brothers.
Rating:  Summary: Tigerland Review: I read some of the reviews here and the ones that say this movie is unrealistic I ask you how do you know. My father went through Tigerland and I was born at Fort Polk hospital in August of 69 and my pops says its pretty close to how it was then. My father went to Vietnam. He doesnt like to talk about it and if you ask him about it he changes the subject so for him to even mention this movie to me it must be close to how it really was.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT!!! Review: I decided to watch this after Joel Schmacher recommended it in the commentary of Phonebooth, (another awesome movie). I can't say enough about this film. The acting is great, the story is captivating and original, the directing is fantastic. I VERY highly reccommend Tigerland.
Rating:  Summary: extrodinary Review: extrodinary acting and directing take a toll here. Shumacher's first movie with Colin Farrell besides PhoneBooth and the other one with Cate Blachett. Farrell is Bozz,a recruit who wont take crap from nobody and pisses off everyone he talks to. things get complicated at where he is and he ships some of his friends away back home. later he goes to Tigerland, which is the worst place in Vietnam. also Bozz likes the ladies and for you Farrell lady fans out there you get to see him in the buff. powerful moments and pervausive language take place here too. Matthew Davis(Legally Blonde), Clifton Collins Jr(The Rules Of Attraction), Cole Hauser(Harts War), Shea Whigham(Bad Company2002),Russell Richardson, Thomas Guiry(All I Wanna Do) and James McDonald(Hollywood Homicide) join Farrell in the cast
Rating:  Summary: well... Review: i'd say that this movie is one of the best war movies i've seen. the plot was pretty good and colin farrell did a superior job portraying bozz. and if you're a colin farrell fan, i would without a doubt recommend this because colin farrell is in the nude and everything is revealed and the camera can see everything.
Rating:  Summary: Ok Farrell Movie Review: This movie was not anything great. I thought it was going to be an intense action movie, but it wasn't. It was still enjoyable though. A great performance by Farrell and some supporting cast. The ten minute long sex scene was highly unnecessary, but it may be a perk for some people. All in all, this isn't a bad movie, but it isn't an intense war movie like you may think. It's about a lawyer in basic training who finds loopholes and gets people out of the army. Three Stars!
Rating:  Summary: Colin Farrell...Matt Davis Review: See this movie for Colin and Matt. They are great playing military buddies who train and have good times and bad. For those of you who are fans of Colin this is your chance to see him in the buff (Matt Davis too). Overall, more drama than action it this film. Being a teenage guy I can relate to what the guys did.