Rating:  Summary: NOBLE INNOCENTS IN HELL Review: BLACKHAWK DOWN is the most disturbing, provocative and elevating war movie I have ever experienced. It seemed that I held my breath for the fastest two hours of my life. My eyes were riveted to the screen but I had to close them on several occasions because I had become so involved in the intense and brutally realistic action and cared about the characters so much.BLACKHAWK DOWN is based on Mark Bowden's book about an American special forces operation in Mogadishu, Somalia that went terribly wrong and resulted in the death of 18 Americans, the wounding of 100 others, and the withdrawal of the world's last superpower from a well-intentioned humanitarian mission. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Ridley Scott and screenwriter Steve Zaillian deserve all the accolades they are receiving and none of the flack directed at them for forcing the audience to be up close and personal with the brutality, unfairness, unpredictability and necessity war. The film's Delta Force and Ranger solders are not testosterone-crazed, blood-thirsty warriors on a ego trip but noble innocents in Hell. They came to Somalia to save an entire people from extermination from starvation and became symbolic pawns in a game of greed, power and savage brutality. They acted courageously under extreme duress and were heroes of humanity that their country should be very proud of. Some have charged BLACKHAWK DOWN and its creators as being racist. Others have charged the filmmakers with whitewashing a terrible failure of the American military and a coverup of a wrong-headed foreign policy. These charges could not be further from the truth. BLACKHAWK DOWN is neither a propaganda recruitment film for the special forces nor a call for an American jihad against the Muslim world. It is a celebration of the human spirit and a salute to the courage, nobility of purpose and the brotherly love between comrades-in-arms. BLACKHAWK DOWN is the best movie made in 2001 and it is the best war movie ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing! Best Movie I've Seen In A Long Time Review: This has to rank as one of the best war movies of all time. Personally, I thought it was as well done as Saving Private Ryan in depicting war in all of its actuality. It also was interesting seeing how much war has changed from WWII (Saving Private Ryan). The cinematography is excellent, further adding to the drama. The acting was superb as well. The characters depicted actual soldiers and they did an excellent job in becoming soldiers (People whine that it wasn't the actors best performance, but there were so many characters that too much character development would detract from the story). Probably the most shocking aspect of the movie was how little it was publicized in the US. I can't even remember hearing about it on the news back in 1993. Shows how truly underappreciated our special forces are.
Rating:  Summary: SPLENDID-TIGHT-KNIT-EDITING-CAST OF HERO'S!! Review: There was not a slacker in this movie and to try and compare it to other war movies is useless. It stands on its' own merit and is unforgiving in its' closeness to excellence. Ridley Scott, who is master of Direction (Gladiator), (Blade Runner), (Hannibal), puts us in the Somalia conflict, center, front and does not let you go until the end. And even then you linger watching the credits' not knowing why. Or is it that you are trying to find out something , anything , as that part of your knowledge regarding Somalia conflict is missing .I was mesmerised, and found myself clenching my teeth and hands to a point of saying , 'wow this hurt's'. I do remember the tragic scenes of the Somalias' dragging our guys in the streets, and I remember the knot in my stomach and to this day I have remembered. But, that was the end of my knowledge of this conflict. Now Scott brings it home and we can all see what happened. Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore, Eric Bana,are just a few of the cast to do their lions' share of great acting. There was a sort of light-heartedness, when 3 of the group are cut off from the main force, and Scott plays them to the hilt. You are rooting for them to make it back to their buddies and the safety of the larger group. All, in all people this is a Great movie and I advise you to see it, esp. if like me, you are in the dark about Mogadishu, Somalia. ciao yaaah69
Rating:  Summary: What Pearl Harbor Should Have Been Like! Review: If you want to see an awesome war film, then see this. All though not as deep as other war movies, the action is breathtaking. Imagine the first ten minute D-Day scene from Saving Private Ryan. Now Imagine a whole movie at that pace. What you are imagining is Black Hawk Down. Superbly acted with lots of stars, like Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGreggor, and Tom Sizemore (can't have a war movie without Tom Sizemore!). Also some of the cast from Bruckheimers dismal Pearl Harbor return to the screen. Ridley Scott directs this masterpiece wonderfully, and I have to say this is probably his best film ever. I am not making any of this up, this is probably one of, if not THE best picture of the year.
Rating:  Summary: Great Special Effects and Good Acting Review: I must point out before any outraged person reads this review is that firstly I think the special effects with regards to this film were absolutely fantastic, the helicopter scenes take your breath away, the acting was first rate, and Ridley Scott's certainly knows how to churn out a film that makes you sit on the edge of your seat. However on a negative side the American perspective on history (and the same applies to every country other than America that has tried to make a film based on facts) even recent history seems to be viewed with a somewhat rose-tinted attitude, and no I am not anti-America which is the first thing I will be accused of but when I am bombarded with images that leave me scratching my head from a historical point of view, I have to sit up and question what I am seeing and hearing. It is for this reason alone I cannot take Black Hawk Down seriously. Just as I couldn't take Mel Gibson's "The Patriot" seriously, along with that excruciating film "U-571". What continually amazes me is that whenever a movie based on a historical event is filmed most Directors (all nationalities) swiftly scream "POETIC LICENCE! POETIC LICENCE!" when criticized. "Black Hawk Down" has "poetic licence" stamped all over it even though it has been claimed that this movie portrays the 1993 events with considerable accuracy. Well I'm really sorry here chaps but I can't buy the considerable accuracy tag and I think that a lot people in the UK (I can't speak for the US) are taking "Black Hawk Down" with a bucket of salt and will go and see it for one reason alone. To watch a well directed, well put together piece of fiction on the big screen and enjoy it just for that reason.
Rating:  Summary: Best War Picture Ever Review: This is by far one of the best battle pictures ever made, not to mention Ridley Scott's finest work. If you have not seen this film yet, I strongly urge you to see it right now! The film is so incredibly realistic that you feel as if you're participating in the action. Also, if you're worried that it will be too graphic for some, don't be afraid, there is not actually a substantial amount of blood & gore. If you are also a fan of Jerry Bruckheimer, you might want to consider seeing this because it is nothing like those Disney pieces of junk action films. This is as good as it gets folks, there's no denying it.
Rating:  Summary: A Must See... Review: For some reason, throughout my life, war has always amazed me. I for one do not support it, but I deeply respect all men and women who have defended our nation. Films offer us a gift. Films can not only entertain us, but most importantly can educate us, as a group of viewers. When films show images of war, it can either be a masterpiece or an awful waste of film. When choosing to make a film of war, it is important to express all emotions, feelings, and truthfulness of those who were involved. I have watched great, moving war films. And sadly, I have also watched war films that fail to capture the honor, pride, bravery, and truthfulness. When I saw Black Hawk Down, I knew I had saw images which were true. I felt many emotions after viewing it. The greatest emotion I felt was pride. Especially now, during our current war against terrorism, I honor all those who fight to protect our country. I definatley, with out a doubt, suggest you should see this film as soon as you can. Not only does it shed insight to the war taken place in the early 1990's, but it also gives hope that we will get through our current problems. Do not pass this film up.
Rating:  Summary: The worst sort of war porn... Review: I had high hopes for this film and even thought that Jerry Bruckheimer might reform his ways, but I was sadly mistaken. "Black Hawk Down" is the most vile sort of exploitive pornography - taking real men's suffering and putting it gratuitously on display for all to see. What those men went through was horrific enough without having to be put on display for the world to see for their entertainment. While standing in line for tickets, I heard a young military age man (boy?) talking to the people in line behind me, and he said that the movie was "Cool". After seeing the movie, I asked myself, what was so cool about it? The guy with the live RPG sticking out of his back? The man who duct taped his severed finger back on his hand? The god-awful pornographic (I know I keep on using the word, there is no other ward to use) field surgury scene to clamp an artery? Or the murdurous air support that slaughtered hundreds? I fear for a country that looks on filth like this as entertainment. Rather than properly honor the men that held up the ideals of honor courage and commitment, the film brings deep and everlasting shame to the people who were involved in bringing this to the sceen in order to turn a profit. Just a note before you dismiss me as a peacenik crank. I love a good war movie. "Apocalypse Now", "Patton", "Full Metal Jacket" and even, lord help me, "Saving Private Ryan" are among my favorites. But BHD is just trash with really good authentic looking sets. Addendum - As for the hate mail I've received for this review....Lay off why don't ya, and accept the fact that maybe war is too savage and intimate to depict properly on screen. And to exploit war in order to turn a profit is immoral. And that is what this movie is exploitation. As I waited in line and lift the theater, people were not commenting on how noble the soldiers were, they were fixated on the blood and gore. Its unfortunate that the term "pornography" has indelibly become associated with "gratuitous sexuality", because this movie is a textbook example of pornography in a non-sexual way. And by the way, for all of you "patriots" who seem to think that patriotism is as simple as putting a little flag you bought at the seven eleven to stick on your Expedition, dissent does not equal treason. And even a person who has served, and continues to serve, in the active duty US Military for 13 years can find depictions of war such as this for profit outrageous and people who look at it for entertainment as simple disgusting voyerists to a scene to which they will never experience and really dont want to experience. The guys I knew who were in the 10th Mountain didnt even want to read the book "Black Hawk Down", which I read when it first came out and several times since because I think it is one of the finest examples of contemporary history written. The movie is just plain exploitative. Exploitation for money is morally wrong. And dissent does not equal treason.
Rating:  Summary: Must Watch Review: At least this time round, the Americans actually miss when they fire. Realistic movie and for once it's not another one of those 'feel good' movies (aka Behind Enemy Lines). Truly depicts what war is all, total chaos... Another must watch in the caliber of Saving Private Ryan. Modern day 'Platoon'
Rating:  Summary: sweet movie! Review: alright i just saw the first showing for this movie today, the big draw for me was that Ewan McGregor was in it. But besides that it was yet another rad war movie. i think because it was based on a real story it made a much bigger impact on me than most movies do. but if you love war movies you'll love this one. even though it's really sad for a while it has it's funnie moments that lift your spirits a while. but then there's those tragic scenes of what goes on in war that make you feel for those who actually had to live through it. i loved this movie and i'd recommend it to anyone. hey, i was just there for Ewan but everyone else with him make this movie one of the best i've ever seen. i'd put it up pretty close to Moulin Rouge.