Rating:  Summary: Good Film But A Little Inaccurate Review: I must start by saying that I really enjoyed this film. It wasn't a subject I knew much about coming from the UK, I knew it had happened but not the details. The film inspired me to learn more.I'll start by saying what I liked. First, it showed that combat is not 'heroic' or cool but a bloody mess. Secondly, it showed the comradeship and the bond that forms between members of armed services. It showed that these bonds can transend ones own thoughts of survival, take the example of the soldier that doesn't want to go back to the city but does. The musical score is very atmospheric and adds to the overall sense of horror as you see these people on both sides being cut down. What don't I like? Not much actually, like I said, I really enjoyed the movie. BUT, it's not very accurate. It seems to focus on Chalk 4 all the way through the movie, but Chalk 4 didn't go to the crash site, that was Chalk 2 and some Delta. Chalk 4 actually got into one of the Humvees and were part of the lost convoy. I also think that some poetic licence was used. For example, the driver being blinded but the passenger still driving and the guy that threw the Strobe onto the roof so the Little Bird could make it's run. What actually happened (according to the book) is that the US soldiers marked their own position using strobes, not the Somali postions. This story didn't need this kind of fiction, the reality was more than good enough to make a really exiting film. After saying the above though, I can appreciate why the film focused on Chalk 4. If the real events were shown then the audience would very quickly loose track of who was doing what, there were so many soldiers that featured in the film. Like I said at the start, it's a really good film and well worth going to watch.
Rating:  Summary: the "Armageddon" of war films Review: And with Jerry Bruckheimer's name attached, that shouldn't be too big a surprise. Along with Ridley Scott (remember him? At one time, eons ago, he made great films like "Alien" and "Blade Runner"), who's fast becoming the master of bland, conventional cinema, "Black Hawk Down" is a film that addresses the chaos that ensued when an Army helicopter crashed in Somalia in the midst of a rescue mission back in 1993. Well, the movie is REALLY about unleashing the racist, bullying attitude of (most, but not all instances) American warfare, and making its audience howl for foreign blood, especially after the now-historic "9-11" attacks (gee, why didn't they just make a movie out of THAT, they're obviously leading up to it). Despite being well-done on a visual/technical level, characters are cliches (at least the ones you can tell apart), and gore is slopped around for gore's sake. Not ONCE does director Scott get a dramatic pulse from any of his characters or belabored "war is hell" speeches. This mostly empty endeavor makes me wonder, quite curiously, what the movie would have been like if it was told from the viewpoint of the Somali people (and in a realistic way, not reduced to cartoon badguys as they are here); and considering that only a few U.S. soldiers died as opposed to the couple thousand Somalis, it makes you wonder why it WASN'T told from that viewpoint to begin with. Well, I guess that wouldn't play too well with the people who proudly hang eyesore flags from the hoods of their big, American trucks. After all, our government has NEVER intervened in a country where it didn't belong (*cough*Vietnam*cough*). Bottom line: if you're a supporter of that knee-jerk, 'kill-the-bad-guys', form of patriotism that's been going around like a foul, stale stench, "Black Hawk Down" is the movie to quench your impulses. Anyone else should save their money for "The Royal Tenenbaums" (great movie). Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Guns,Guns,Death and Guns Review: Blackhawk down is a thrilling war movie on the bloodbath of the 1991 crisis in Somalia. Where 21 Americans were killed and over 1000 somalia were KIA. Though there was a lot of gore (my favorite part was with the minigun) I loved the action and suspense put into play by the directors. I give it five stars and two thumbs up
Rating:  Summary: The ugly side of war Review: Black Hawk Down is war with a capitol W. This film has been blasted by film critics for being racist, biased, and slanted in favor of the Americans. Too bad. This is how it happened. If you want a date movie or a happily-ever-after movie, do not watch this film. If you want to see a war movie that will get your adrenaline pumping and a tear in your eye, watch this film. The story opens with a mild historical lesson to fill viewers in on the background, and some heartbreaking images of the Somali people in the desert. We then cut to American soldiers - some are fresh-faced teens, some are gritty veterans, some are disgruntled clerks. We are introduced to two in particular - Staff Sergeant Matt Eversmann (Josh Harnett), an idealist who pities the Somalis and gets gently teased for it; and Danny Grimes (Ewan McGregor), a soldier who "made coffee through Desert Storm" and is somewhat bitter about it, then looking forward to his first mission. We also have "Lord of the Rings"'s Orlando Bloom as an eager-puppy new soldier, for fans of that actor. The solders are sent on a seemingly-ordinary raid to capture the underlings of a local crime lord. But the place they're in rapidly degenerates into a war zone, with almost every Somali in sight firing at them. The men are trapped in decaying buildings and open alleyways, while two Black Hawk choppers are shot down out of the sky. They have to find a way out and get back to U.N.-controlled territory before they're all killed. One thing to warn you about: There is no happy ending. Some characters you come to care about are going to die, and the ones left over are injured or traumatized. Unlike "Lord of the Rings," nobody applauded when this movie ended because every person was in a state of shock. Acting? Only problem with acting is that Josh Harnett does not have the same skills as the other actors; at times he SOUNDS like he's reading from little fortune cookie papers. He is the Fortune Cookie soldier. It's that trite. Ewan McGregor adds a gritty, quirky side to his disgruntled secretary, while Orlando Bloom manages to fervently pull off "Well I'm here to kick some ass!" Charlie Hofheimer is also memorable as Corporal Jamie Smith, in a heartrending scene later in the movie. THIS IS NOT A MOVIE FOR CHILDREN. Even some teens may not be able to take it. There is continuous graphic violence, including but not limited to: brief full view of a still-living soldier blown in half, part of a soldier's hand blown off, field surgery on someone's leg with no anesthetic, a boy shooting his father when he misses a soldier, a man falling out of a Black Hawk - six stories, and several soldiers dying when their Black Hawks go into death spirals. Even when it isn't violent, it is disturbing - the director never shows us what the Somalis do with the bodies they took from the downed chopper, but a main character's expression shows us what to think. There's a little grim humor: one of the soldiers goes deaf due to the constant gunfire, a standup-comedy act at the beginning of the movie, and Grimes' ironic coffee joke. And the Somalis are not portrayed as faceless; certainly no more so than the soldiers themselves, who eventually start blending together. But if the story can be told, I admit that there should not be too much emotional delving. Though if you dislike profanity... um, the F-word is used about an average of one every three sentences. I agree with the previous reviewers who think that the critics should READ THE BOOK; enough with calling the movie "propaganda". The violence was even worse and more disturbing in real life. The soldiers really DID call the Somalis "skinnies". The Somali leaders really were corrupt, suave men. The Somalis really were acting savagely. And for heaven's sake, don't whine that they didn't rewrite history to make it a cute tie-up-the-loose-ends movie! No politically-correct frothing will change that -- or should change that! Nor should the nobility of "leave no man behind" be sacrificed to the emotionless "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". These men were willing to sacrifice everything out of loyalty and courage, both for each other and for their country. This movie is full of dramatic, touching moments: the voiceover at the end. The American soldier stumbling into a Somali schoolroom, and silently waving goodbye to one of the solemn-eyed children. A soldier with a broken leg sadly watching his friends' bodies being stripped and dragged away. The soldiers slowing the Humvees for a father holding his child's body. The death scene (you'll know it when you see it). The aforementioned soldier with a broken leg, being beaten by Somalis as he gropes for a photo of his wife and daughter. Eversmann, whose face betrays every little shred of idealism he once had being buried under the blood and dust. The soldiers running to U.N.-occupied territory, with laughing children waving them on. If you loathed Pearl Harbor, watch this. It's probably coincidence that this movie was released post Sept. 11th, but its timing is perfect. Why? Because there are soldiers out there in the Middle-East right now, and this movie can show you what they experience. My extreme sympathies to those 19 families, if they are reading this now.
Rating:  Summary: Too Much Battle! Review: "Black Hawk Down" is action packed and I mean packed.There is only like 30 minutes of set up and 2 hours and 1/2 of war. It is exciting at first and then it starts to get boring with all this action. I actually was begging for more talking and usually I beg for more action, but it just keeps going non-stop! There is a bloody scene towards the end which I absolutly loved. Although the movie takes too long and has too much battle that it gets boring, it still has a lot of cool action scenes and is entertaining until it gets too boring. I do recommend to anyone who has not seen it to go see it if they are planning to go see this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Better than being there. Review: Then again, being anywhere would have been better than being there. This movie is second to only Saving Private Ryan. If there had been more time spent on character development, it might have topped it. The battle scenes were simply awe inspiring, and seeing as the director and half of the cast aren't even American... you can't claim that this is just patriotic fervor, well... you can, but that's just because your a whiney baby who is looking to hate this movie for reasons that don't exist. Aside from the oustanding visuals there is incredible acting and exquisite sound. A simply extraordinary depiction of modern day combat. The one problem stems from the gore, it was very realistic, but people seem to think that having realistic brutality in this particular war movie is bad, while Saving Private Ryan was commended for having it. People are very fickle. Anyway, you should go out of your way to see this movie... anyone who says different has no idea what they're talking about. All this movie needs now... is to be on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: True American Warfare Review: Black Hawk Down may be one of the most realistic war movies of all time, but its also one of the best war movies period. The way Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Blade Runner, Thelma & Louise and nominated for an Oscar) portrayed modern war is unbelievable, showing every detail of the battle, and not letting up with the violence, because if he did, it wouldn't be real. With amazing (Oscar Nominated) sound, effects (Oscar snubbed) and editing (also nominated) a war movie can't get any more real then this. Showing the true grit of battle, is the only way to make a war movie. also with presentable performances from Hartnett, Sizemore, Fichtner, and Bana, Black Hawk Down is a war movie for the ages.
Rating:  Summary: This is a must see!!!! Don't miss it. Review: This is top notch movie. I left the theatre physically exhausted. Not from it being bad, but from being so intense! After seeing this movie, and a documentary on the subject, my respect for the men of the special forces has quadrupled. The ability, training and raw courage of these soldiers was awe inspiring. The fact that only 18 men were killed is a tribute to the skill of these soldiers. As far at the particulars of the movie goes, it was very well directed and acted. The casting was great. Incredibly violent. Believe it or not, it was actually toned down from what really happened. Josh Hartnett was actually good in this movie. He should stick with serious movies and get away from those teenie-bobber movies. The sets and scenerey were perfect and really set the mood. This is a serious movie folks. There's no political message nor is there a sappy love story to pass the time. If you know the story behind the movie it will actually make you angry. The main reason this tragedy occured was Bill Clinton and his crony, Les Aspen. The special forces were not allowed to have proper suppport (Bradley fighting vehicles and C140 Gunships) for the simple reason of not looking "too provocative" in a foreign country. If you have any doubts about that, just ask the parents of some of the dead soldiers. One of the fathers refused to shake hands with Mr. Clinton, at a ceremony honoring his dead son. Another father refused to accept a hand writen letter of condolence from Mr. Clinton. He sent it back with a letter of his own.
Rating:  Summary: this is just what i feel after watching it... Review: Yes, I have to admit that black hawk down is a good action movie, but its not a good war movie. Protraying patriotlism and showing how Americans soldiers being passionate even at war! Ridley Scott tried to show the humane side of the soldiers while they killed 1000 somerlies in one night?! This is so contradicting. Why didn't he at least film one part showing what the somerlies suffered? I feel so disturbed after watching the movie, partly due to the selfish directing of Scott, and also because I feel sorry for the thousands of somerlies kids and women who lost their father and husbands in this incident.
Rating:  Summary: Tragic Review: It's no surprise that Black Hawk Down was so well recieved by critics in our post Sept. 11 world where American nationalism is running rampant like a rabid dog. The film is based on Mark Bowden's Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War, which is a nearly moment-by-moment account of events in Somalia on October 3 and 4, 1993. The fact is, the battle in Mogadishu was a humiliating defeat for the US military. The few seconds of film CNN screened showing the mutilated body of an American soldier being dragged through the streets shocked the US public, who could not understand why these young Americans had been sent to Mogadishu. Indeed, as hard as Bowden worked to document what happened, as it was perceived by those who were there, he concludes by noting the troops' lingering sense of unreality, of "feeling weirdly out of place, as though they did not belong here, fighting feelings of disbelief, anger, and ill-defined betrayal." Unsurprisingly, the movie version of Black Hawk Down, directed by Ridley Scott and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, takes the opposite approach. This is not about betrayal or anger, but patriotic propaganda. As a war film, it masterfully illustrates the absurdity and chaos of urban warfare -- there's no ground to be won, no victory to be claimed, only survival to be scraped up against horrific odds, no matter what side you're on. The movie allows that not only do the good guys "win," but also endure enough difficulty so that they appear "victorious." Even though they lost. In the end, this bloody film is very well made with some strong perfomances and awesome battle scenes, but don't expect an accurate account of American involvment in Somolia.