Rating:  Summary: Black Hawk Down Review Review: I thought this section was for reviewing the movie; maybe I'm confused. Instead it looks like people are using this section to voice their politic views on war, hostilities, the military, etc. I hope the people who gave this movie a poor review at least read the book which provides much more background information than the movie. If you didn't read the book before seeing the movie, I can understand if you had trouble follow the events taking place and their context. However, I think a few of the reviewers didn't even watch the movie or read the book. I truely enjoyed the book and the movie. I can't wait until it is released on DVD! Yes, I will also purchase the Special Edition version when it is available.
Rating:  Summary: Black Hawk Let Down Review: When I flicked on my TV during sometime of the summer of 2001, I saw what looked to me as the most worthwhile looking movies of the year; Black Hawk Down. Pending its release, such comments were made as, "Much better than Gladiator!" "The best war movie ever made!" and the such. Of course, with reviews like that, who could have not seen it? Well anyways, my friend and I went to go see it on opening day. We piled ourselves into the theater along with a bunch of other action craving guys and sat down. Throughout the movie, I felt destracted by the allour of my popcorn more than what was up on the screen. I thought it was overly violent, mediocore acting, but, I must say, good action. Action alone cannot save a bad movie, so sadly I must decree that Black Hawk Down recieves two stars.
Rating:  Summary: No Cliches Here Review: Black Hawk Down is not a typical war movie - the archetypical characters, sappy superimposed love story, and clear moral absolutes are missing. It is real. It is messy, confusing, noisy, infuriating, dreadful, and awe-inspiring. The men portrayed sometimes act heroically, and sometimes screw up royally, occasionally managing both simultaneously. Despite the rating and knowledge of the violence portrayed, my 12-year-old daughter wanted to see this movie. She came away with a new appreciation for the U.S.Army. Ridley Scott is simply one of the most talented directors ever, and the only one who could have made this movie. Since the DVD is not yet available, I can't comment on it, but I'm hoping for some good features on how the filmmaker researched the actual historical events and people involved.
Rating:  Summary: Exhausting... Review: You leave the theatre exhausted having just been bombarded by 2 hours of non-stop violence and action. This movie just doesn't let up... most movies have some side-plots... this one really doesn't. It's about one battle. That's it. No lovey-dovey "Pearl Harbor"ish sidebar. Now, this is not such a bad thing... my only major gripe was that there was so little character development that, and I hate to say this, you just don't CARE about these guys dying... and since everyone has the same uniform and haircut, most of the time you just don't know who it was that just got killed, adding to your growing ambivalence. Still, an interesting movie... probably one of the best war movies every portrayed on screen purely based on the confusion and gruesomeness of what war truly is.
Rating:  Summary: Really not for weaklings Review: Before watching this movie, please read a review One of the best war movies ever made! dated 5, 2002, by a viewer from Sacramento, California. Unfortunately for me I read it too late. I fainted exactly during the episode when a medic was trying to save his severely wounded buddy. Thus I never saw the rest of the movie and know the end of this story of outstanding heroism of the soldiers and exceptional stupidity of the high commanders because I have read Mark Bowden's book. Still I give the movie 5 stars: 1) what I saw was very convincing and impressive; 2) all my friends gave it 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: As close as it gets... Review: This movie is as close to combat as film can get. Based on a wonderful book, the adaptation is pretty loyal (although of neccesity simplified.) Critiques are mostly misplaced. It is true politics are presented in a simplified fashion-but this is a story of war, and enough of the politics are shown to contextualize the story for the historicly challenged (99 percent of American's) while not detracting from the story. I think the most pointless critique I have heard is "Gee, did we win or lose? Was it worth it or not? I left confused!" CONGRATS!!! Those folks got one of the main politicalpoints ofthemovie, without realizing it. That is rather the point of the movie... Plus points: Realistic combat. Neg points: Poor charactor development. I am pre-ordering the DVD, which I have only done once before (for Lord of the Rings..)
Rating:  Summary: For you soldier wanabes Review: This movie not only shows an accurate portrayal of the battle that took place, but it also captures, very realisticly, what it is like to be a soldier. In peace or war, the feelings, emotions and personalities of the people involved was captured and put out there for people to really feel and see what it is to be a soldier. Even when everything was going wrong with the mission the movie portrayed the soldiers in real terms rather than the false hollywood bravado. The actors WERE soldiers in this moive. Not actors ACTING like soldiers. Something very rare in a war movie. No foolish heroics. Just simple soldiers doing thier job the way they were trained. This is a must see for anyone that thinks they want to be a soldier like John Wayne.
Rating:  Summary: Stunning. Review: In one word, this movie is Stunning. It doesn't glamorize war or portray it in anyway to be anything but terrifying, bad and horrible. I do reccomend that you read the book as well though as it gives you alot of background information about the situation and individuals. The acting is great, the camera work is terrific the sound is crystal clear and the picture is very sharp. This movie is very well made and deserves all the praise it gets. You shouldn't think of this movie as an action movie to which you say "Cool!" to when watching it because that's not the kind of movie it was made to be. It shows how heroic every single one of those soldiers who fought on October 3rd and 4th, 1993 were. Soldiers like Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon who were willing to die trying to save Mike Durant and his crew must not be forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: Gritty Review: Dynamic war drama chronicling the true story of the chaotic 1993 mission in Somalia and the battle of Mogadishu, the longest ground battle involving American soldiers since the Vietnam War. It's long, maybe too long, but constantly gripping and interesting. Gritty cinematography by Slavomir Idziak, good music, breathtaking helicopter crashes and tight direction by Ridley Scott. Squeamish viewers be prepared, there's plenty of gore and blood.
Rating:  Summary: Ausome stuff Review: Josh Hartnett has been critisized by his girl loving fans all over the world. They need to shut up. If there his real fans they should think he should do whats best for him. Black Hawk Down is clearly is in the top 5 all time war movies. It is also the best movie Josh Hartnett has been in. Most of his fans havn't even seen the movie to say it was a dumb decsision or not. Let's get down to it. Black Hawk Down is a masterpiece. Although it has been critisized. These people dont know what the frik there talking about. This movie was nominted for only three oscars (won film editing and best sound). Honestly I think the movie should of been nominated for best picture over Gosford Park or Moulin Rouge. And it probably would of won. All i'm saying us buy this DVD. You will be blown away. Sound- 10 Film editing- 10 Acting- 9.5 Directing- 9.4 Special Effects- 10 Lasting Appeal- 10