Rating:  Summary: Stay with this movie ,it pays OFF!!!!!! Review: If you can get past the first hour of this movie you will not regret it,the last 2 hrs are really kind of action packed and the story starts to finish the holes that were in the first hour. Bottom line is this, the scenes in Vietnam are some of the most gripping things you will see on film,and this story shows you about true friendship and how hard that friendship is to keep,a REAL WINNER!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Sappy Sewage Review: Look, I was in 'Nam and this movie captures nothing but a few tears from weepy card burning hippies who used to throw eggs on us back in the day. This film naively chose to focus on the sad aspects of war, like watching your buddy go crazy. It neglected to display the great aspects of war, like you and your buddy being able to legally kill people. I mean, you can call me crazy, but until you've actually been in that position you don't know how exhilirating it is. This movie is unrealistic, melodramatic, and highly overrated.
Rating:  Summary: A Film Unlike Any Other Review: Rarely has a film lingered so long in my mind as this one. More than a war movie, it is in my opinion unrivaled in its exploration of the labyrinths of friendship under extreme duress. This film would have the makings of myth if it weren't such a nitty-gritty depiction of nerves on edge. This is more than a collection of magnificent acting talent, it is a true ensemble. You get the deepest of senses that you know these people, or have heard about them, or wish you knew them. There is something to like, dislike, detest, and cherish in all of them. If this is so much cinematic manipulation, let's have more of it. Although well beyond a genre film, it does more than any other to convey the psychological scars of the Vietnam War. Flawed in its depiction of the Vietnamese people--perhaps. Then again, this is a film where no one, save perhaps John, the tavern owner and piano player, comes out of the steel mill smoke smelling like roses. I saw it when it was first released at the theatres as a young man confused about my own father's return from Vietnam and vowed never to watch it again. The final scene alone was enough to keep me away: too close to the soul. But I watched it again recently with a large group of Chinese colleges students who were moved beyond my highest expectations. This was not the image of American soldiers they had been taught. Some left in stunned silence; others quietly cried. For myself, it was as stirring as the first time and I was left speechless, unable to resume class. Now it seems to me that any movie that can leave such an indelible emotional mark on diverse audiences ought to be not just rented but owned. Regardless of what the word "Vietnam" conjures in your mind, get this film. Watch it. Set it aside (maybe not 22 years!) and watch it again. This is epic filmmaking; Cimino doesn't preach like Stone and for whatever heavy handed directing you might find in it are stunning moments of clarity and recognition: Streep stifling tears in the grocery stockroom, De Niro pausing even to his own surprise as he sees the buck in his crosshairs, Savage biting the bars of the bamboo cage, De Niro rapping with Cazale in the bowling alley, and De Niro trying to shake Walken back to reality, the latter with his eyes glazed over. This film initiated me into adulthood and rocks me to this day. A tour de force.
Rating:  Summary: epic Review: gut wrenching is such an over used phrase, it is often linked to a variety of entertainment mediums and all fullfill the reasoning of the phrase. but those who dwell on the ridiculous in putting this film down must have been concentrating on the wrong screeen this film is about real people you and me people just doing the right thing and having to live with the consequence. this was the last film with any balls to win an oscar the last film which could show men as real people on film de niro is not an ideal michael but to see the film he is michael. this film goes beyond just entertainment depiction and morality even the reality of the war it actually draws you into the pain and intimacy of a small circle of weekend hunters and it is that simple idea that they base there hunting ideology is that which breaks the circle. although you can say what you want about michael cimino but you cant even blink at this picture those who are offended by the lack of Coppolla style Wagneresque helicopter attacks or kubrick style sterility and sarcasm maybe you should stick to a sunday matinee because this movie is definately treading the borders of reality with entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely Overrated! Review: Ok this is a very fresh review since I just watched this movie an hour ago... Being awarded by five oscars seems inadequate to make a movie great. The whole experience looks like a collage of incomplete, insensible and awkwardly long scenes. Seems as if someone broke into the studio and edited the outtakes and switched the thing for real. A simple wedding takes 45 minutes. Vietnam scenes are all about Russian roulette. Another 45 minutes is wasted with long silent looks and "welcome back"s. Even cinematography is one of the worst I have seen for a long time. Maybe if it was edited again and shortened an hour or more...Still the Vietnam scenes are a total disgrace to a war of that magnitude. This is not art if you want to call it that...This is more like a scratch paper of an otherwise fine art. The only reason I am not giving a single star is (despite everything) the wonderful acting done by Christopher Walken, Robert De Niro and Meryll Streep. I can't believe how most of the reviewers awarded five stars for this movie. I suggest they see it one more time...
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: An emotional and touching film, one that makes you realize how fragile people are, and how evil people can be. Who can forget the friends in the bar room playing pool compared to the inhumane treatment at the hands of their captors. Some have criticized how the Vietnamese were portrayed in the movie. Ask any POW how they were treated, the Vietnamese were horrible when it came to prisoners of war, the roulette scene is there to let us know that, and to show how that incredibly cruel treatment effected numerous young American soldiers after the conflict. I am not puzzled by the brutality, it compliments the story and leaves no question as to why the movie ends the way it does. --Letter Box
Rating:  Summary: Heart-wrenching Review: Many accuse it of being overrated, underrated, and so on, but altogether, THE DEER HUNTER is the most powerful drama I have ever seen. From start to finish, the wonderful, natural acting, the well-written script, and the hard-hitting story really tie in. Depicting a friendship and what happens to it after the war and the struggles to stay together really hit you hard. DeNiro, as always, is incredible. But Walken and Savage (in his best role) do a wonderful job, especially in the Vietnam scenes. Streep naturally does a great job, but her prescence is annoying for some odd reason. Despite that minute factor, the film is a must-see and it will surely hit you emotionally.
Rating:  Summary: the deer hunter\ casino Review: as it was then is still like it now,brilliant! a movie that has so much emotion and moving music youwill feel compelled to shed a tear .de niro at his best with walken doing his antics in the russian roulette contest all make for a high quality film.once watched never forgotten. Packaged with this top film comes casino,another blinding performance from de niro makes it probably one of his best films.joe pesci is ace as the little nutter who just cant let anything lie,the baseball batting scene near the end is unforgettable ,the sound from those bats hitting home sounds so real and gruesomeiy really strikes a nerve.watch and behold the slime of las vegas top men.
Rating:  Summary: deer hunter Review: Well this movie was pretty much childs play,i;ve seen worser films,like revelation wich has lots of violence and graghic gore and detailed.
Rating:  Summary: Top ten material. Review: In this realistic portrayal of the effects of the Vietnamese war upon the survivors, director Michael Cimino and an excellent cast craft one of the most moving and powerful motion pictures ever. Robert De Niro stars as Michael, a young man who works at a small pensylvanian town steel plant with his friends Nick (Christopher Walken) Stevie (John Savage) Stanley (John Cazale) and Axel (Chuck Aspergen), who, after a long days work go to their bartender friends workplace and cool down via suds and songs. On weekends, Michael and his pals enjoy going to the beautiful setting of the Alghenies. But Mike, Nick and Stevie plan to go to Vietnam, Stevie decides to marry. When in Vietnam, the three are captured and undergo unimagineable mental and physical hardships. Upon their escape, Nick is saved and brought to a hospital while Mike is left with the crippled Stevie, whom he soon loses track of. Mike is ent home, and there he begins a romance with Nick's girlfriend, as he tries to cope with the horrors of which he was presented. Tragedy ensues for all three of the friends. THE DEER HUNTER shows you both the horrors of war, and the powers of freindship as the realistic charcters with real emotions are played excellently by the great cast. Cimino's direction is superb, and the cinematography and art direction is awesome. It is truly an excellent film. I heard a lot of people complain about the P.O.W. russian roulette scene, and I have no idea why. It is one of the scariest and most haunting scenes ever put on film. It IS needed in order to create pathos, and reason for the three friends to have especially strong feelings and emotions about their horrifying experience.