Rating:  Summary: The best film ever made. Review: This is simply the best piece of film ever made. Rarely has war, fraternity, loss, victory, tragedy, and reflection been packaged in such an astounding way.
Rating:  Summary: yes! Review: Well first off, this is one of the best films i have ever seen. the cinematography is spectacular; i enjoyed the use of dead colors such as green and brown throughout the film. it really helps to establish the sad mood. ...
Rating:  Summary: Near Flawless Masterpiece Review: I was a bit wary of this series as I had previously scanned through the Amazon reviews and seen that the near unanimous verdict was 5 stars. "Surely it can't be that good", I wondered cynically. The last War film to get such high praise was Saving Private Ryan which whilst very good, had elements that left me disapointed. Well after viewing, I have to agree - Band of Bothers is worthy of the praise. It made you deeply care about the men in the 101st. The tragedy of war was shown in all its bleakness, and I must admit to being moved to tears at times.Surprisingly, it portrayed the German soldier with a degree of sympathy, something that was lacking in Saving Private Ryan, though the time constraints of that film were probably the main limitation. Band of Brothers still wasn't long enough for me however ... Furthermore .. when is COMBAT going to be released on DVD? Mind you, after seeing Band of Bothers, I am not sure how COMBAT would compare ...
Rating:  Summary: You should get it Review: If you are a WWII fan you should get this DVD. Many improved special effects and more historically accurate uniforms of both sides. What Easy Company did in Bastogne is outstanding. It really gives this gritty feeling of soldiers during WWII, and I really respect Easy Company veterans from what they had been through. Although this is a great mini series, many of the battle scenes irritate me sometimes due to historical facts of the battles. For example the infamous Jagdpanther (the tank hunter) existed at Carentan, which in the actual battle the Germans at Carentan had no tanks to support their infantry. There should also be some P-47D fighters for fire support. It is just awkward to look at a 88mm gun Jagdpanther that has a killing range over 3000 meters had to retreat from a 75mm gun Sherman. And once again the German elite units were depicted as incapable of fighting. I thought Spielberg has a military consultant for making BOB. Anyway not all historic movies are perfect, and I still recommend people to get this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: You thought saving private ryan was great? Review: The set is based upon the same filming as "Saving Private Ryan". When the series came out on HBO I couldn't wait before I could buy the set. Worth your money. I'm in the KY-ARNG, and have been threw a few things like what is scene in the movie, however nothing that is as deep as they. It's almost like your actual there from the camera angles. If you have never been in situations with the "espirit de corps" like these men you will get a taste of what the real thing is when you watch this series. Too much for words, this is an excellent depiction of WWII...
Rating:  Summary: BAND OF BROTHERS ALL THE WAY Review: i loved the relistic war seens in this movie alot but what i dident like it was relistic and all but i thought the germans were better trained then that i mean really carentain and market garden but battle of the bulge the guy just ran right through there and the ss dident do anything about it not a single shot, nice affects on the hollacast though realistic
Rating:  Summary: Surviving World War II Review: My father was 22 years old when he left Philadelphia and joined the army in the spring of 1942 he volunteered for the 101st, in the summer of 1942 he left Philadelphia and found himself at Camp Toccoa, he was not in Easy Company, I don't know the name of his company. He was a sergeant and squad leader he named his squad "Maguire's Magpies". He fought in France, Holland and Bastogne. Out of the original squad of 12 that landed in Normandy only 4 men survived the war, 8 men were killed in action during the following twelve months. And 6 of the replacements were killed in action as well. He himself received 2 Purple Hearts, the original squad and the replacements endured 150% casualities. My father died in 1988 so he'll never read the book, or see Band of Brothers. When I was young I would pump him for information about the war, he told me everything. We discussed his experience at length, over the years he told me all the details. So much so, that when I read the Ambrose book it was like I had already read the book. But I wasn't prepared for the visual images in the Band of Brothers, I was overwhelmed, the intensity and the brutality of what my father and his fellow soldiers experienced brought me to tears. This production is a fitting tribute to the ultimate sacrifices that these young men made. My father traveled to Europe for business frequently in the 60's and 70's. He would take time on this trips to visit France, Holland and Belgium, he would locate that certain village, and find that particular farm field or forest where one of his "brothers" had fallen, he never forgot how special and exceptional these young men were. My father is still the most exceptional human being I have known in my life, seeing this production gave me a great insight to his personality. He was a person who truly appreciated what life had to offer, he was active, loving, funny and always emphasized the positive. Those thirteen months in 1944-45, gave him an understanding of humanity that few of us possess.
Rating:  Summary: An exceptional series about a remarkable group of men Review: By any standard, this is easily one of the finest things ever done about World War II, or for that matter about any war. The series details the adventures of Easy Company of the 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne from their training in Georgia through D-Day and action in Belgium and into Germany. The reason that this mini-series is so successful is not hard to determine: no effort to make it as accurate and as good as possible was spared. In every detail, the show is as close to perfect as is possible. Who to praise first? One could easily start with the actors. The cast is absolutely first rate, and they not only are extraordinarily fine as actors, they also bear an amazing physical resemblance to the real life individuals whom they portray. If you look at the photos in the Stephen Ambrose book upon which the series was based or watch the documentary WE STAND ALONE TOGETHER, which featured interviews with the survivors of Easy Company, the likenesses are striking. Although the entire cast is superb, Damian Lewis pretty much steals the whole show as Winters. I love the quiet competence and confident leadership he projects in all his scenes. If I were to go to war myself, I would very much like to serve under someone like Winters. Unbelievably, Damian Lewis is English, which seems scarcely possible his accent is so natural. Ron Livingston is a wonderful surprise as Capt. Nixon. I had previously seen him in purely comic roles in SWINGERS and then in OFFICE SPACE, and while he definitely brings a mildly comic tone to this series, it isn't in the end a role that brings nothing but smiles. Eion Bailey is memorable in his role as Pvt. Webster, the Harvard educated noncom who wants to become a writer. He also is the character who allowed me to keep alive a boast I make to a friend that I can connect almost any movie or television show to Buffy the Vampire Slayer in one way or another (he appeared as one of the students who took on hyena-like qualities in the episode "The Pack" from the first season). The rest of the cast is always at least very good. The technical aspects of the film are just off the chart. The film always looks and sounds great. Much like SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, many of the battle scenes have an almost tactile feel to them. Some feel so real that I as a viewer felt physically vulnerable. In a large number of the episodes I had that same sensation of almost being pulled into the film. In a large number of the battle scenes they employed handheld cameras, and that helped induce a "you were there" kind of experience. One of the greatest achievements was giving the illusion of the film being shot on location, while in fact nearly the entire film was shot on a huge lot in England. During filming it was remade constantly to recreate the various locations that were needed. There were some scenes filmed on location, but far fewer than one would have imagined. All of this excellence meshes together to tell in superb fashion the tales of real human beings. Throughout one gets the sense that these are ordinary human beings who are called upon by the demands of history to do extraordinary things. All in all, this is a remarkable achievement, a landmark both of television and of filmmaking about World War Two. I can't imagine anyone seeing it finding it is any sense a disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: Really impressive, and I don't even like war films or shows! Review: I don't like war films as a rule, but the reason I enjoyed this so much was the way you get to know the various people in Easy Company. The attention to detail in the series is amazing, and I liked the fact that some of it was filmed on location. My one complaint is that it is just a little overpriced. Well, a lot overpriced. If you compare the cost of this to other series, it is much more expensive. For instance, for just about $20 more, you can own the first four seasons of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. For less than double the cost the first five seasons of SEX IN THE CITY. I'm not quite sure how they decide on how much to charge for each set that is produced, but with the full seasons of most television shows running around $35 from Amazon, the price tag on this one seems excessive.
Rating:  Summary: There is not that much more I can possibly say... Review: I rented this movie from Netflix, but only thought there were 4 discs because of the way netflix handles dvd searches (at the time they only returned 4 entries and each dvd constitutes a separate rental). I would watch one or two a night and basically would forget about the house and life around me while I was basically pulled into the movie. It is really 10 separate, but related movies, each one giving us a different soldier's view of the war and their company (with coverage of other units Allied and Axis). I almost forgot my opening point, I was a little shocked and let down with what I thought was the final epsiode (#8). I went online to amazon and found that there were 5 discs (whoops) and made sure it was the next one sent to me in the mail. That final disc did the trick. .. I am going to buy this now even though there is probably little chance in hell it will ever go out of print. I am quite amazed at the amount of reviews out here (mine makes 606) and all of them are 5 stars (we will discount the jaded San Diego jerk). With so many positive reviews I don't think anyone could ever read them all (you could probably watch the series over again in the time it would take you to read them all) which means that I am basically writing all this for no one to read. .. If you have read this, then skip over the rest, scroll back up and click the "Add to cart" button above, you are pretty much guaranteed to be engrossed for a week or so. . .