Rating:  Summary: This film makes you a part of it. Review: You want a lump in your throught at times,maby some goose bumps,and tears.You will get to know some real Americans,who did their duty.A few of them are still alive.I can only say thank you to the ones that gave all of their future,so we could have today.
Rating:  Summary: People are dumb. Review: ...Band of Brothers is an excellent piece of television cinematics that should be viewed not only for its stunningly accurate portrayal of war in all its destructive force, but also its ironic, almost relaxing face. Through Band of Brothers, we learn what it must have been to partake in the war and we learn what must have been thought by the soldiers who fought in it.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: Superb technically and emotionally!Just like all the other reviewers, I found it wonderful. The language was a little ripe to my ears but probably realistic ( one of the heroes, Winters, didn't swear or drink ). I have watched it 3 times now with my 15 year old son. I want him to appreciate what others have done to secure freedom - to appreciate that the true measure of manhood is the willingness to sacrifice for others. Rachel's Dad
Rating:  Summary: Most excellent war portrayal I have seen Review: I have read the book and seen the movie. This set of DVD's provides the truest, most excellent portrayal of the camaraderie developed by military personnel, and also the horrors experienced in combat. I come from a military family, with my grandfather having served in WWII and Korea, my father having served in 'Nam, and I have served in the USMC. I grew up watching war films and shows such as Gomer Pyle, Baa Baa Black Sheep, etc. If those "feel good" type of shows are what you consider to be "heavy" military viewing, showing a realistic portrayal of combat, then this movie will definately open your eyes to the actuallity. Imagine Saving Private Ryan's opening sequence, for the entire movie. Excellent commentary from the men that were there and experienced the horrors first hand. This series should be required viewing of all high school US History classes.
Rating:  Summary: Could it be any better? NO Review: I watched this miniseries on HBO, and was completely taken with it, it could not have been any better. So when it was released on DVD I snatched it up right away, being even more persuaded by the wonderful packaging of the dvd's. Anyone who wants a great war miniseries must pick this up! This is definetely (in my opinion) one of the best series on war, it is emotional, disturbing, moving, and simply enthralling to watch, you will want to watch episode after episode. The acting is superb, the story is beyond belief with such moving scenes and a tad of humor to join it all. You will be left with a feeling of complete satisfaction, and love for the series and the soldiers who went through this horrific time of war.
Rating:  Summary: Another american war- story Review: This DVD is another typical american war- story were american soldiers defeat their enemy. Other features in this series are Panther tanks (Best tank of WWII) that doesn't fire when confronted with Shermans, and therefore are blown sky high. A few evil germans who flee as soon as they see a US- soldier are also added, as usual. The americans never loose a scirmish, in the end they are always saved by someone or something. So to sum this up: This DVD- box is a must for those of you who love seeing americans killing germans and looting their pockets afterwards. It also features american soldiers executing lots of german POW's and of course no one is punished afterwards. If you like that, then this is the thing for you, for all of you who have seen american war- movies in the past, stay away, you have seen it all before.
Rating:  Summary: amazing Review: It's a must watch.. over and over again. It's an amazing movie that reminds you of what heros are really made of.
Rating:  Summary: a definate must have Review: If you like war movies, you have to check this out because this is so much more! Not only does this have some of the best battle sequences ever but it is filled with so much emotion, I think I'm going to cry again!
Rating:  Summary: Are there no more stars in heaven? I need some more... Review: This was broadcast in HDTV, so if I say the picture quality is superb, it's stating the obvious. Yet I still think it needs to be said. This series in one of the best excuses for buying a DVD player. The audio? Never mind the battle scenes, to measure the quality of the audio mixing and resolution of this box set, just keep your ears open for those typewriter sounds in the 'peaceful' scenes!! If you didn't know better, you'd think someone in your house is really typing on an old-style Underwood. I had to rush out of the room and check (we do have a manual typewriter)! Of course, I did feel sometime during my viewing that I was watching an extended version of Saving Private Ryan, which gets many repeat viewings from me. But then I remembered: the movies are based on true stories, I shouldn't be complaining. If there's a similarity, maybe because much of the creative genius in "Ryan" was in BOB too. War movie enthusiasts will like the second episode ("Day of Days", the D-Day parachute drop) and the third ("Carentan"). The "Bastogne" episode is more like "Battleground (available on VHS)", they deal with the same event, more character development than gore, more snow than fire. You'd get the idea just how cold it was there, and how desperate the defense was. "Points" was heart-rending in the end. And of course, there's the discovery of the concentration camp, which just about snuffs out your breath. Many Americans went to war with little understanding of what they were fighting for. Many were wondering what they were doing in Europe, when the first blow against them was struck by the Japanese. After the finding of the concentration camps, there was no more debate. They were fighting because a blow has been struck against humanity. The performances were superb, and rightly toned down for the era (not too many swear words). Damian Lewis has a screen presence that is rare today. The real heroes of the last great war were not the high-profile men who got their names on history books. The real heroes were the ordinary people who did the jobs that were handed to them, admirably and without fanfare.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie of All Genres and of All Time !!!! --- SMBguy Review: I did not end up seeing this "mini series" until a week ago after buying it since I heard such amazing reviews about it. It is more than a "mini series" it is a full blown out movie.....and it is 10 hours long of continous better than Saving Private Ryan movie! Ever since I saw it, it rose to the top of my favorite movie list above LOTR, Black Hawk Down, and Saving Private Ryan. It was just that great! Tom Hanks and Steven Speilberg really know how to put a great film together. As you have heard a million times, BoB follows the 101st Airborne Easy Company from training to the very end of the war. Here is a cool fact: BoB used more pyrotechnics than Saving Private Ryan after making the 2nd episode....and ten were made in total! You can easily get hooked on all of the characters who could not have been played better by any other actor and the movie is just eye-popping greatness. It is in general the same type of movie as Saving Private Ryan in where pretty much all of the movie is in the action of war, but BoB just is better. You will not be displeased by the episode where they jump into the enemy territory from the plane on their first real mission. One of the great things about this DVD is the "external set-up." The six discs are in a cool zig-zag fold out thing that is totally covered in full color photos. The tin that it is in is even greater. Although, I have not yet seen the 80 min. main documentary where the veterans of Easy Company tell the entire story through their own words, the other special features are great. The best special feature is the video diary made by one of the actors and it shows mostly their time in military boot camp that they had to suffer through before shooting this great movie. Emotions that this movie can give people are: amazement, sadness, joy, drama, suspense, and a total feeling that you are with Easy Company in all of their missions and objectives. I would give this DVD/movie 10/5 stars if I could. My opinion is that you order it right now or sometime very soon.