Rating:  Summary: War truly is hell. Review: Band of Brothers was one of the most moving films ever made. The actors in the film truly make you believe that they were apart of the 506th Airborne Division Easy Company. I also found that having actual survivors from Easy Company at the beginning of each segment made the film even more real. I am a young man, but the respect that I have for the men that fought in WWII knows no bounds. It is an amazing piece of history.
Rating:  Summary: Band of Brothers from videos 4 less Review: Band of brothers from videos 4 less is a pirated very low quality dvd. The seller is not customer friendly. Only part of the series was available and is not a product that I would buy again, it was not readily apparent that it was a pirated copy until it was inspected after receipt.
Rating:  Summary: Monumental Epic -- and a perfect complement to the book Review: This film is a perfect complement to Amrose's brilliant book and vice versa. The film dramatizes the human stories of 15 or so main characters struggling through numerous extreme situations. When we see them in foxholes in the Ardennes we get a glimpse of just how much they relied on each other. Lipton is portrayed as the ultimate Brother, leading by example, lifting morale under the bleakest circumstances, and putting his career (and life) on the line to go over the head of unfit superiors. The film is carried by fantastic acting, writing, direction, cinematograpghy, sets and music to produce an absolutely compelling, first rate drama.The book is also fascinating. Of course, it details more events, problems, military politics, decisions, equipment, etc. It also includes more historical context as well as Ambrose's analyses. For example, he points out that the hated Sobel very probably saved many lives by the demands he placed on his men at Camp Toccoa. Buy both the film and the book and revisit them frequently! BTW, I am puzzled by those who downgraded this fine film because it was too Americanized. This story was intentionally a very thin slice of the war, as told by the men of Easy company. It never tries to do anything else. Sure, the Russians suffered many times the casualties, but that is not the subject matter of this film. How could that possibly discount the suffering and heroism of these American soldiers or the excellence of this film? To downgrade such a great work of art using that as a yardstick is ridiculous.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding! Deserves more than 5 stars. Review: I remember when HBO was promoting this series. I saw an incredible commercial on it...just the way they put each clip and the music put to it was beautiful and it actually brought me to tears. Saddly enough I ended up not watching the series when it aired. About a week ago I watched all episodes in four days. 3 the first day 2 on the second 3 the next and 2 on the final day! Kinda funny because I would watch them before I went to bed and I would wake up wanting to watch another episode and thought about it throughout the day thinking "Damn! Now thats an incredible/powerful/intense show!" haha! WOW what an outstanding series. I would say this is the best mini series I've ever seen. Its been fresh in my mind ever since and I'm actually thinking of watching it again! The characters are great and what these men accomplished i cannot put into words. Watching Band of Brothers was quite emotional for me. Each episode made me cry...each one was excellent. One after the other...so perfect. The directing,acting,the opening theme music by Michael Kamen absolutely beautiful. He did an excellent job as well. I cant say enough about Band of Brothers what an experience! Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks created something very special. Hands down this is the best series ever.
Rating:  Summary: A harrowing look into the men of easy company. Review: In 2001,in wich began in 1998 Director Steven Speilberg and Academy Award winner Tom Hanks colaberated to put together this 120 million dollar epic cable miniseries about the trials and the tests of the men of easy company an elite paratrooping and combat company formed in the start of World War 2,when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 it was obvious that the United States and it allies would have to come up with some new companys one of these companys were easy company these men were voulenteers who didn't even or never even heard of easy company some voulenteers for more pay from the military little did they know that they would be pushed harder then any other company in the Army. To there gruleing traning , to the epic invasion of D-Day through the doomed operation market garden to take Holland and the unbearable conditions of Bastogne in the Battle Of The Bulge and the discovery of a death camp that tells the men of easy company why they are fighting in the war and finally the take of Hitler's home Eagle Nest.Some men of easy company would at times freeze in battle of fear,others would be wounded,the rest would pay the ultimate sacrifice for there country , they loved each other , they hated each other,but one thing is for sure they were united brothers in arms they relied on each other and the world would come to reliy on them,and behind enimey lines the one thing these men could trust was in themselves and each other because that's the only comfort they had in the horrors of war, this monumental epic series captures the men in easy company in such a way that it becomes a living monumemt of the sacrifices our country asked of them and they would do these orders with fear but with no questions asked. Because of the intrest that the Academy Award winning Saving private Ryan brought back for World War 2 made it possible for Steven Speilberg to show what a film could not the experiences of an entire company in World War 2 and he couldn't have picked a more respectable company of men who may not have thought each other as hero's but this series shows that the men of easy were just that American Hero's an insightful and emotional docudrama We Stand Alone And Together:The real men of easy company wich shows in there own words of the veterans themselves what it was like for them to live in the heat of battle and there bravery and courage to go on and live normal lives with the thought that the men who really earned the title of American Hero's were the ones that never made it back to there loved ones and were willing to pay the ultimate price for this countrys freedom.A realitive cast of unknowns including Damian lewis and David Schwimmer, and Donnie Whalberg make Stephen E. Ambrose harrowing book come to life in realistic and respectful ways that pays homage and tribute to these brave men who just were doing what there country asked of them but would forver become a Band Of Brothers for life and death they were united. Quite frankly one of the best cable series ever made winner of 6 Golden Globes a very fancy metal casing houses 6 disks of each of ten episodes and an extra DVD with Special features and information on the army and the history of easy company and the campaigns they they took in ,stats on the men of easy company maps timelines and the respectful and emotional docudrama We Stand Alone And Together that shows the real easy company that only makes the veiwing experience that much more real and does the series honor in paying tribute to these brave men if you own one series this is the one to own and never forget the sacrifices of the brave men and woman past , present and soon to be future for it is to them that we enjoy this great freedom we have today a great edition to your DVD collection.
Rating:  Summary: Very well done. Review: Band of Brothers tells the story of Easy Company of the 101st Airborne Division during World War II. This tale is not one that can be summed up in a 2.5 hour movie, but an 8 hour series. Though this is a long and expensive one, Band of Brothers will keep you on the edge of your seat with anticipation, and will fight yourself for dry-eyes during more emotional scenes of the series. The price and the time commitment are well worth it.
Rating:  Summary: It doesn't get any better than this !!!!!!!! Review: This is possibly the finest production ever produced. The acting is superb. The actors make you believe that they are indeed the real men -- they are THAT good. It will hold your interest throughout and will make you want more when you finish all 10 hours. The special effects are awesome and the story is incredible --all the more so as it is TRUE !!! Every American should see this miniseries and everyone owes a great debt to Tom Hanks, Steven Speilberg, HBO, and all the great actors and especially to the REAL men of E company !!!!!! BRAVO !!!
Rating:  Summary: Good and generally realistic war movie! Review: The movie is the one of the most realistic war movie I have ever seen. Beeing an officer by myself I sense that the movie is based on a detailed description of the veterans. There is only one thing I don't like. The view of the Easy company is a very selective one. Obviously they were lucky and survived the war and they were on the winner side. The americans can sure be proud of their troops freeing Europe. WWII was started by Hitler and this was a horrible crime which did cost 50 Million people their lives. The Germans know that and are not very keen on going to war any more. We hate war today! But there are several things the western allies tend to forget: The big and horrible fighters of the war about which the german veterans of WWII are talking about were the russians and surely not the americans. At the time of D-Day 750.000 German troops were fighting 1,5 million allied soldiers in normandy. 4,5 Million troops were fighting the russians at the eastern front at that time. 3,5 Million German soldiers died in whole WWII. German soldiers killed 11 Million russians soldiers in the most horrifing battles the world has every seen. The German soldiers always fought against an enemy who outnumberd them by far (except the little countries in the beginning) in soldiers and tanks. They could only perfom like that because of an huge fighting spirit, oustanding training, flexiblity and superior tactics. Please keep in mind how a country of 80 million people can fight against nearly the whole world (including the two later super powers) for 6 years! So think about the German soldiers fleeing in the movie BoB. At the time d-day started our best soldiers were already killed in russia. The russians were killed and taken prisoners in the early 40ies in huge numbers (f.e.g. 1,5 million russian casulties and PoW in only one battle). But still they fought and fought and fought. Our veterans are so impressed by the russian people and are still talking about them with lots of respect. The russians are truely brave soldiers. Compared to that nearly no one was a lot impressed by american fighting power. The only thing the old ones are talking about is about the superb american airforce. In average the german russia-vetrans who also fought in france in the end said: "Shoot at an US tank with your gun in despair (because you have nothing else to fight it with) then they stop and call for the airforce". No russian fighting spirit but very human for the american troops. The US had everything: A lot of tanks (weak sherman tanks but a lot of them), airpower, supply.... The germans at that time were the remains of an already by the russians defeated army. That they still fought with nearly nothing, beeing attacked by all directions ( form east, from west and from the south) while their families are beeing murdered by american phosphoros bombs and low flying fighter planes shooting at women and children after the bombing raids (which were war crimes nobody is talking about nowadays => Dresden)is possibly unique in history. I am only writing about all this because americans tend to be so proud of themselves that they forget about truth and overall history. BoB is a very good and realistic movie of a lucky company who caught the enemy in surprise or in total defeat. But it is not a movie to show children in order to learn about WWII!! Don't get me wrong I am not anti-US. I am glad they were part of freeing us. I also hate the criminal nazis who terrorized the whole world and (not to forget) the germans themselves. I am also glad the US is willing to go for dictators like Sadam Hussein. But: War is not a game. War is not a TV-Reality-Show on CNN. War is no movie. War is not example for the US for beeing the only ones who suffer and who are brave. If you interpret BoB like that. The world is not getting better. So watch this good movie and use your brain!!
Rating:  Summary: Caution Review: If you buy this set be ready to plant yourself in front of your TV for days on end. If you start to watch it you won't be able to stop. It is so captivating you'll want to watch the entire series one episode after another, over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: I am SO hooked. Review: This series has changed me. I never had the opportunity to watch the first run of the series on HBO, as it was a bit too "real" for my family. My mother's uncle was a fighter pilot who was shot down over Poland (after splashing no less than 4 German planes), and I suppose it brought back too many hard memories. I bought this DVD set and thoroughly enjoyed each of the 10 episodes. Right now, I'm reading the book upon which this movie was based, which I also highly recommend. It's much easier to put a "face" to the characters after seeing the series and having it fresh in your mind. What really makes it special is that these things actually happened, and the survivors of Easy Company comment on the events as a prelude to each episode. In a very cool move, the names of these suvivors are not revealed until the documentary on Disc 6. As a result, you don't know who will survive until the end. This is one item where the special features (especially the documentary) are every bit as important as the film itself; perhaps even more so. If you enjoy war movies, buy this. It will keep you entertained for 10 straight hours. I plan on watching it again after I'm done with the book. This film captures the comraderie of army life in WWII, as well as the low points and high points. These guys were more than members in the same unit. They were, in most cases, comrades and brothers, and it shows. This film is not for the faint of heart, however. While not quite as blatantly gory as Saving Private Ryan, I assure you blood does flow in this film. It pulls no punches, but doesn't overdo it. Not only the story is good; the cinematography is breathtaking. A truly exceptional story and a tribute to those men who died defending the world from Nazi domination. Awesome.