Rating:  Summary: Well, it looked good from the trailer... Review: The main problem with this movie IS the trailer. (Also known as a 'Preview' by some.) After having watched the trailer, the movie looked promising enough to see. Unfortunatly, the trailer not only showed most of the funnier moments of the movie, it showed most of the plot including the end!!! When the movie was over, I felt cheated. I thought, "That was it?" The only reason I give the movie such a generous three stars is that I bet it would have been much more enjoyable had I not had the higher expectations given me by the trailer. Ben Stiller did his usual good job. In fact, one of the few interesting parts to this movie was Stiller's character's growth, and Stiller portrayed that nicely. Jennifer Aniston was also good. It was nice to see her playing someone other than Rachel on 'Friends'. And, she managed to differentiate those two characters enough so that I did not find myself saying, "Hey! Ben Stiller is the guest star on 'Friends'." (I understand that she was absolutely fabulous in 'The Good Girl' but I did not see it so can't comment.) As for the supporting players, Phillip Seymour Hoffman was a stand-out. He played slovenly deliciously low! (If, by the way, you REALLY want to see him at his subtle best, rent 'State and Main'. Absolutely wonderful acting in a 5-star movie. But I digress.) Alec Baldwin, Debra Messing, Hank Azaria, and especially the talented and underused Bryan Brown were all fine.The bottom line for this movie, if you've seen the trailer, skip the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Polly want a peanut Review: I liked it , a few good laughs in this one. Ben Stiller works well with Phillip Seymour Hoffaman and Jennifer Aniston in this romantic comedy , that show's you there may be a whole lot more in life than what you have , so why settle for anything less , go for what makes you happy. So get ready to laugh and Enjoy!!!
Rating:  Summary: Along Came What?! Review: This movie really looked good. I thought it was going to be great, but during the movie I was trying to hard to actually like it. The movie has Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston as the two main stars, and it has Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Alec Baldwin, Debra Messing, and Hank Azaria as the co-stars. But the main problem with this movie is that I was liking the co-stars better then I was liking the main characters. I like to root for the hero when I see movies, and not the supporting cast. I thought that Phlipe Seymour Hoffman was just great, but then again, when is he not? 25th Hour, Almost Famous, Punch Drunk Love. He was great in all of those. This movie had Ben Stiller playing Rueben Feffer. He is a risk analyist for an insurance company. He always makes the right choices and he thinks that he is going to be perfect by marrying his real estate agent Lisa Kramer. The wedding goes off without a hitch, but the problem comes during the honeymoon. Rueben surprises Lisa with the news that he bought them a new house, but then they meet Claude, a French scuba instructor. Lisa goes with his and then has an affair. Dejected Reuben returns home and gets a new job from his boss Stan. Stan has him see wheather risk taker Leland Van Lew has a good chance of dying or not, so they could insure him. Reuben decides to bury himself into work, but his actor best friend Sandy thinks that he should start dating right away. He says no but when they go to a party, Reuben meets an old classmate of his from middle school, Polly Prince. They begin going to places together, an are very different from one another, but they are attracted to one another. From that point one, Reuben tries to figure out wheather he should be safer and return to Lisa who has returned and is begging for him to forgive her, or to take a chance and get together with Polly, who he really loves. "Along Came Polly," was an ok movie, but I was really expecting much more. When I go to movie, it is pretty easy to satisfy me. Mostly with comedies. As long as I could laugh about five times, and give me a satisfying ending I would consider it a good movie. "Along Came Polly," made me laugh a little bit, but it wasn't enough for me to give it more than a three star review rating. Ben Stiller didn't lose his comedic abilities, but I have seen better. Remember, "Meet the Parents," and "Zoolander," and "The Royal Tenenbaums." All three were better than "Along Came Polly." See it for the supporting cast and not for Ben Stiller and Jennifur Aniston, who also have no chemistry. It's a good movie, but it could have been much better. ENJOY! Rated PG-13 for sexual content, language, crude humor and some drug references.
Rating:  Summary: Along Came Polly review Review: Along Came Polly as mentioned in another review is not oscar winning material, but it would be nice addition to anyone's collection of romantic comedy. Anyway, as many have pointed out Stiller plays Reuben who is a risk analyst for a insurance firm. He never believes in taking risk unless he knows that is a safe bet. However, his analysts always failed when it came to relationships, LITERALLY! Even though everybody has serious doubts about Reubuen's idea to get married to Lisa, he said he knows he's making the right decision. Of course, the honeymoon proved he was wrong and now Reubuen trying to figure out what went wrong. Sandy Lyle his best friend throughout the whole movie gives him advice and support throughout all relationship choices Reubuen makes. Anyway, Sandy does convince him to attend a artisitic party where he meets Polly Prince (Jennifer Aniston) a girl he hasn't met since the 7th grade. Reuben believes that maybe there is a reason why he has met Polly and maybe she is the one. Even though she appears to have the same characteristics he supposedly has, Sandy once again reminds him that he has only met her for a few days and that she could end up being another Lisa. Reuben does discover what her life is like and it is not trying avoid risks, but there her lifestyle like salsa dancing and eating ethnic foods opens up Reuben and exposes a side of him that he didn't know existed. That maybe he isn't the playing it safe guy that he thought he was. As both Polly and Reuben were starting to get real close in their relationship, his wife comes back into the picture. Reuben then turns to Sandy and his computer of risk anaysts statisitics to determine who should he better off with, even though he knew in his heart that Polly was the one he wanted. In the end, just like the Family Man (if you've seen that movie) we never know if the two do get back together and get married, we just know that they try to get back together. Alot of people complain of the toilet humor, but it's not that bad considered the gags that were in other Stiller flicks like There's Something about Mary and Meet The Parents. It is a good light hearted comedy that avoids raunchy humor.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Is Hilarious Review: Forget what the people who analyze every movie they watch say and go and see this one. If you liked Theres Something About Mary and all those other politically incorrect movies then you will absolutely love Along Came Polly. Yes it is obvious that Jennifer Anniston's character and Ben Stiller's would end up together but you still wont predict the unbelievable yet side splittingly funny situations they both get themselves into along the way. One of Anniston's best and definitely worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of Fun Review: This was a fun movie. So what if it has a lot of bathroom humor bathroom humor is funny!! And NO! its not immature to laugh at it!I loved the part when his friend told what 'sharted' was. ~ha!! Good movie. Good love story opposites really attract!
Rating:  Summary: what its like to be romantic male in America Review: This was a different movie then I expected. From what I saw in the reviews I expected this to be sort of a raunchy comedy along the lines of the American Pie series. Actually the film is not raunchy, but it was a disturbing. Ben Stiller plays your average romantic American male trying to find love in a world that is far from a fairy tale. I and many other men trying to find real love in America, but having no luck can relate to this film. Ben Stillers character is a pathetic romantic who only wants to find the right girl and live happily ever after. After his marriage is on the rocks(a bit of a understatement), he meets Jennifer Aniston who plays polly. Polly has been through her share of bad relationships and has sworn off marriage, which is bad news for the pathetic romantic played by Stiller. The film about 2 hours runs a little longer then it should, but overall its worth seeing this film, just don't go with super high expectations. acting=3.5 stars ending=3 stars Directing and Editing=3 stars storyline=3.5 stars replay value=3.5 stars laughs= 3.5 stars OVERALL= 3.33 stars
Rating:  Summary: Funny, Funny, Movie Review: This movie is in my top 100 favorite comedys. Has 2 beatiful women in it (Debra Messing and Jennifer Aniston). And it's very funny and entertaining. I recommend to all to see.
Rating:  Summary: Along Came Polly.. Review: Though it's received mixed reviews, I decided to go and check it out yesterday. Maybe I'm not as picky as some people, but I found this movie highly enjoyable with a lot of good laughs. Of course, the overly-used bathroom gag was unneccessary, but I found myself laughing anyway. Ben and Aniston worked nicely together, and, while the movie is predictable, I enjoyed all of it. You should check it out if you are going for fun and aren't going to be analyzing everything about it.
Rating:  Summary: highly amusing and fun with Must See TV stars Review: Reuben (Ben Stiller) marries Lisa (Debra Messing of NBC's "Will & Grace") only to have him cuckold him the first day of his honeymoon to St. Bart's. Dispirited, he goes home to NYC to recoup at his life as a risk analyst for insurance underwriters. His best friend Sandy --- an actor in ONE 1980s teen flick which looks like John Hughes directed it -- convinces him to attend a very weird art gallery opening, where a waitress on the catering staff is Polly (Jennifer Aniston), whom he and Sandy knew back in the 7th grade. Polly is colorful, flaky and fun, and Reuben is attracted to her for being everything he is not. This is also what makes him want to stay away from her, as it is so different from what he is. I loved when he is talking to Polly on the phone, and the scene switches from her in her artsy vivid flat, and then to him in his ultramodern black-and-white decorated apartment. It is a bit bothersome that the crux of Polly and Reuben's fling (as Polly insists it is called) borrows heavily from a 1995 episode of "Friends". EVERYONE is going to recognize it as such! But overall this is a highly amusing, romantic and adorable flick. The look on Polly's face when she discovers uptight Reuben has learned how to salsa (badly) just for her is very touching. It's a great movie to see on a date, with friends, or even alone -- it is that good!